
Fun information about food traditions, local consumption and sustainability, for primary and lower secondary schools and kindergartens

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Rakel Halldórsdóttir


Domestic food traditions and the origin of food are often unclear to children today as the connection from pasture to stomach is less clear than before. Consumption of the local environment also needs to be raised and interest in the utilization of raw materials and natural products from one's own environment needs to be stimulated. Children are the future and create a fun driving force for innovation and a healthy lifestyle in the spirit of the United Nations' Global Goals for the Sustainability of World Communities. The project KRAKKAR KOKKA is designed by Matís with the support of Matarauð Íslands at the Ministry of Industry and Innovation.

The project is based on the idea of entertainers and aims to strengthen children's knowledge and awareness of regional Icelandic primary food production and the generous Icelandic nature and its connection to food acquisition, through play and education. The project also emphasizes a discussion on responsible consumption where respect is given to nature and those who feed the nation, sustainable production methods, animal and human conditions and environmental considerations.

Health and well-being on the one hand and sustainability on the other are among the six basic elements of education according to the National Curriculum Guide for both primary and lower secondary schools. According to the National Curriculum Guide, the six basic elements revolve around "… On literacy in society, culture, environment and nature so that children and young people learn to build up mentally and physically, to save oneself in society and work with others. The basics revolve around also about the future vision and ability and willingness to influence and take an active part in maintaining, changing its community and develop it. ” KIDS KOKKA is designed with the aim that primary and lower secondary schools can easily and effectively use play and education through play and education as the only way to achieve these goals.

In short, the implementation of the project involves the children learning about the world goals of the United Nations, food traditions and the resources of their own region. Then the children go on a field trip to gather raw materials in the wild and / or to a primary producer in the area. The children then cook from the raw material that was picked up and finally consume the food. Part of the project involves the school in question making a short documentary about its implementation, which will be accessible to everyone for information on Matís' website at, but the purpose is for children all over the country to learn in a live way about food traditions and resources in other parts of the country. by watching videos from other schools. The children, with the help of teachers or others, are involved in making the videos themselves. Thus, part of the project is that children educate children through entertainment in a medium that children use a lot today, about important issues in life and the present and the future. At the end of the project, the children answer an opinion poll on the progress of the project, where information about its success will be collected.

The video of the primary school east of the lakes in Skagafjörður about the implementation of the project can be seen here: