
What will the food of the future be like? NextGenProteins photo contest results

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This summer the project was completed NextGenProteins, which Matís is working on, for a photo competition for students aged 8-10. The topic was the food of the future, and the students sent in their graphic representation of how they envisioned the food of the future.

It is nice to say that the photo competition received more than 50 magnificent photos from elementary schools from all over the country. The pictures were hung inside the walls of Matís and staff and visitors were given the chance to vote for their favorite picture. Three films won outright and there was a lot to win. The first prize was a Nintendo Switch Light computer, the second prize was ISK 15,000. a gift certificate to Smáralind and the third prize was ISK 10 thousand. gift certificate in Spilavini. All winners have been contacted.

Here you can see the top three places in the photo competition:

1st place Saga Vogaskóli
2nd place Íris Vogaskóli
3rd place Victoria Höfðskóli

The winning photo has been sent to Germany, where it will be shown at the final conference of the NextGenProteins project, together with the winning photos of other nations participating in the project.

Matís and NextGenProteins would like to thank everyone who participated in the photo competition for their participation!