
IFL wishes to hire a project manager to work at Höfn in Hornafjörður

Service Category:


This weekend, IFL advertised for hiring a project manager to work at Höfn in Hornafjörður. This is a new job that will be done in close connection with the activities of Frumkvöðlasetur Austurlands ehf.

The role of the project manager is to manage and work on projects on behalf of IFL. in Hornafjörður but they include:

  • overseeing day-to-day operations, project acquisition and planning
  • collaboration with companies and individuals on projects
  • work on projects related to lobster fishing and processing
  • mapping opportunities
  • present projects and opportunities in the environment.

Applicants must have completed a master's degree in science or engineering. Applicants must have initiative and independence in working methods, good command of English and Icelandic and agility in human relations.

The planned activities will be based in the knowledge center New worlds Harbor in Hornafjörður. Nýheimar houses, among others, Fruman, Framhaldsskólinn í Austur-Skaftafellssýsla, Menningarmiðstöð Hornafjarðar, Háskólasetur Háskóli Íslands, Þjóðgarðurinn í Skaftafell, Þórbergssetur, Frumkvöðlafræðslan SES, og Fuglaathugunarstöð suðausturlands. Nýheimar is a new, specially designed building with an emphasis on implementing new thinking, technology and working methods in education, culture, development work and innovation, which will be useful in strengthening culture and the economy.

Applications with information about education and work experience, as well as recommendations are sent to the Fisheries Research Institute, Skúlagata 4, 101 Reykjavík.

Wages are in accordance with the wage agreement between the Minister of Finance and the relevant trade union.

The application deadline is March 31, 2006. It is desirable that the person in question can start work as soon as possible

For further information, please contact Sigurjón Arason,, phone 530 8600