
Workshop on salmon farming - the report has been published

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A workshop on salmon farming was held in Ölfus Cluster's premises in Þorlákshöfn on 27 October 2021. The topics of the meeting were issues that are important to salmon farming in the sea and an attempt was made to identify all the main and latest solutions in those areas.

Discussions included preventive measures against salmon lice, innovations in feed production where the utilization of feed is maximized compared to the environment of aquaculture in the sea, and juvenile farming in controlled conditions on land; so-called Recirculating Aquaculture Systems (RAS). Scholars and experts in these fields from Iceland, the Faroe Islands, Norway, Denmark and Finland gave presentations on the latest trends and trends in the meeting's topics. The project was funded by AG Fisk, a Nordic grant fund, and led by the following scientists, experts and farmers from all the Nordic countries.

  • Gunnar Thordarson, project manager, Matís, Ísafjörður, Iceland
  • Björgolfur Hávardsson, NCE Seafood Innovation Cluster AS Norway
  • Gunnvør á Norði and Jóhanna Lava Kötlum, Fiskaaling, Faroe Islands
  • Kurt Buchmann, Department of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Frederiksberg, Denmark
  • Henrik Henriksen, The Danish Aquaculture Organization, Aarhus, Denmark
  • Marko Koivuenva, Finnish Fish Farmers' Association, Helsinki, Finland.

About 60 people attended the meeting, which began early in the morning and lasted until the middle of the day. The presentations of the performers who informed the participants about all the latest things that are happening with these important issues in fires in sea cages were very well received. There was great satisfaction with the performers and the presentations that were made, and a lot of questions and comments to them.

 The workshop was held in connection with Lagarlíf, which is a conference on aquaculture and breeding in Iceland, which was held on 28-29 October. It was almost possible to hold the workshop and conference due to disease control measures, but a short window was formed during this time to hold these meetings. As usual, people got off the train who were supposed to be on duty due to quarantine, but in time they managed to get other specialists in to fill the gap.

The project was linked to Matís' website, where you can access all the issues of the meeting. The page is accessible here: Nordic Salmon.

Following the meeting, a report was written on the performers' presentations and an introduction to the relevant parties: Nordic Salmon - Report.