Graduated Matís students

Matís graduates over the years

NameLevel of studyDepartmentTasksUniversity
Anna Þóra HrólfsdóttirPh.D.Food scienceImproved utilization, preservation and quality of brown algae.University of Iceland
Rebecca SimPh.D.chemistryDreifing vatnssækinna og fitusækinna arsen efnasambanda meðal stórþörunga.University of Iceland
Eydís Ragna EinarsdóttirM.Sc.BiochemistryDevelopment of genetic tools for metabolic engineering of the thermophilic bacteria Geobacillus spp.University of Iceland
NameLevel of studyDepartmentTasksUniversity
Aurélien DaussinPh.D.Food scienceAirMicrome – Örlög loftborinna örvera sem fyrstu landnemar í jarðneskum samfélögum. (AirMicrome – The fate of depositing airborna microorganisms into pioneer terrestrial communities).University of Iceland
Júlía Karitas HelgadóttirM.Sc.Industrial Biotechnology Bioactivity screening of Icelandic brown seaweeds for application in cosmeticsUniversity of Iceland
Snorri Páll ÓlasonM.Sc.BiologyBacterial community succession during traditional fermentation processes of Greenland shark (Somniosus microcephalus)University of Iceland
Þóroddur SigurðssonM.Sc.Food scienceMicrobial contamination in PUR- and PE- insulated fish tubsUniversity of Iceland
NameLevel of studyDepartmentTasksUniversity
Cezara Maria PăstrăvPh.D.Department of Computer Science – Research EngineerSocial simulation for socio-ecological systems. An agent architecture for
simulations of policy effects.
University of Utrecht 
Guðrún Svana HilmarsdóttirPh.D.Department of Food and Nutrition The main influencing factors of quality and environmental impact in the production of fishmeal and fish oil from pelagic fish.University
Þórdís KristjánsdóttirPh.D.BioengineeringDeveloping little-studied bacteria as cellular factories: Focusing on metabolic modeling and engineering for Rhodothermus marinus and Lactobacillus reuteri University of Iceland
Sæmundur Elíasson Ph.D.Industrial engineeringThe effect of processing on board fresh fish trawlers on the quality of catfishUniversity of Iceland
Pauline BergstenPh.D.Engineering and natural sciencesStudy of subterranean microbial communities in basalt on the volcanic island of Surtsey off IcelandUniversity of Iceland
Jóhanna Elín Ólafsdóttir M.Sc.Food scienceProduct development of vegetable and vegetable dishes with new proteinsUniversity of Iceland
Didar Farid Kareem Al-ShateriM.Sc.Food scienceThe effects of storage conditions and ascorbic acid treatment on shelf life of cauliflower, broccoli, and rutabagaUniversity of Iceland
Alexandra LeeperPh.D.Food science A multi-disciplinary approach using growth performance, gut microbiome, and behavior to characterize and optimize the impact of dietary protein supply for Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) aquaculture.Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU)
Mohammed Raheem Waheed Almozani M.Sc.Food science The effect of different desalting methods on the quality of injected brine and pickle presalted bacalao from Atlantic Cod (Gadus morhua).University of Iceland
Sarra RemadiM.Sc.Food science Optimization and stability of lipid extracts from zooplankton rich sidestreams (Calanus finmarchicus) from pelagic processing.University of Iceland
Eva Margrét JónudóttirM.Sc.Food science Quality and characteristics of horsemeatUniversity of Iceland
Craig Douglas ClapcottM.Sc.Food science An Investigation into Icelandic Whiskey Production. Liquid gold from the North: Producing Icelandic whiskey with Icelandic malted barley and addition of exogenous enzymes.University of Iceland
Ólafur Tryggvi PálssonM.Sc.Food science Future fish. Product development in fish processing in the field of food printingUniversity of Iceland
Anna Þóra HrólfsdóttirM.Sc.Food science Seasonal Variation, Chemical Composition and Antioxidant Activities of Ascophyllum Nodosum.University of Iceland
Freysteinn Nonni MánasonM.Sc.Environmental and resource scienceContinued processing of salmon products in Iceland: Where are the opportunities and challenges?University of Iceland
