Skred, a machine that creates wholesome health drinks from leftover ingredients

Project title: Cut

Partners: Guðmundur H. Sigurðsson

Research Fund: Icelandic Food Innovation Fund (is. Matvælasjóður)

Initial year: 2022


Anna Berg Samúelsdóttir

Project Manager

The aim of the project is broadly in three parts, firstly the best handling, storage and delivery of fresh dairy products, fruit and vegetables. Second, to provide automation and product dosing based on the consumer's preferences in an app. And thirdly, Skerið is an individualized technical solution in an app where the consumer enters information about himself and his needs, and thus orders a product based on the product's nutritional needs and environmental impact. In this connection, it will be possible to connect the consumer's information to other apps that, for example, keep track of the person's exercise and health.

The name, Skeríð, is a reference to the word skyr.