
Reykjagarður chooses Matís

Service Category:


Reykjagarður, the producer of Holta chicken, has signed a one-year contract with Matís (Matvælarannsóknir Íslands) for measurements of samples for the company's safety and quality control. These are mandatory measurements of Salmonella and Campylobacter in faecal samples from poultry farms. Samples will also be collected from other farms that have poultry slaughtered at Reykjagarður.

Reykjagarður sells Holta's products to retail chains, restaurants, fast food restaurants and canteens.

Samples from Reykjagarður will be examined at Matís' Food Safety Division. The main research projects of the Food Safety Division are in the field of microbiological and chemical research on food, feed and the environment. Microbial studies cover most of the most important pathogens that can be found in food. The Department of Food Safety is systematically working to increase collaboration with foreign research institutes and companies through international research and development projects.

"Matís laboratories are certified and can provide services in a wide range of microbiological and chemical measurements. The company focuses on efficient and reliable service and provides customers with favorable service contracts where the scope of the agreed projects is especially taken into account," says Franklín Georgsson, Matís' Food Division Division Manager.