Halldór SigurðssonM.Sc.School of Business and Natural SciencesDevelopment of a fishmeal factory: process analysis in a fishmeal factory in Vopnafjörður.University of Iceland
Hallgrímur ÞórðarsonM.Sc.School of Business and Natural SciencesComparison of catches in cans with ice and sludge: assessment of efficiency and carbon footprint.University of Iceland
Jón Örn Stefánsson M.Sc.School of Business and Natural SciencesUtilization of shrimp shells at Dögun: comparison of different processing methods.University of Iceland
Gabriella CsávásM.Sc.BiologyCell-free synthesis of 2-keto-3-deoxy gluconate from seaweed polysaccharides.University of Iceland
Hildur Inga SveinsdóttirPh.D.Food and nutritionIncreased value in the processing of Atlantic mackerel fillets (Scomber scombrus) - A study of the shelf life, chemical and processing properties of mackerel caught off the coast of Iceland. Value addition from Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus) fillets - Study of shelf life, chemical properties and processability of mackerel caught in Icelandic waters.University of Iceland
Stefán Þór EysteinssonPh.D.Food and nutritionEffects of redfish (Calanus finmarchicus) on the quality of pelagic fish and the management of processing processes. Characterization of Calanus finmarchicus and its effect on pelagic fish processing.University of Iceland
Stephen KnoblochPh.D.Faculty of Life and Environmental SciencesSymbiotic microbes in the marine sponge Halichondria panicea.University of Iceland
Britney Sharline KasmiranM.Sc.Food sciencePhysicochemical properties and potential utilization of side raw materials of yellowfin (Thunnus albacares) and albacore (Thunnus alalunga) tuna.University of Iceland
Elísa ViðarsdóttirM.Sc.Food scienceThe Golden head – Effect of size and season of catch on physicochemical properties of cod heads.University of Iceland
Guðlaug GylfadóttirM.Sc.Food scienceFreeze-drying of skyr – Product development and storage stability of a new protein source for hitch-hikers.University of Iceland
Anna Birna BjörnsdóttirM.Sc.Food scienceSeasonal variation in cod and saithe liver chemical and physical properties.University of Iceland
Árný Ingveldur BrynjarsdóttirM.Sc.Environmental and resource scienceSeasonal and in-plant variation in composition and bioactivity of Northern Dock (Rumex longifolius DC.) extracts.University of Iceland
Ásgeir JónssonM.Sc.Food scienceOptimized Sea Transport of Fresh Fillets and Loins. Quality and Cost.University of Iceland
Brynja EinarsdóttirM.Sc.Food scienceCharacterization of bioactive fucoidan polysaccharides from Icelandic algae.University of Iceland
Dagný Björk AðalsteinsdóttirM.Sc.Food scienceIsolation, hydrolyzation and bioactive properties of collagen from cod skin.University of Iceland
Einar SigurðssonM.Sc.Industrial engineeringThe effect of nematodes in cod processing.University of Iceland
Finnur JónassonM.Sc.Industrial engineeringProcessing, logistics and storage of frozen herring.University of Iceland
Hildur Inga SveinsdóttirM.Sc.Food scienceEffects of bleeding conditions and storage methods on the quality of Atlantic Cod.University of Iceland
Inga Rósa IngvadóttirM.Sc.Food scienceStability of lightly salted cod fillets (Gadus morhua) during frozen storage. Factors affecting the stability and the product variability.University of Iceland
Íris Mýrdal KristinsdóttirM.Sc.MathematicsThe natural entrepreneur.University of Iceland
Lilja Rut TraustadóttirM.Sc.Food and nutritionExposure to Selenium, Arsenic, cadmium and Mercury from seafood in the Icelandic population based on Total Diet Studies methodology.University of Iceland
Lilja Rún BjarnadóttirM.Sc.Food and nutritionShelf-life of fresh foal meat. Effect of modified atmosphere packaging.University of Iceland
Margrét Eva ÁsgeirsdóttirM.Sc.Food scienceAnti-diabetic properties of Fucus vesiculosus and pine bark extracts using the adipocyte cell model 3T3-L1. University of Iceland
