Tilvísunarrannsóknarstofur Matís eru einar þær fullkomnustu á landinu og geta mætt margvíslegum þörfum viðskiptamanna með breiðu umfangi faggildra mæliaðferða á mörgum mismunandi sviðum.
Matís and the Food Ministry (MAR) have agreed on the operation of Matís reference laboratories (TVR; e. National Reference Laboratory (NRL)) in accordance with regulation no. 234/2020 and Act no. 93/1995. According to the agreement, Matís is in charge of TVR's operations in 11 areas:
- Salmonella in food - Páll Steinþórsson
- Monitoring of marine life - Sophie Jensen/Ildiko Olajos
- Listeria monocytogenes - Matthew Hiller
- Staphylococcus aureus - Kristrún Sigurjónssdóttir
- Pathogenic E. Coli - Hrólfur Sigurðsson
- Animal protein in feed - Halldóra Viðarsdóttir
- Pesticides - Eydís Ylfa Erlendsdóttir
- Heavy metals in feed and food - Natasa Desnica
- Fungicides - Sophie Jensen
- PAH - Ildiko Olajos
- PCBs and dioxins - Natasa Desnica
Reference laboratories in Iceland operate in collaboration with other reference laboratories in the European Economic Area. The statutory role and main responsibilities of the reference laboratory are diverse and include the coordination of the activities of nominated public research in each country. This includes advice and guidance on measurement methods, participation in the development and verification of measurement methods and the organization of comparative tests, inform designated laboratories in the field of measurement about comparative tests, monitor laboratory results and offer assistance or take actions according to Art. a specific process if necessary, disseminating knowledge and information from foreign reference laboratories to laboratories in Iceland, providing scientific and technical assistance to the competent authorities and maintaining accreditation.
It should be noted that Matís is not a supervisory body, supervision is in the hands of Matvælastofnun (MAST), or those parties to whom Matvælastofnun entrusts the implementation of supervision. Matís Reference Laboratories are one of the most advanced in the country and can meet the diverse needs of customers with a wide range of accredited measurement methods in many different areas. The laboratories are also well connected to foreign laboratories and mediate measurements that cannot be performed in Iceland.