Growing fish consumption worldwide has driven fish processors to introduce innovative seafood products with extended shelf-life and desirable organoleptic properties. This study investigates the impact of freezing deep-skinned Atlantic mackerel fillets before and after smoking, prior to canning. Physicochemical and organoleptic properties of canned fillets were evaluated after 1 and 12 months of storage at room temperature. The formation of primary oxidation products (PV) was similar in both cases, while the secondary oxidation products (TBARS) were significantly lower when the fillets were smoked before freezing. PV and TBARS were significantly lower in all canned mackerel samples after prolonged canned storage compared to the shorter storage. However, lipid oxidation and hydrolysis were very limited after both treatments and, therefore, do not constitute an issue in these products. Results of product evaluation and instrumental texture analysis of canned mackerel indicated more beneficial characteristics (firmer fillets, nor mushy) when fillets were frozen first and then hot-smoked (FSC). Fillets that were smoked first and then frozen (SFC), irrespective of the canning storage time, were characterized by a mushy texture and appearance, which can negatively impact consumer acceptance. Therefore, freezing prior to hot-smoking may represent a better choice if the fillets are intended for canning.
Merki: Canning
The suitability of using sunflower and rapeseed oils, and water as media for the canning of smoked fillets from Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus) caught during feeding migration was investigated. Physicochemical and sensory changes were evaluated after one month of storage at room temperature. The aqueous medium in the cans led to significantly higher water content and lower salt content than when sunflower or rapeseed oil was used, indicating that while additional water was absorbed by the fillets, salt was leached due to the cook-out effect during sterilization and storage. Using sunflower oil, regardless of the ratio, resulted in better retention of the traditional and desired smoky odour and -flavour, and preserved the juicy and tender texture of the fillets better than when rapeseed oil was used. Fillets canned in water exhibited a significantly lower salty flavour and fat-in-mouth attribute than those canned in vegetable oils. While there were only minor differences in the overall sensory parameters among treatments, the variation in salty flavour and fat-in-mouth feeling are crucial due to their significant impact on consumer acceptance. Therefore, using water as a medium is suggested as a favourable option for canning deep-skinned and smoked fillets from well-fed Atlantic mackerel.
Effect of brining and frozen storage on physicochemical properties of well-fed Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus) intended for hot smoking and canning
Makríll (Scomber scombrus) er tiltölulega ný nytjategund við strendur Íslands. Þar sem makríll er feitur fiskur með stutt geymsluþol, krefst hann því hámörkunar á geymsluaðstæðum og vinnsluferlum. Í þessu verkefni voru breytingar á efna- og eðliseiginleikum við hitameðhöndlun á söltuðum og ósöltuðum makríl rannsakaðar. Fyrir vinnslu var fiskurinn geymdur í 6, 9 og 12 mánuði við -18 °C og -25 °C með það fyrir augum að kanna hversu vel íslenskur frosinn makríll hentar sem hráefni í niðursoðnar og heitreyktar vörur. Til þess að athuga þau áhrif sem hitameðhöndlun hefur á vinnslueiginleika makríls voru sýnin hituð upp í 75 °C (til að herma eftir reykingu) og 90 °C (til að herma eftir niðursuðu). Langvarandi geymsla í frosti hafði neikvæð áhrif á hráefnið vegna aukinnar þránunar og var fiskurinn sem geymdur var við -18 °C með marktækt lakari gæði samanborið við fisk sem geymdur var við -25 °C fyrir vinnslu. Niðurstöðurnar sýndu að afurð hituð að 75 °C hafði hærra vatnsinnihald, hærri vatnsheldni og hærri nýtingu og var auk þess meyrari samanborið við afurð hitaða að 90 °C. Á heildina litið þá gefa niðurstöðurnar til kynna að feitur sumarmarkíll gæti hentað vel til vinnslu á niðursoðnum og heitreyktum afurðum.
Atlantic Mackerel (Scomber scombrus) is a novel species in Iceland and as a fatty fish with a short shelf-life it requires optimization of storage and processing conditions. Physicochemical changes of brined and un-brined mackerel were analysed during frozen storage (6, 9, 12 months) at -18 °C vs. -25 °C with the aim of investigating the suitability of using well-fed frozen mackerel as raw material for canned and hot-smoked products. Heat treatments to a core temperature of 90 °C (representing canning) and 75°C (representing hot-smoking) were applied. Prolonged frozen storage showed negative effects on the raw material prior to heat processing due to an increased level of lipid oxidation, where fish stored at -18 °C was of significantly poorer quality than fish stored at -25 °C. Moreover, the results indicated that heat treatment resulting in a core temperature of 75 °C showed higher water content, liquid holding capacity, heating yield as well as lower maximum shear force of texture compared to mackerel heated to a core temperature of 90 °C. Overall, analyses indicated that the fatty summer mackerel was well suitable for production of canned and hot-smoked products.
