
Initial meeting in the project Cycle Economy of Meat Production

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An introductory meeting was held today in the project Cycle Economy of Meat Production. This is an exciting collaborative project between Matís and Kjarnafæði / Norðlenska that deals with the utilization of by-products from meat production.

The meeting of course took into account the current disease control rules and took place through teleconferencing equipment, as can be seen in the attached picture.

The aim of the project is to improve the production and handling of raw materials by identifying opportunities for the utilization of by-products from slaughter. Based on the results of an analysis that has already taken place on by-products at Kjarnafæði / Norðlenska, it is proposed to study two main options in the project; on the one hand, to investigate the possibility of utilization and processing of animal blood and, on the other hand, the utilization of general slaughter waste as a raw material for pet food production. A life cycle analysis will also be performed on current processes and the new processes that will be analyzed. The novelty of the project is the use of known solutions to improve domestic utilization and production and to develop products that are new in Iceland.

It will be possible to follow the progress of the project on its project page here: Meat production cycle economy