Matís and the company Grímur kokkur have worked together on projects to enrich seafood with biomaterials such as algae concentrate with defined antioxidant activity, hydrolysates to increase protein content and fish oils to increase omega-3 fatty acids first in a project funded by the AVS Fund (R 041-10) from 2010 to 2012.
About a year ago, a two-year Nordic project funded by Nordic Innovation began. The Nordic project also includes companies that produce food additives, the start-up company Marinox, which produces algae powder, the company Norður with protein hydrolysates and the Norwegian company BioActiveFoods, which has recently launched tasteless omega-3 powders. The project also includes the research company VTT in Finland as well as a Finnish company that produces seafood.
The company Grímur kokkur, which is nationally known for its seafood products, recently moved its operations to new premises in Eyjar, which are completely furnished to the company's needs. Chef Gísli Gíslason has also started working in the family business and will promote continued product development and innovation. In the Nordic project, the product development of enriched seafood is in full swing and two master's students at the Faculty of Food and Nutrition at the University of Iceland in collaboration with the Nutrition Laboratory will work on their final projects within the project. High hopes are pinned on the results of this project, where innovation and food companies work together in connection with universities and knowledge companies.
News on the Island.
Photo taken at a meeting yesterday Sigurður Gíslason and Grímur Gíslason from Grímur kokki, Emilía Martinsdóttir, Kolbrún Sveinsdóttir, Rósa Jónsdóttir and Valgerður Lilja Jónsdóttir master student.

For further information Emilia Martinsdóttir at Matís.