Skoða skýrslu
Tilraunir við vinnslu ígulkerahrogna
Í þessu verkefni voru framkvæmdar þrjár tilraunir með mismunandi markmið. Markmið fyrstu tilraunarinnar var að kanna gæði ígulkerahrogna og prófa snöggfrystingu hrogna með útflutning í huga. Í annarri tilrauninni voru notaðar greinóttar dextrin sykrur (cluster dextrin, Glico) og alginate til þess að styrkja ytra byrði hrognanna, tilgangurinn var að finna efni sem gæti komið í stað alums til að hrognin héldu sér betur frá vinnslu til kaupanda. Í þriðju tilrauninni var markmiðið að kanna hvort hægt væri að vinna ígulkerahrogn með hitameðhöndlun sem magnvöru og jafnframt hvort hægt væri aðskilja vinnsluna í tíma, þ.e. hvort opna mætti kerin og pakka hrognunum í stærri einingar svo hægt væri að meðhöndla þau annars staðar en þar sem kerin væru opnuð.
In this project three experiments were undertaken. The goal in the first one was to explore the quality of gonads (sea urchin roes) and try to instant-freeze it for export. In the second experiment clusterdextrin and alginate was used to make the surface of the roes stronger. The purpose of that experiment was to find a substitude for alum for the gonads to keep their shape during the time from prosessing to buyer. In the third experiment the goal was to explore if it was possible to process gonads with heating in a large quantity and if it was possible to separate the stages of processing so tha the gonads could be collected and packed in one location, then further processed in another.
Skýrsla lokuð til 01.07.2016
Skoða skýrslu
Fullvinnsla á makríl / Full processing of mackerel
Meginmarkmið verkefnisins var að þróa verðmætar afurðir til manneldis úr makríl sem veiddur er af uppsjávarskipum ásamt því að meta arðsemi slíkrar vinnslu. Afurðir makrílvinnslu til manneldis eru mun verðmætari en afurðir frá fiskimjölsvinnslu og eru mikli hagsmunir fólgnir í vinnslu til manneldis s.s. niðursuða og heitreyking. Gerðar voru tilraunir með vinnslu makríls í niðursuðu. Makríll var soðinn niður í tómatpúrre og reyktur og soðinn niður í olíu. Einnig voru gerðar tilraunir með heitreykingu á makríl. Hagkvæmni slíkrar vinnslu var gerð ásamt næmnigreiningu, miðað við 13% ávöxtunarkröfu. Jákvæðar niðurstöður tilrauna með vinnslu makríls í niðursuðu og heitreykingu ásamt arðsemismati á slíkum vinnslum, gáfu til kynna að slík vinnsla væri arðbær til lengri tíma.
The main objective of this project was to develop valuable products from mackerel for human consumption together with evaluation of profitability of such processing. Mackerel products for human consumption are more valuable than products from oil and meal processing. Trials were done on processing mackerel products from canning in oil and tomatpuré, and hotsmoking. Profitability of such process was evaluated with IRR (internal rate of return) of 13%. Favourable results of the project indicated that processing of canned and smoked products could be profitable in the long‐term.
Skoða skýrslu
Þróun á búnaði og ferli fyrir ensímmeðhöndlun á lifur fyrir niðursuðu / Development of a process for enzyme treatment of liver before canning
Markmið verkefnisins var að auka verðmæti og nýtingu lifrar til niðursuðu, með því að þróa leið og vinnsluferil fyrir ensímhreinsun á himnu af lifur til að losa hringorma sem staðsettir eru á yfirborði lifrarinnar. Ennfremur var markmiðið að þróa aðferð og búnað til pækilsöltunar á lifur fyrir niðursuðu. Afrakstur og ávinningur verkefnisins fólst í þróun á tækni með ensímum sem er árangursrík til að losa um himnu og hringorma á yfirborði lifrar fyrir niðursuðu. Aköst vinnslunnar jukust og nýting jókst úr 60% í 80‐85%. Fjárfestingin telst arðbær og arðsemi heildarfjárfestingar (ROTA) skilar sér inn aftur innan fárra ára.
The aim of this project was to increase the profitability in the production of canned liver, by developing a process to remove the ringworms from the membrane at the surface of the liver with enzymes, before canning. Furthermore, to develop a process for brining of liver before canning. The yield and the profit of the project consisted of a development of a technique with enzyme which successfully remove membrane and ringworms from the surface of the liver before canning. The efficiency of the production increased along with the yield from 60% to 80‐85%. The investment is profitable and the return on total asset will be in a few years.
Lokuð skýrsla – Closed report