
The South is the heart of vegetable production

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At the end of 2012, a decision was made to hire a joint employee with the University Association of the South for the Matís food factory in Flúðir.

Haraldur Hallgrímsson, division manager of Innovation and Consumers, says this is a very important step in the development of the food factory and a sign of its increased value in innovation and the development of food processing in the South.

"The employee of the food factory will map and support the development of food-related studies in the area, gather information about the needs of the companies and work with them, as well as handle the projects that are directly related to the food factory. This fits in very well with the emphasis we have in the food factories and I appreciate that in the South there are very great opportunities for Matís to support progress in food processing. We at Flúðir are at the heart of vegetable production in Iceland and one of the things we are looking at is to utilize experience that we can transfer from the fishing industry to that sector, for example in terms of processing methods, cooling, distribution technology and so on.

I believe that vegetable production will grow in the South in the coming years and we also see opportunities for innovation related to both agriculture and fisheries in the area. The grain farm is an example of this and in this context one can point to the production of the farmers in Þorvaldseyri. Matís' food factory in the South has therefore started well in the first year of operation and we are taking steps to strengthen it even further, "says Haraldur.

For further information Haraldur Hallgrímsson.