
Production of salted fish in the Nordic countries. Variation in quality and characteristics of the salted products




Kristín Anna Þórarinsdóttir, Ingebrigt Bjørkevoll, Sigurjón Arason

Styrkt af:

NORA (Journal nr. 510‐036)


Sigurjón Arason


Production of salted fish in the Nordic countries.   Variation in quality and characteristics of the salted products

The Nordic countries are the largest exporters of salted gadoid products, whereas countries in South‐Europe and Latin America are the biggest importers. In Norway, Iceland and Faroe Islands, cod is primarily used for the production. The characteristics of the salted fish, such as commercial quality and weight yield vary between the countries and between producers. These attributes are influenced by differences in catching methods, handling and salting methods. This report summarises the variation in these procedures, and in addition, the market segmentation of salted products, from the different countries.

Meginhluti saltfiskframleiðslu í heiminum fer fram innan norrænu landanna en stærsti neytendahópurinn er í S‐Evrópu og S‐Ameríku.   Þorskur er megin hráefnið en einnig er framleiddur saltfiskur úr öðrum skyldum tegundum, s.s. ufsa, löngu, ýsu og keilu.    Eiginleikar saltfiskafurð, svo sem gæði og nýting, eru breytilegir milli framleiðslulanda og framleiðenda.    Þessir breytur eru háðar veiðiaðferðum, hráefnismeðhöndlun og söltunaraðferðum.    Skýrslan er samantekt á breytileika í þessum þáttum milli framleiðslulanda, ásamt úttekt á hlutdeild þeirra á saltfiskmörkuðum.

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