
Red cutting of Icelandic mackerel fillets

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Hildur Inga Sveinsdóttir

Project Manager

The condition of mackerel caught within Icelandic jurisdiction makes it difficult to process. Studies on the possibilities of filleting and storing mackerel show that dark muscle under redness is sensitive to cravings. The aim of a project currently underway within Matís is to assess the possibility of mackerel fillet cutting and what effect the processing has on their quality and stability. Removing red and dark muscle could result in much more valuable fillet products as well as creating a platform for utilizing the side raw material in valuable food products.

Preliminary experiments have shown that it is possible to remove redness and dark muscle without damaging the fillet, but a lot of work needs to be done to adjust the equipment, do research on the stability of skinless fillets as well as look for ways to use the side raw material that falls off. then processing. Processing mackerel caught within Icelandic jurisdiction in high-quality skinless mackerel fillets and side raw materials in other value-added products can create a great increase in value for everyone who comes, the Icelandic fishing industry, the nation and the environment.

The project is funded by the Technology Development Fund and partners are the University of Iceland, Síldarvinnslan and Ísfélag Vestmannaeyja.