Matís graduates over the years
Name | Level of study | Department | Tasks | University |
Anna Þóra Hrólfsdóttir | Ph.D. | Food science | Improved utilization, preservation and quality of brown algae. | University of Iceland |
Rebecca Sim | Ph.D. | chemistry | Dreifing vatnssækinna og fitusækinna arsen efnasambanda meðal stórþörunga. | University of Iceland |
Name | Level of study | Department | Tasks | University |
Aurélien Daussin | Ph.D. | Food science | AirMicrome – Örlög loftborinna örvera sem fyrstu landnemar í jarðneskum samfélögum. (AirMicrome – The fate of depositing airborna microorganisms into pioneer terrestrial communities). | University of Iceland |
Júlía Karitas Helgadóttir | M.Sc. | Industrial Biotechnology | Bioactivity screening of Icelandic brown seaweeds for application in cosmetics | University of Iceland |
Name | Level of study | Department | Tasks | University |
Cezara Maria Păstrăv | Ph.D. | Department of Computer Science – Research Engineer | Social simulation for socio-ecological systems. An agent architecture for simulations of policy effects. | University of Utrecht |
Guðrún Svana Hilmarsdóttir | Ph.D. | Department of Food and Nutrition | The main influencing factors of quality and environmental impact in the production of fishmeal and fish oil from pelagic fish. | University Iceland |
Þórdís Kristjánsdóttir | Ph.D. | Bioengineering | Developing little-studied bacteria as cellular factories: Focusing on metabolic modeling and engineering for Rhodothermus marinus and Lactobacillus reuteri | University of Iceland |
Sæmundur Elíasson | Ph.D. | Industrial engineering | The effect of processing on board fresh fish trawlers on the quality of catfish | University of Iceland |
Pauline Bergsten | Ph.D. | Engineering and natural sciences | Study of subterranean microbial communities in basalt on the volcanic island of Surtsey off Iceland | University of Iceland |
Jóhanna Elín Ólafsdóttir | M.Sc. | Food science | Product development of vegetable and vegetable dishes with new proteins | University of Iceland |
Didar Farid Kareem Al-Shateri | M.Sc. | Food science | The effects of storage conditions and ascorbic acid treatment on shelf life of cauliflower, broccoli, and rutabaga | University of Iceland |
Alexandra Leeper | Ph.D. | Food science | A multi-disciplinary approach using growth performance, gut microbiome, and behavior to characterize and optimize the impact of dietary protein supply for Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) aquaculture. | Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU) |
Mohammed Raheem Waheed Almozani | M.Sc. | Food science | The effect of different desalting methods on the quality of injected brine and pickle presalted bacalao from Atlantic Cod (Gadus morhua). | University of Iceland |
Sarra Remadi | M.Sc. | Food science | Optimization and stability of lipid extracts from zooplankton rich sidestreams (Calanus finmarchicus) from pelagic processing. | University of Iceland |
Eva Margrét Jónudóttir | M.Sc. | Food science | Quality and characteristics of horsemeat | University of Iceland |
Craig Douglas Clapcott | M.Sc. | Food science | An Investigation into Icelandic Whiskey Production. Liquid gold from the North: Producing Icelandic whiskey with Icelandic malted barley and addition of exogenous enzymes. | University of Iceland |
Ólafur Tryggvi Pálsson | M.Sc. | Food science | Future fish. Product development in fish processing in the field of food printing | University of Iceland |
Anna Þóra Hrólfsdóttir | M.Sc. | Food science | Seasonal Variation, Chemical Composition and Antioxidant Activities of Ascophyllum Nodosum. | University of Iceland |
Freysteinn Nonni Mánason | M.Sc. | Environmental and resource science | Continued processing of salmon products in Iceland: Where are the opportunities and challenges? | University of Iceland |
Halldór Sigurðsson | M.Sc. | School of Business and Natural Sciences | Development of a fishmeal factory: process analysis in a fishmeal factory in Vopnafjörður. | University of Iceland |
Hallgrímur Þórðarson | M.Sc. | School of Business and Natural Sciences | Comparison of catches in cans with ice and sludge: assessment of efficiency and carbon footprint. | University of Iceland |
