Equality and equal pay policy


Marta Gall Jörgensen

Director of Human Resources


Matís' equality policy

Introduction and goals

The goal of Matís‘ gender equality policy is to ensure equal status for all sexes and to create a positive workplace culture that nurtures and encourages a diverse flora of employees. It is Matís‘ goal that all employees enjoy the same respect and have equal opportunities for career advancement, regardless of gender, nationality, status, or circumstances. Matís will strive to achieve the above goal by:

  • Ensure equality in all decision-making involving employees, including decisions on employment, pay and retraining.
  • Enable employees to harmonize the requirements of work and family life as much as possible, e.g. with flexible working hours.
  • Not tolerating bullying, gender-based violence or sexual harassment.

Matís' equality policy

This equality policy covers all business activities of the company. Management is jointly responsible for the progress of gender equality in accordance with this plan, but the ultimate responsibility lies with the CEO.

  • Efforts shall be made to maintain an equal proportion of the genders in jobs and groups within Matís.
  • Equality shall be considered in the employment of employees and during job transfers. The most qualified person shall always be employed, and equality considerations shall be assessed equally with other considerations. Matís will ensure that individuals are not discriminated against when projects are allocated or during job transfers on the basis of gender or other factors unrelated to their professional competence.
  • All Matís employees shall enjoy comparable terms and rights for equally valuable and comparable jobs. Decisions on salaries and other matters that affect terms shall be based on objective criteria, completely independent of gender or other factors unrelated to their professional competence.
  • Efforts shall be made to create conditions for employees to harmonize the requirements of work and family responsibilities by, among other things, allowing flexible working hours. Matís emphasizes mutual flexibility regarding work and the working environment where possible. Such flexibility is based on close co-operation and mutual trust between staff and managers. Care must be taken, however, that there is no disruption to the services or projects performed by the company.
  • Individuals of all genders shall have equal access to training and vocational training.
  • Gender-based violence, sexual harassment and gender-based harassment are not tolerated by Matís. Gender-based violence is defined as violence which is gender-based and leads to or can lead to physical, sexual or psychological harm or suffering to the victim, as well as a threat of such, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty, both in private and in public. Sexual harassment is a sexual behavior that is unfair and/or offensive and in spite of the victim. Sexual harassment can be physical, verbal, or symbolic. Gender-based harassment is any kind of unfair and/or abusive behavior that is related to the gender of the victim, is unwelcome and affects the self-esteem of the victim. The harassment can be physical, verbal, or symbolic. See more in the bullying action plan.
  • Matís emphasizes that the workplace culture is such that everyone feels comfortable in the workplace and that a diverse flora of employees can enjoy themselves.

Special actions

The company‘s wage policy takes into account the education, experience, and responsibilities that come with each position, regardless of gender, when determining salaries and other terms of employees. Employees‘ wages are inspected annually in the light of the above and adjusted if necessary.

  • The aim is to maintain the equal pay certification.
  • Annual summary of gender ratios in all job groups along with an overview of advertised jobs, applicants, and recruitment.
  • The aim is to equalize the position of the sexes in management and influential positions.
  • Regular education on bullying, gender-based violence, sexual and gender-based harassment for employees, as well as the preparation of work rules regarding responses to such cases.
  • The general attitude of employees towards flexible working hours at Matís is examined regularly through an opinion poll or in an employee interview.
  • Targeted measures for continuous improvement and development of a positive workplace culture within Matís.

Detailed information on actions and time frames can be found in the Gender Equality Plan.

Responsibility for the company‘s gender equality issues and their progress is in the hands of the CEO in consultation with the human resources manager.

Equal pay policy

It is matís‘ policy to pay competitive salaries. When determining wages, responsibility and performance must be taken into account, and the principles of non-discrimination must always be observed.

All staff must enjoy equal pay, and Matís undertakes to follow relevant legal requirements and other requirements that equal pay must be paid for work of the same or equal value, regardless of gender.

The CEO is responsible for Matís‘ equal pay system. He is also responsible for the equal pay policies and for enforcing legal and other requirements related to the pay system.

The human resources manager is appointed as a representative of the senior management regarding the equal pay system and is responsible for its implementation and maintenance in accordance with the ÍST 85 standard. In order to enforce the equal pay policy, Matís commits to document, implement, maintain and continuously improve the management of the equal pay system in accordance with the requirements of the standard and to determine how its requirements will be met. Matís has implemented procedures and defined criteria for determining wages, where everyone is paid for their work based on its value, regardless of gender, gender identity, or other irrelevant reason.

Matís‘ goal is to be a sought-after workplace and for all genders to have equal opportunities at work.

In order to achieve that goal, Matís will:

  • Maintain a certified equal pay system based on the equal pay standard ÍST 85.
  • Carry out a wage analysis at least once a year, comparing jobs of equal value and checking whether there is a difference in wages between genders and present the main results to employees.
  • React to unexplained wage differentials through continuous improvement and monitoring.
  • Conduct internal audits and conduct annual management reviews.
  • Comply with the relevant laws, rules and wage agreements in force at any given time and confirm at a meeting that the policy is in accordance with the law.
  • Introduce the policy annually to Matís staff. The policy shall also be accessible to the public on Matís' external website.

Matís' equality plan