
SAFE reminds of the importance of food safety

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The SAFE Consortium publishes a strategic report on research priorities and the importance of food safety. The report was submitted to the European Commission, but reiterates the importance of putting food safety at the forefront of all food research. 

On 4 June, the SAFE Consortium, a co-operation platform for European food safety research institutes, published a strategic report on research priorities and the importance of food safety. The report was submitted to the European Commission, but reiterates the importance of putting food safety at the forefront of all food research.

Matís has been a strong participant in the SAFE collaboration in recent years, not least because Oddur Már Gunnarsson, Matís' Business Development Manager, has played a key role in SAFE's operations. He was chairman of the association from 2010 to 2012 and has been the general secretary of SAFE for the past year. At the same time, Matís has taken over the operation of the SAFE office, which is part of a restructuring of the association's operations.

Food security is the cornerstone of the food industry

Oddur says about the origin of the report: "Food security in Europe has been in good shape and few problems have arisen in recent years, so people have fallen asleep on the price and funding for the issue has decreased and thus the preparedness. The European Union's Framework Program has integrated food security into other aspects, such as food security, sustainability and more. But food security needs to be the foundation on which we build. All innovation in the food industry must be based on food security and therefore it must be specifically mentioned as a basis for all food industries. There is little point in having enough food if it is not safe - safety is a key factor. "

Oddur has also taken part in defining SAFE's new policy, which is based on moving the organization from conducting almost exclusively education to being strategic for others involved in this issue and ensuring that food safety is at the forefront everywhere. He says that the association has had to find ways to streamline operations but at the same time maintain purposeful work. The preparation of the report is part of this and Oddur believes that SAFE has established a new position with its publication. "SAFE may have become a bit of a tired brand, you always have to renew what you are doing over time to be successful."

He says the report has been well received by the Commission in Brussels, drawing attention to the dangers on the horizon and how to build on current experience to ensure consumer safety. "People generally agreed that what was in the report was good and I thought its mission was successful. They agreed with everything we said and we hope it will pay off in future EU research. "

Long-term research provides an overview

Oddur says that Matís' research is very important for SAFE, as the company is highly respected in European scientific collaboration. "It also provides an important overview to receive reports and research from all corners of Europe based on long-term research. They enable us to look for shared experiences and help organizations identify the dangers that exist. Little is still known about various aspects of food safety, such as the effects of chemical pollution on food and the link between increased allergies and food additives. "

Oddur says that co-operation with SAFE is a good background and ensures Matís good relations within Europe. "There are 13 institutions within the association and the power of the number will not be questioned. Participation in SAFE's work gives us a voice within the European Union, and in this way we can influence what research will be put in the forefront there in the coming years. "