
Dry-aged fish: First trials to a new product




Cécile Dargentolle og Dóra Svavarsdóttir

Styrkt af:

Bára Matvælasjóður- 97473


Cecile Dargentolle


Tilgangur rannsóknarinnar var að kanna möguleika í hæg-meyrnun “dry-ageing” á mismunandi gerðum af fiski: mögrum og feitum. Þar sem þurrkskápurinn (dry-ager) var heimagerður, var ekki hægt að vinna með lægra hitastig en 4°c. Unnið var með það hitastig og séð hvernig fiskurinn brást við því. Með því að prófa að setja í þurrkskáp (dry-ager) bæði flök og heilan fisk, kom í ljós að það þyrfti styttri tíma fyrir flök að komast á svipaðan stað í verkun og heilan fisk. Rýrnun þurfti að vera a.m.k. 15% til þess að ná réttri verkun: bættri áferð og bragði. Þessar rannsóknir sýndu líka að sérhannaður og smíðaður þurrkskápur (dry-ager) myndi gefa nákvæmari svör, þar sem hægt er að stýra bæði hita- og rakastigi mun betur, myndi skila sér í mun betri lokaafurð. pH gildi, litur, vatns innihald og rýrnun ásamt skynmati lofa góðu í notkun á hæg-meyrnun (dry-ageing) á fiski til að auka geymsluþol og verðmætari skynmatsáhrifum. 
Those trials were aiming at evaluating the feasibility of dry-ageing different type of fish: lean and fatty. As the dry-ager was homemade, the temperature could not been lowered lower than 4°C, allowing the trials to see if the fish would support those temperatures. By trying both fillets and full fish  to be dry-aged, the project showed that the time in the dry-ager would be shorter for fillet to get to a similar stage than full fish. The weight loss of both should at least be 15% to get a desirable stage: improved texture and taste.  Those trials also showed us that commercial dry-ager would present more benefices, as with more stability of both temperature and humidity, the quality of the final product will be better. pH, colour, water content and weight loss as well as sensory showed promising results to use dry-aged fish as a preserving technique to improve both shelflife and sensory characteristics of seafood.  

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Dry-aged fish: Second trials in a commercial dry-ager




Cécile Dargentolle og Dóra Svavarsdóttir

Styrkt af:

Bára Matvælasjóður- 97473


Cecile Dargentolle


Annar hluti rannsóknarinnar á hæg-meyrnun (dry-ageing) á fiski, beindist að því að auka skilning á þeim breytum sem virka best (hitastig, rakastig og tími) til að ná fram æskilegum einkennum hæg-meyrnaðs (dry-aged) fisks. Hæg-meyrnun (dry-ageing) er verkun þar sem vatnsinnihald fisks er minnkað og fiskurinn rýrnar, þar til að að hægist á niðurbroti á fisknum nægjanlega til að tryggja lítinn örveruvöxt (líkt og í reyktum fiski). Þessar rannsóknir leiddu í ljós að vinna þarf með lægra rakastig en 82% og 2°c hitastig hentar vel. Hægt er að lengja geymsluþol á fiski með hæg-meyrnun (dry-ageing) og var heill fiskur í þurrkskápnum (dry-ager) í 2 vikur og geymdur áfram í 2 vikur í viðbót án þess að skemmast. Tilraunir með frystingu og geymslu sýndu að hæg-meyrnaður (dry-aged) fiskur hentar vel í hvoru tveggja. Þessar rannsóknir gera kleift að setja fram fyrstu yfirlýsingarnar varðandi hæg-meyrnun (dry-ageing) á fiski þar sem þetta eru fyrstu vísindalegu rannsóknirnar sem gerðar hafa verið. 
The second batch of trials from the project dry-aged fish, aimed at understanding which parameters would be best (temperature, humidity, and time) to reach satisfactory dry-aged characteristics to the fish. Dry-ageing is a process where the water content in the fish reduces and the fish losses some weight, to reach a stage where the degradation will be slow enough to ensure low bacterial growth (similar to smoked fish). Those trials showed that humidity should be lower than 82% and that 2°C is working. Shelflife of fish can be extended thanks to dry-ageing as full fish could stay in the dry-ager for at least 2 weeks and then stored for 2 more weeks without having any bad attribute developing. Freezing tests and storage tests allowed to show that dry-aged fish supports both processes. Those trials allowed to set the first statements regarding dry-ageing fish, with the first scientific data collected. 

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Rapid methods for quality evaluation: Evaluation of salted cod following desalting, freezing and storage




Hildur Inga Sveinsdóttir, María Guðjónsdóttir, Sigurjón Arason, Cecile Dargentolle og Kolbrún Sveinsdóttir

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AVS Rannsóknasjóður og Matvælasjóður


Kolbrún Sveinsdóttir


Þessi skýrsla er lokuð / This report is closed. 

