
Web courses in the development of new business ideas in the food sector

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From October 23 to November 13, Matís and the University of Iceland, in collaboration with the Finnish Innovation Center, the University of Cambridge and PAS IARFR in Poland, will hold online courses in training university students in the development of new business ideas about food.

This is a special online course for university students on new product and business ideas for foods that are both environmentally friendly and intended for consumers with special individual nutritional needs.

The course is estimated to take 45 hours, which is divided into 15 hours of teaching and 30 hours of group work under the guidance of experts (equivalent to 2 ects). Participants will get to know:

  • Eco-friendly innovation in the food sector
  • Food and innovation related to the nutritional needs of individuals
  • Foods and innovations in information technology (digital disruptions)

They receive training in working together in interdisciplinary groups

  • development of business ideas
  • making business models
  • to present and convince a group of judges of the excellence of business ideas

See introductory video.

More information and registration can be found here.