Páll Arnar HaukssonM.Sc.Food scienceDevelopment of convenience meals enriched with omega-3 fatty acids and seaweed.University of Iceland
Paulina E. WasikPh.D.Food scienceQuality optimization of frozen mackerel products.University of Iceland
Sigríður SigurðardóttirPh.D.Industrial engineeringModeling and Simulation for Fisheries Management.University of Iceland
Sindri Rafn SindrasonM.Sc.Industrial engineeringIncreased efficiency in cooling systems for mackerel.University of Iceland
Stefán Þór EysteinssonM.Sc.Food scienceMarinated and dried blue whiting (Mcromesistius poutassou).University of Iceland
Erla SturludóttirPh.D.EngineeringStatistical analysis of trends in data from ecological monitoring.University of Iceland
Cyprian OdoliPh.D.Food and nutritionDrying and smoking of capelin (Mallotus villosus) and sardine (Sardinella gibbosa) – the influence on physicochemical properties and consumer acceptanceUniversity of Iceland
Andri ÞorleifssonM.Sc.Food and nutritionEffects of frozen storage on quality of Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus) caught in Icelandic waters.University of Iceland
Dana Rán JónsdóttirM.Sc.Food and nutritionTesting different antioxidants during hydrolysis of fish protein.University of Iceland
Guðbjörn JenssonM.Sc.Industrial engineeringFreshwater lobster farming in Iceland.University of Iceland
Hildur KristinsdóttirM.Sc.Food and nutritionUtilization and stability of cod liver during frozen storage – effects of season, on-board handling and storage conditions.University of Iceland
Hjalti SteinþórssonM.Sc.Mechanical engineeringCooling cycles of whole codUniversity of Iceland
Ildiko OljajósM.Sc.Food and nutritionImplementation and verification of an analytical method for the quantification of biogenic amines in seafood products.University of Iceland
Jóna Sigríður HalldórsdóttirM.Sc.Food and nutritionStability of lightly salted fillets during frozen storage.University of Iceland
Liza P. MuligM.Sc.Food and nutritionProcessing characteristics of cod clams.University of Iceland
Ásta H. PétursdóttirPh.D.chemistryInorganic and lipophilic arsenic in food commodities with emphasis on seafood.University of Aberdeen
Magnea Guðrún KarlsdóttirPh.D.Food scienceOxidative mechanisms and stability of frozen fish products.University of Iceland
Varsha KalePh.D.PharmacologyBioactive sulfated polysaccharides from the sea cucumber Cucumaria frondosa and enzymes active on this class of biomolecules.University of Iceland
Adriana MatheusM.Sc.Food and nutritionAntioxidant activity of phenolic fractions extracted from the brown algae Fucus vesiculosus in washed minced tilapia muscle.University of Florida
Ásta María EinarsdóttirM.Sc.Food and nutritionEdible seaweed for taste enhancement and salt replacement by enzymatic methods.University of Iceland
Berglind Heiður AndrésdóttirM.Sc.Food and nutritionDevelopment of probiotic fruit drinks.University of Iceland
Berglind Ósk AlfreðsdóttirM.Sc.Food and nutritionPolycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in mussels from Iceland - Food Safety and environmental aspect.University of Iceland
Harpa Hrund HinriksdóttirM.Sc.Food and nutritionBioavailability of n-3 fatty acids from enriched meals and from microencapsulated powder.University of Iceland
Helga FranklinsdottirM.Sc.Food and nutritionApplication of water jet cutting in processing of cod and salmon fillets.University of Iceland
Magnús Kári IngvarssonM.Sc.Mechanical engineeringAirflow and energy analysis in geothermally heated conveyor drying of fishbone.University of Iceland
Matthildur María GuðmundsdóttirM.Sc.Mechanical engineeringImprovements in conveyor drying of rockweed and kelp.University of Iceland
Sesselja María SveinsdóttirM.Sc.Food and nutritionSafety and quality of lettuce on the market in Iceland.University of Iceland