Jón Örn Stefánsson | M.Sc. | School of Business and Natural Sciences | Utilization of shrimp shells at Dögun: comparison of different processing methods. | University of Iceland |
Gabriella Csávás | M.Sc. | Biology | Cell-free synthesis of 2-keto-3-deoxy gluconate from seaweed polysaccharides. | University of Iceland |
Hildur Inga Sveinsdóttir | Ph.D. | Food and nutrition | Increased value in the processing of Atlantic mackerel fillets (Scomber scombrus) - A study of the shelf life, chemical and processing properties of mackerel caught off the coast of Iceland. Value addition from Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus) fillets - Study of shelf life, chemical properties and processability of mackerel caught in Icelandic waters. | University of Iceland |
Stefán Þór Eysteinsson | Ph.D. | Food and nutrition | Effects of redfish (Calanus finmarchicus) on the quality of pelagic fish and the management of processing processes. Characterization of Calanus finmarchicus and its effect on pelagic fish processing. | University of Iceland |
Stephen Knobloch | Ph.D. | Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences | Symbiotic microbes in the marine sponge Halichondria panicea. | University of Iceland |
Britney Sharline Kasmiran | M.Sc. | Food science | Physicochemical properties and potential utilization of side raw materials of yellowfin (Thunnus albacares) and albacore (Thunnus alalunga) tuna. | University of Iceland |
Elísa Viðarsdóttir | M.Sc. | Food science | The Golden head – Effect of size and season of catch on physicochemical properties of cod heads. | University of Iceland |
Guðlaug Gylfadóttir | M.Sc. | Food science | Freeze-drying of skyr – Product development and storage stability of a new protein source for hitch-hikers. | University of Iceland |
Anna Birna Björnsdóttir | M.Sc. | Food science | Seasonal variation in cod and saithe liver chemical and physical properties. | University of Iceland |
Árný Ingveldur Brynjarsdóttir | M.Sc. | Environmental and resource science | Seasonal and in-plant variation in composition and bioactivity of Northern Dock (Rumex longifolius DC.) extracts. | University of Iceland |
Ásgeir Jónsson | M.Sc. | Food science | Optimized Sea Transport of Fresh Fillets and Loins. Quality and Cost. | University of Iceland |
Brynja Einarsdóttir | M.Sc. | Food science | Characterization of bioactive fucoidan polysaccharides from Icelandic algae. | University of Iceland |
Dagný Björk Aðalsteinsdóttir | M.Sc. | Food science | Isolation, hydrolyzation and bioactive properties of collagen from cod skin. | University of Iceland |
Einar Sigurðsson | M.Sc. | Industrial engineering | The effect of nematodes in cod processing. | University of Iceland |
Finnur Jónasson | M.Sc. | Industrial engineering | Processing, logistics and storage of frozen herring. | University of Iceland |
Hildur Inga Sveinsdóttir | M.Sc. | Food science | Effects of bleeding conditions and storage methods on the quality of Atlantic Cod. | University of Iceland |
Inga Rósa Ingvadóttir | M.Sc. | Food science | Stability of lightly salted cod fillets (Gadus morhua) during frozen storage. Factors affecting the stability and the product variability. | University of Iceland |
Íris Mýrdal Kristinsdóttir | M.Sc. | Mathematics | The natural entrepreneur. | University of Iceland |
Lilja Rut Traustadóttir | M.Sc. | Food and nutrition | Exposure to Selenium, Arsenic, cadmium and Mercury from seafood in the Icelandic population based on Total Diet Studies methodology. | University of Iceland |
Lilja Rún Bjarnadóttir | M.Sc. | Food and nutrition | Shelf-life of fresh foal meat. Effect of modified atmosphere packaging. | University of Iceland |
Margrét Eva Ásgeirsdóttir | M.Sc. | Food science | Anti-diabetic properties of Fucus vesiculosus and pine bark extracts using the adipocyte cell model 3T3-L1. | University of Iceland |
Páll Arnar Hauksson | M.Sc. | Food science | Development of convenience meals enriched with omega-3 fatty acids and seaweed. | University of Iceland |
Paulina E. Wasik | Ph.D. | Food science | Quality optimization of frozen mackerel products. | University of Iceland |
