
MNÍ Food Day - nominations for Fjöregg

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MNÍ Food Day 2016 will be held at Hotel Natura on Thursday 20 October. The title of the conference is: The Impact of Food Research in a Changing World and the forthcoming changes in global consumption will be discussed and the importance of education and research in that context.

As usual, "FJÖREGG MNÍ" will be awarded on Food Day for a commendable initiative in the field of food and / or nutrition. Fjöreggið, an Icelandic glass artwork, designed and produced by Gleri in Bergvík, will, as before, be provided with support from the Confederation of Icelandic Industries.

Everyone is free to nominate products or good initiatives of companies, institutions or associations that have shown initiative and excelled in the field of food and / or nutrition and are worthy of competing for the prize. It is important to state the reasons for the nomination.

Members are strongly encouraged to share what they believe is being done well in this area.

Nominations, marked "Fjöregg MNÍ", should be sent to the e-mail address no later than September 20th.