Peer-reviewed Articles:
Skåra T., Axelsson L., Stefánsson G., Ekstrand B., Hagen H .. Fermented and ripened fish products in the northern European countries - (2015). Journal of Ethnic Foods, 2(1), 18-24.
Sturludóttir E., Gunnlaugsdottir, H., Nielsen OK, Stefansson G .. Detection of a changepoint, a mean-shift accompanied by a trend change, in short time-series with autocorrelation - (2017). Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, 46(7), 1-11.
Sturludóttir, E., Nielsen, Ó.K., Stefánsson, G .. Evaluation of ptarmigan management with a population reconstruction model - (2018). The Journal of Wildlife Management, 82(5), 958-965.
Sone, I., Sveinsdóttir, HI, Stefánsson, G., Larsson, K., Undeland, I., Skåra, T., Romotowska, PE, Karlsdóttir, MG. Investigating commercially relevant packaging solutions to improve storagestability of mechanically flleted Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus) produced under - (2020). European Food Research and Technology, January, .