Sigríður Sigurðardóttir | Ph.D. | Industrial engineering | Modeling and Simulation for Fisheries Management. | University of Iceland |
Sindri Rafn Sindrason | M.Sc. | Industrial engineering | Increased efficiency in cooling systems for mackerel. | University of Iceland |
Stefán Þór Eysteinsson | M.Sc. | Food science | Marinated and dried blue whiting (Mcromesistius poutassou). | University of Iceland |
Erla Sturludóttir | Ph.D. | Engineering | Statistical analysis of trends in data from ecological monitoring. | University of Iceland |
Cyprian Odoli | Ph.D. | Food and nutrition | Drying and smoking of capelin (Mallotus villosus) and sardine (Sardinella gibbosa) – the influence on physicochemical properties and consumer acceptance | University of Iceland |
Andri Þorleifsson | M.Sc. | Food and nutrition | Effects of frozen storage on quality of Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus) caught in Icelandic waters. | University of Iceland |
Dana Rán Jónsdóttir | M.Sc. | Food and nutrition | Testing different antioxidants during hydrolysis of fish protein. | University of Iceland |
Guðbjörn Jensson | M.Sc. | Industrial engineering | Freshwater lobster farming in Iceland. | University of Iceland |
Hildur Kristinsdóttir | M.Sc. | Food and nutrition | Utilization and stability of cod liver during frozen storage – effects of season, on-board handling and storage conditions. | University of Iceland |
Hjalti Steinþórsson | M.Sc. | Mechanical engineering | Cooling cycles of whole cod | University of Iceland |
Ildiko Oljajós | M.Sc. | Food and nutrition | Implementation and verification of an analytical method for the quantification of biogenic amines in seafood products. | University of Iceland |
Jóna Sigríður Halldórsdóttir | M.Sc. | Food and nutrition | Stability of lightly salted fillets during frozen storage. | University of Iceland |
Liza P. Mulig | M.Sc. | Food and nutrition | Processing characteristics of cod clams. | University of Iceland |
Ásta H. Pétursdóttir | Ph.D. | chemistry | Inorganic and lipophilic arsenic in food commodities with emphasis on seafood. | University of Aberdeen |
Magnea Guðrún Karlsdóttir | Ph.D. | Food science | Oxidative mechanisms and stability of frozen fish products. | University of Iceland |
Varsha Kale | Ph.D. | Pharmacology | Bioactive sulfated polysaccharides from the sea cucumber Cucumaria frondosa and enzymes active on this class of biomolecules. | University of Iceland |
Adriana Matheus | M.Sc. | Food and nutrition | Antioxidant activity of phenolic fractions extracted from the brown algae Fucus vesiculosus in washed minced tilapia muscle. | University of Florida |
Ásta María Einarsdóttir | M.Sc. | Food and nutrition | Edible seaweed for taste enhancement and salt replacement by enzymatic methods. | University of Iceland |
Berglind Heiður Andrésdóttir | M.Sc. | Food and nutrition | Development of probiotic fruit drinks. | University of Iceland |
Berglind Ósk Alfreðsdóttir | M.Sc. | Food and nutrition | Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in mussels from Iceland - Food Safety and environmental aspect. | University of Iceland |
Harpa Hrund Hinriksdóttir | M.Sc. | Food and nutrition | Bioavailability of n-3 fatty acids from enriched meals and from microencapsulated powder. | University of Iceland |
Helga Franklinsdottir | M.Sc. | Food and nutrition | Application of water jet cutting in processing of cod and salmon fillets. | University of Iceland |
Magnús Kári Ingvarsson | M.Sc. | Mechanical engineering | Airflow and energy analysis in geothermally heated conveyor drying of fishbone. | University of Iceland |
Matthildur María Guðmundsdóttir | M.Sc. | Mechanical engineering | Improvements in conveyor drying of rockweed and kelp. | University of Iceland |
Sesselja María Sveinsdóttir | M.Sc. | Food and nutrition | Safety and quality of lettuce on the market in Iceland. | University of Iceland |
Steinunn Áslaug Jónsdóttir | M.Sc. | Food and nutrition | High quality redfish fillets for export: Improving handling, processing and storage methods to increase shelf life. | University of Iceland |
