Both parties have a role under the law that looks at improving benefits on a broad basis and progress in the field of start-ups and innovation. The partnership aims to strengthen this role.
This type of collaboration is new, bringing together, on the one hand, leading research companies in the biotechnology and food industry and, on the other hand, an investment fund in the field of start-ups / innovative investments.
Both parties hope that new investment projects will emerge from the collaboration and that the number of start-up companies in the field that Matís ohf. specializes specifically, in fisheries and in agriculture and other parts of the bioeconomy.
Both companies are publicly owned and operate in accordance with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. They also have a strong connection to the university environment in the country in various ways.

The Business Innovation Fund
The role of the Business Innovation Fund is to promote the development and growth of the Icelandic economy by participating in investments in start-up and innovation companies. The fund also provides loans in parallel with the purchase of holdings. In its activities, the Innovation Fund takes into account the policy of the Science and Technology Policy Council. The fund may also seek co-operation with other parties in the field of risk financing.
Matís' role is to promote value creation in the bioeconomy, promote improved food security and improved public health. In recent years, Matís has emphasized revolutionary innovation and research, and to this end has, among other things, established start-up companies. Matís' international connections are extensive and the company has been a leader in the Icelandic knowledge community's advancement in international research collaboration.
Further information
Information on the collaboration is provided by Huld Magnúsdóttir, CEO of Nýsköpunarsjóður atvinnulífsins and Sveinn Margeirsson, CEO of Matís, which can be seen above at the signing of the letter of intent.