
Is the use of mushroom protein one step towards more sustainable and healthier eating habits?

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With the increasing population growth and awareness of the environmental impact of world food production, the need for the development of new ingredients has also increased. At the same time, the food industry continues to strive to meet consumer demands for food quality and nutritional value. Based on this, it has been examined whether biotechnology can be used to develop protein-rich ingredients in food and thereby meet the demand for increased sustainability and wholesomeness in food.

The FUNGITIME project, which is funded by the European Union through EIT food and Matís, leads the development of various foods that contain ABUNDA® mushroom protein. The ABUNDA® protein contains a mixture of nutrients, fiber, vitamins and minerals, and the foods that are evolving are varied. Examples include snacks, pasta and various beverages such as milk substitutes. The aim of the project is to develop foods that have excellent nutritional and biological properties while meeting as many consumer demands as possible.

In recent months, Matís has carried out development work on recipes for fresh tagliatelle pasta that contains ABUNDA® mushroom protein. On the one hand, it is a traditional pasta recipe where a certain percentage of flour is replaced by ABUNDA®. However, a pasta recipe has been developed that is suitable for those who prefer a vegetarian diet.

There are various problems with developing pasta in this way, but some properties of the pasta dough, such as adhesion and elasticity, change considerably when it is used. Consumer surveys conducted in connection with the project have also shown that consumers want more products without all the additives that are often used when producing substitute products that are supposed to mimic some kind of original product. It has therefore been assumed that no added material will be used in this development of pasta to meet these requirements.

However, the use of ABUNDA® fungal protein is expected to have several benefits. The protein is of high quality but the production cost is nevertheless low and the production is largely sustainable. The protein is also healthy, high in fiber and suitable for vegetarians and greengrocers.

Further reading on ABUNDA® mushroom protein and the technology behind it can be found here