Telma B. Kristinsdóttir | M.Sc. | Food and nutrition | Mackerel (Scomber scombrus), processing properties. Effect of catching seasons, freezing and cold storage on physical and chemical characteristics of mackerel after heat treatment. | University of Iceland |
Valgerður Lilja Jónsdóttir | M.Sc. | Food and nutrition | Ready to eat meals enriched with omega-3 fatty acids – Product development and consumer study. | University of Iceland |
Sigrún Mjöll Halldórsdóttir | Ph.D. | Food and nutrition | New and improved methods for producing hydrolyzed fish proteins with bioactive properties. | University of Iceland |
Anna-Theresa Kienitz | M.Sc. | Environmental science | Marine debris in the coastal environment of Iceland's nature reserve, Hornstrandir: sources, consequences and prevention measures. | University of Akureyri |
Ástvaldur Sigurðsson | M.Sc. | Computer science | Moving towards analyzability in fisheries system management. | University of Reykjavik |
Birgir Örn Smárason | M.Sc. | Environmental and resource science | Life Cycle Assessment on Icelandic Arctic char fed with three different feed types. | University of Iceland |
Birkir Veigarson | M.Sc. | Mechanical engineering | Optimization of CO2 distribution and head transfer within plate freezing elements. | University of Iceland |
Filipe André Moreira de Figueiredo | M.Sc. | Aquaculture and fish biology | Control of sexual maturation and growth in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) by use of Cold Cathode Light technology. | Hólar University |
Pétur Baldursson | M.Sc. | Financial engineering | Price formation of raw materials for flounder processing. | University of Iceland |
Sindri Freyr Magnússon | M.Sc. | Industrial engineering | Downstream process design for microalgae. | University of Iceland |
Björn Margeirsson | Ph.D. | Mechanical engineering | Modeling of temperature changes during transport of fresh fish products. | University of Iceland |
Sophie RE Jensen | Ph.D. | Pharmacology | Bioactive natural substances from Icelandic sponge mosses - protozoan and cancer cell inhibitory activity. | University of Iceland |
Berglind Ösk Þ. Þórólfsdóttir | M.Sc. | Environmental and resource science | Health and safety of pool water in natural bathing facilities. | University of Iceland |
Gígja Eyjólfsdóttir | M.Sc. | Industrial engineering | Practices in Icelandic fish markets. Needs analysis and its use for improvement. | University of Iceland |
Gísli Eyland | M.Sc. | Business Administration | Profitability of increased head utilization on board freezer tugs. | University of Iceland |
Helga Hafliðadóttir | M.Sc. | Political science | The European Union's Common Fishery Policy and the Icelandic Fishery Management System. Effective implementation of sustainable fisheries. | University of Iceland |
Jón Trausti Kárason | M.Sc. | Mechanical engineering | Design and evaluation of the profitability of a mobile slaughterhouse. | University of Iceland |
Paulina Elzbieta Romotowska | M.Sc. | Food engineering | Seasonal variation in lipid stability of salted cod muscle – Effect of copper (II) chloride on lipid oxidation. | University of Iceland |
Sindri Magnason | M.Sc. | Mechanical engineering | Decision support tool for fleet management in the Icelandic fishing industry. Engineering Management, Operation. | Technical University of Denmark |
Stefán Freyr Björnsson | M.Sc. | Industrial and operational engineering | Aquafeed production from lower life forms. Preliminary process analysis of Single-Cell Protein and Black Soldier Fly Larvae production by converting organic waste to aquafeed ingredients. | Aarhus University |
Sæmundur Elíasson | M.Sc. | Mechanical engineering | Temperature control during containerized sea transport of fresh fish. | University of Iceland |
Valur Oddgeir Bjarnason | M.Sc. | Mechanical engineering | CFD Modeling of combined blast and contact cooling for whole fish. | Technical University of Denmark |
Nguyen Van Minh | Ph.D. | Food science | The effect of different processes on the physical and chemical properties of processed salted fish. | University of Iceland |
María Guðjónsdóttir | Ph.D. | Chemical engineering | Quality changes of marine products during processing, measured by NMR and NIR spectroscopy. | NTNU Norway |