Steinunn Áslaug JónsdóttirM.Sc.Food and nutritionHigh quality redfish fillets for export: Improving handling, processing and storage methods to increase shelf life.University of Iceland
Telma B. KristinsdóttirM.Sc.Food and nutritionMackerel (Scomber scombrus), processing properties. Effect of catching seasons, freezing and cold storage on physical and chemical characteristics of mackerel after heat treatment.University of Iceland
Valgerður Lilja JónsdóttirM.Sc.Food and nutritionReady to eat meals enriched with omega-3 fatty acids – Product development and consumer study.University of Iceland
Sigrún Mjöll HalldórsdóttirPh.D.Food and nutritionNew and improved methods for producing hydrolyzed fish proteins with bioactive properties.University of Iceland
Anna-Theresa KienitzM.Sc.Environmental scienceMarine debris in the coastal environment of Iceland's nature reserve, Hornstrandir: sources, consequences and prevention measures.University of Akureyri
Ástvaldur SigurðssonM.Sc.Computer scienceMoving towards analyzability in fisheries system management.University of Reykjavik
Birgir Örn SmárasonM.Sc.Environmental and resource scienceLife Cycle Assessment on Icelandic Arctic char fed with three different feed types.University of Iceland
Birkir VeigarsonM.Sc.Mechanical engineeringOptimization of CO2 distribution and head transfer within plate freezing elements.University of Iceland
Filipe André Moreira de FigueiredoM.Sc.Aquaculture and fish biologyControl of sexual maturation and growth in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) by use of Cold Cathode Light technology.Hólar University
Pétur BaldurssonM.Sc.Financial engineeringPrice formation of raw materials for flounder processing.University of Iceland
Sindri Freyr MagnússonM.Sc.Industrial engineeringDownstream process design for microalgae.University of Iceland
Björn MargeirssonPh.D.Mechanical engineeringModeling of temperature changes during transport of fresh fish products.University of Iceland
Sophie RE JensenPh.D.PharmacologyBioactive natural substances from Icelandic sponge mosses - protozoan and cancer cell inhibitory activity.University of Iceland
Berglind Ösk Þ. ÞórólfsdóttirM.Sc.Environmental and resource scienceHealth and safety of pool water in natural bathing facilities.University of Iceland
Gígja EyjólfsdóttirM.Sc.Industrial engineeringPractices in Icelandic fish markets. Needs analysis and its use for improvement.University of Iceland
Gísli EylandM.Sc.Business AdministrationProfitability of increased head utilization on board freezer tugs.University of Iceland
Helga HafliðadóttirM.Sc.Political scienceThe European Union's Common Fishery Policy and the Icelandic Fishery Management System. Effective implementation of sustainable fisheries.University of Iceland
Jón Trausti KárasonM.Sc.Mechanical engineeringDesign and evaluation of the profitability of a mobile slaughterhouse.University of Iceland
Paulina Elzbieta RomotowskaM.Sc.Food engineeringSeasonal variation in lipid stability of salted cod muscle – Effect of copper (II) chloride on lipid oxidation.University of Iceland
Sindri MagnasonM.Sc.Mechanical engineeringDecision support tool for fleet management in the Icelandic fishing industry. Engineering Management, Operation.Technical University of Denmark
Stefán Freyr BjörnssonM.Sc.Industrial and operational engineeringAquafeed production from lower life forms. Preliminary process analysis of Single-Cell Protein and Black Soldier Fly Larvae production by converting organic waste to aquafeed ingredients.Aarhus University
Sæmundur ElíassonM.Sc.Mechanical engineeringTemperature control during containerized sea transport of fresh fish.University of Iceland
Valur Oddgeir BjarnasonM.Sc.Mechanical engineeringCFD Modeling of combined blast and contact cooling for whole fish.Technical University of Denmark
Nguyen Van MinhPh.D.Food scienceThe effect of different processes on the physical and chemical properties of processed salted fish.University of Iceland
