
The Icelandic Championship in food crafts

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Óli Þór Hilmarsson

Project Manager

Icelandic Food Craft Championship, Askurinn 2019, will be held 19-21. November. The results of the competition will be announced at the Food Festival in Hvanneyri on November 23 at 14:00. Matís ohf is responsible for the competition in collaboration with the West Iceland Strategy, the West Iceland Marketing Agency, the Agricultural University of Iceland and Matarauð Íslands.

A food craft competition is for Swedish food craft producers, Swedish Championships in Math Craft. also called Særimner, has been held annually, with a good reputation since 1998 Eldrimner which is the Swedish National Center for Food Crafts. The competition involves producers receiving a professional assessment of the quality of the product and a prize, the Askurinn, is awarded for the products that are considered to excel. Winners will receive a certificate of recognition and permission to mark the winning products with an appropriate sticker, gold, silver or bronze box, with the logo of the competition and the year. The markings on prize products may be used until the next competition. The gold medalist is also the Icelandic Champion in the relevant category.

A food craft competition was held for the first time in the autumn of 2014 in collaboration with Matís and New Nordic Food (Ny Nordis Mad). The competition was very successful, 110 products took part in 8 food categories from all the Nordic countries. The winners received good media coverage and some of them are still using this recognition in their marketing work.

What is a food craft?

Food craftsmanship is about creating products with an emphasis on unique taste, quality and not least image, which industry can not create. The emphasis is on the use of local ingredients, production in small quantities that are often regional. Food craft products are wholesome, without unnecessary additives and products that can be traced back to the source. The hallmark of food craftsmanship is to use the raw materials, manpower and know-how available on site, throughout the entire production chain. In food crafts, the emphasis is on developing traditional products for today's consumers.

More information about competition categories, rules and participation can be found here.