Kristín Líf Valtýsdóttir | M.Sc. | Mechanical engineering | Improved packaging solutions for the export of fresh fish fillets. | University of Iceland |
Etienne Gernez | M.Sc. | Environmental science | An assessment of the environmental impact of cargo transport by road and sea in Iceland. | University of Akureyri |
Hrólfur Sigurðsson | M.Sc. | Food science | Analysis of measurement data in cold water quality control. | University of Iceland |
Eyjólfur Reynisson | Ph.D. | Microbiology | Changes in microbial communities during the spoilage process of fish products. Molecular biological study together with the development of rapid diagnostic tests for specific spoilage microbes. | University of Iceland |
Gholam Reza Shaviklo | Ph.D. | Food science | Properties and applications of fish proteins in value added convenience foods. | University of Iceland |
Hélène Liette Lauzon | Ph.D. | Microbiology | Prevention in cod farming: Isolation, use and effects of beneficial bacteria in the early stages of cod farming. | University of Iceland |
Kristín Anna Þórarinsdóttir | Ph.D. | Food science | The influence of salting procedures on the characteristics of heavy salted cod. | University of Lund |
Rannveig Björnsdóttir | Ph.D. | Fish immunology | Bacterial flora in the early stages of halibut farming. | University of Iceland |
Snædís Björnsdóttir | Ph.D. | Biology | Genetic changes in the bacteria Rhodothermus marinus. | University of Iceland |
Ari Ólafsson | M.Sc. | Decision Engineering | Data Collection & Use in the Icelandic Fishing Industry. | University of Reykjavik |
Arna Vigdís Jónsdóttir | M.Sc. | Industrial engineering | Summary and economic analysis of the process of fresh fish from catch to consumer. | University of Reykjavik |
Vordís Baldursdóttir | M.Sc. | Natural resources | PCB content in fish and fish products. | University of Akureyri |
Sigríður Sigurðardóttir | M.Sc. | Engineering | Functional analysis during milk processing. | University of Iceland |
Ásta Heiðrún Elísabet Pétursdóttir | M.Sc. | Biochemistry | Morphology of arsenic in fishmeal using HPLC-ICP-MS technique. | University of Iceland |
Jon Óskar Jonsson | M.Sc. | Biochemistry | β-Glucan Transferases of Family GH17 from Proteobacteria. | University of Iceland |
Loftur Þórarinsson | M.Sc. | Business Administration | Icelandic seafood products in Japan - Case study: Access of fermented Icelandic seafood products to the Japanese market - business plan. | University of London |
Kolbrún Sveinsdóttir | Ph.D. | Food science | Improved seafood sensory quality for the consumer. Sensory characteristics of different cod products and consumer acceptance. | University of Iceland |
Tom Brenner | Ph.D. | Physics | Aggregation behavior of cod muscle proteins. | University of Iceland |
Árni Rúnarsson | M.Sc. | Biology | Changes in the oral microflora of occlusal surfaces of teeth with the onset of dental caries. | University of Iceland |
Magnea Guðrún Arnthórsdóttir | M.Sc. | Food science | Application of additives in chilled and frozen white fish fillets. | University of Iceland |
Sigríður Helga Sigurðardóttir | M.Sc. | Biotechnology | Bioethanol production of ethanol with anaerobic thermophilc mutant strains. | University of Akureyri |
Ragnhildur Einarsdóttir | M.Sc. | Food science | The influence of enzyme activity on physical properties in cod fillet products | University of Iceland |
Sveinn Margeirsson | Ph.D. | Industrial engineering | Production management, modeling. | University of Iceland |
Bjarni Jónasson | M.Sc. | Aquaculture | Feed and aquaculture | University of Akureyri |
Eyrún Gígja Káradóttir | M.Sc. | Aquaculture | Bioactive substances in aquaculture | University of Akureyri |
Gholamreza Shaviklo | M.Sc. | Food science | Use of fish proteins in prepared fish products | University of Iceland |
G. Stella Árnadóttir | M.Sc. | Aquaculture | Fish Physiology | University of Akureyri |
Gunnþórunn Einarsdóttir | M.Sc. | Food science | Increased consumption of fish among young people. | University of Iceland |
Jónas Rúnar Viðarsson | M.Sc. | Business Administration | Environmental certification of fish products | University of Iceland |
Ruth Hermannsdóttir | M.Sc. | Aquaculture | Bioactive substances in aquaculture | University of Akureyri |