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The effect of different desalting methods on the quality of injected brine and pickle salted frozen cod (Gadus morhua)




Cecile Dargentolle, Hildur Inga Sveinsdóttir, Sigurjón Arason og Kolbrún Sveinsdóttir

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AVS Rannsóknasjóður og Matvælasjóður


Kolbrún Sveinsdóttir


Þessi skýrsla er lokuð / This report is closed. 

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Shelf life of differently treated thawed desalted cod loins and tails after storage at -25°C up to 27 months




Cecile Dargentolle, Hildur Inga Sveinsdóttir, Jónas Baldursson, Sigurjón Arason og Kolbrún Sveinsdóttir

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AVS Rannsóknasjóður og Matvælasjóður


Kolbrún Sveinsdóttir


Þessi skýrsla er lokuð / This report is closed. 

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Shelf life of frozen desalted cod (Gadus morhua)




Cecile Dargentolle, Hildur Inga Sveinsdóttir, Jónas Baldursson, Sigurjón Arason og Kolbrún Sveinsdóttir

Styrkt af:

AVS Rannsóknasjóður og Matvælasjóður


Kolbrún Sveinsdóttir


Þessi skýrsla er lokuð / This report is closed. 

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Desalting experiments




Cecile Dargentolle, Hildur Inga Sveinsdóttir, Sigurjón Arason og Kolbrún Sveinsdóttir

Styrkt af:

AVS Rannsóknasjóður


Kolbrún Sveinsdóttir


Þessi skýrsla er lokuð / This report is closed. 

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Ritrýndar greinar

Valorisation of Frozen Cod (Gadus morhua) Heads, Captured by Trawl and Longline by the Oceanic Fleet, by Enzymatic Hydrolysis


Aðalheiður Ólafsdóttir


In the Norwegian oceanic fleet, whitefish onboard processing creates a great amount of rest raw materials. Cod heads are nutritious and a good source for production of high-quality marine peptides. Frozen cod heads, captured by trawl or longline, were evaluated based on the lightness and redness in the neck cut to compare the quality in heads from the different fishing gears. The heads were subjected to enzymatic hydrolysis. The hydrolysates have been chemically and sensory characterized. There was no significant difference in quality or chemical and sensory characteristics based on type of fishing gear. The resulting hydrolysates were of high quality, although moderately bitter. The study demonstrates that frozen cod heads from the oceanic fleet can be an excellent source of high-quality proteins for human consumption.


Quality optimization of frozen redfish products




Ásbjörn Jónsson, Cecile Dargentolle, Huong Thi Thu Dang, Magnea Karlsdóttir, María Guðjónsdóttir, Sigurjón Arason

Styrkt af:

AVS R&D Fund (R 029-15)


Sigurjón Arason


Hámörkun gæða frosinna karfaafurða / Quality optimization of frozen redfish products

The aim of the study was twofold. Firstly, to explore the influence of time and temperature during frozen storage on lipid deterioration of red fish. That was done by comparing the effect of temperature fluctuation and abuse during frozen storage, as can be expected during transportation, on the physicochemical characteristics and lipid stability of redfish fillets. Secondly, to investigate the effect of 4 days postcatch and 9 days postcatch, and seasonal variation on the quality and storage stability of frozen red fish.

Storage temperature and storage time affected the physical- and chemical properties in redfish, e.g free fatty acids, TBARS and TVB-N. Season of capture affected both the nutritional value and stability of golden redfish. The light muscle of fish caught in November was richer in EPA and DHA than in the fish caught in June. The fish caught in November was also more unstable through frozen storage, due to a more unsaturated nature of the fatty acids present, indicating that special care needs to be applied during handling and treatment of golden redfish caught at this time. The light muscle had a higher nutritional value than the dark muscle and is a good nutritional source for human consumption. However, the dark muscle was prone to lipid oxidation which may have a negative influence on the more valuable light muscle. So there seems to be need to separate them.

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Holding of Sea Urchins and Scallops in a RAS Transport System




Guðmundur Stefánsson, Aðalheiður Ólafsdóttir

Styrkt af:

EIT Food


Guðmundur Stefánsson


Holding of Sea Urchins and Scallops in a RAS Transport System

Trials were carried out at Matís on holding live sea urchins and scallops in a RAS system developed by Technion, Israel, which not only recirculates the water, but additionally controls the pH and removes toxic ammonia. The aim of the trials was to test the feasibility of holding sea urchins and scallops alive in the RAS system for 10 days at 4°C, with at least 90% survival. The project was funded by EIT food, and the participants were Technion and Matís. 

The survival of sea urchins held in the RAS system at 4°C was high during the first five days. Eight days from catch the survival was only 80%, after 12 days about 50% and after 15 days, 10%. Sea urchins, packed in the standard way of transporting live urchins (in polystyrene boxes at 4°C) were at similar quality as the RAS stored sea urchins, five days from catch and the roe was still edible at eight days from catch. All the urchins in the polystyrene boxes were dead after 12 days storage and the roe inedible.

Scallops had a high survival when held in the RAS system or about 89% after 24-days at 4°C.  

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