María GuðjónsdóttirPh.D.Chemical engineeringQuality changes of marine products during processing, measured by NMR and NIR spectroscopy.NTNU Norway
Kristín Líf ValtýsdóttirM.Sc.Mechanical engineeringImproved packaging solutions for the export of fresh fish fillets.University of Iceland
Etienne GernezM.Sc.Environmental scienceAn assessment of the environmental impact of cargo transport by road and sea in Iceland.University of Akureyri
Hrólfur SigurðssonM.Sc.Food scienceAnalysis of measurement data in cold water quality control.University of Iceland
Eyjólfur ReynissonPh.D.MicrobiologyChanges in microbial communities during the spoilage process of fish products. Molecular biological study together with the development of rapid diagnostic tests for specific spoilage microbes.University of Iceland
Gholam Reza ShavikloPh.D.Food scienceProperties and applications of fish proteins in value added convenience foods.University of Iceland
Hélène Liette LauzonPh.D.MicrobiologyPrevention in cod farming: Isolation, use and effects of beneficial bacteria in the early stages of cod farming.University of Iceland
Kristín Anna ÞórarinsdóttirPh.D.Food scienceThe influence of salting procedures on the characteristics of heavy salted cod.University of Lund
Rannveig BjörnsdóttirPh.D.Fish immunologyBacterial flora in the early stages of halibut farming.University of Iceland
Snædís BjörnsdóttirPh.D.BiologyGenetic changes in the bacteria Rhodothermus marinus.University of Iceland
Ari ÓlafssonM.Sc.Decision EngineeringData Collection & Use in the Icelandic Fishing Industry.University of Reykjavik
Arna Vigdís JónsdóttirM.Sc.Industrial engineeringSummary and economic analysis of the process of fresh fish from catch to consumer.University of Reykjavik
Vordís BaldursdóttirM.Sc.Natural resourcesPCB content in fish and fish products.University of Akureyri
Sigríður SigurðardóttirM.Sc.EngineeringFunctional analysis during milk processing.University of Iceland
Ásta Heiðrún Elísabet PétursdóttirM.Sc.BiochemistryMorphology of arsenic in fishmeal using HPLC-ICP-MS technique.University of Iceland
Jon Óskar JonssonM.Sc.Biochemistryβ-Glucan Transferases of Family GH17 from Proteobacteria.University of Iceland
Loftur ÞórarinssonM.Sc.Business AdministrationIcelandic seafood products in Japan - Case study: Access of fermented Icelandic seafood products to the Japanese market - business plan.University of London
Kolbrún SveinsdóttirPh.D.Food scienceImproved seafood sensory quality for the consumer. Sensory characteristics of different cod products and consumer acceptance.University of Iceland
Tom BrennerPh.D.PhysicsAggregation behavior of cod muscle proteins.University of Iceland
Árni RúnarssonM.Sc.BiologyChanges in the oral microflora of occlusal surfaces of teeth with the onset of dental caries.University of Iceland
Magnea Guðrún ArnthórsdóttirM.Sc.Food scienceApplication of additives in chilled and frozen white fish fillets.University of Iceland
Sigríður Helga SigurðardóttirM.Sc.BiotechnologyBioethanol production of ethanol with anaerobic thermophilc mutant strains.University of Akureyri
Ragnhildur EinarsdóttirM.Sc.Food scienceThe influence of enzyme activity on physical properties in cod fillet productsUniversity of Iceland
Sveinn MargeirssonPh.D.Industrial engineeringProduction management, modeling.University of Iceland
Bjarni JónassonM.Sc.AquacultureFeed and aquacultureUniversity of Akureyri
Eyrún Gígja KáradóttirM.Sc.AquacultureBioactive substances in aquacultureUniversity of Akureyri
Gholamreza ShavikloM.Sc.Food scienceUse of fish proteins in prepared fish productsUniversity of Iceland
G. Stella ÁrnadóttirM.Sc.AquacultureFish PhysiologyUniversity of Akureyri
Gunnþórunn EinarsdóttirM.Sc.Food scienceIncreased consumption of fish among young people.University of Iceland
Jónas Rúnar ViðarssonM.Sc.Business AdministrationEnvironmental certification of fish productsUniversity of Iceland
Ruth HermannsdóttirM.Sc.AquacultureBioactive substances in aquacultureUniversity of Akureyri