
Workshop on SMEs and Nordic Food Competence Centers - Ny Nordisk Mad II / Workshop on food factories and new Nordic foods




Gunnþórunn Einarsdóttir, Guðjón Þorkelsson

Supported by:

New Nordic Food


Guðjón Þorkelsson

Strategic Scientist

Workshop on SMEs and Nordic Food Competence Centers - New Nordic Mad II / Workshop on food factories and new Nordic foods

All over the Nordic countries, there are food factories that provide entrepreneurs and small producers with advice and access to production facilities. The food factories have organized courses, conferences and helped to form networks and exchange experiences. There are 5 such workshops in Norway that Nofima runs with the support of Innovation Norway. In Iceland, there are three food factories that Matís runs in collaboration with municipalities and business development associations. In Finland, the Food Development Competence Cluster is part of the National Center of Expertise Program and has five food factories around the country. There are many such workshops in Sweden, for example there are counseling centers in Jämtland for farmers who produce milk on a small scale. In the town of Östersund, which was voted "Unesco City of Gastronomy" in 2011, you will find Eldrimner, a national center for small producers in Sweden. In Denmark, there are many different centers with a similar approach, ie. to support entrepreneurs and small producers. The aim of this workshop was for representatives from all these food workshops to meet and learn from each other, build networks and come up with ideas on how activities such as these could support and strengthen "New Nordic Food".

In all Nordic countries there are competence centers that offer entrepreneurs and very small scale producers services like consultation, processing facilities, courses, seminars, networks, work practice exchanges and more. In Norway there are five centers run by Nofima and supported by Innovation Norway. In Iceland there are three runs by Matís in collaboration with local authorities and support agencies. In Finland the Food Development Competence Cluster is a part of the National Center of Expertise Program with five food centers around the country. In Sweden there are many centers for example: Resource center for small scale dairy production in Jamtland. In Östersund the Unesco city of gastronomy 2011 we have „Eldrimner“, the Swedish National Center for Small Scale Artisan Food Processing giving producers the best possible support. In Denmark there are many different centers with the same approach to support entrepreneurs and small scale producers. The aim of this seminar / workshop was to bring the Competence Centers together for two days to get to know and learn from each other; build a network and to discuss and come up with proposals on how these activities can support and strengthen New Nordic Food.

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Effect of superchilled processing of whole whitefish - pre ‐ rigor / Effect of supercooling on spoilage processes and shelf life of whole fish and fillets




Aðalheiður Ólafsdóttir, Björn Margeirsson, Kolbrún Sveinsdóttir, Sigurjón Arason, Eyjólfur Reynisson, Emilía Martinsdóttir

Supported by:

AVS Fund of Ministry of Fisheries in Iceland (R 062‐11)


Aðalheiður Ólafsdóttir

Sensory evaluation manager

Effect of superchilled processing of whole whitefish - pre ‐ rigor / Effect of supercooling on spoilage processes and shelf life of whole fish and fillets

The aim of the experiment was to investigate the effect of supercooling on the damage processes and shelf life of whole fish and fillets. A study was carried out on whole supercooled cod soon after fishing and also on the effect of supercooling on fillets made from supercooled cod and cod cooled in ice in the traditional way. Temperature measurements, sensory evaluation, chemical and microbial measurements were used to compare the following experimental groups, which were stored at –1.4 to –1.2 ° C average temperature:

1) NC: whole cod cooled in ice

2) SC: supercooled whole cod

3) NC-NC: traditional fillet processing from whole cod cooled in ice

4) NC ‐ SC: super-chilled fillets made from whole cod cooled in ice

5) SC-NC: traditional fillet processing from super-chilled whole cod

6) SC-SC: super-chilled fillets made from super-chilled whole cod

Sensory evaluation results suggest that supercooled processing of whole cod can extend its shelf life by two days. Supercooling of whole cod did not affect the acidity, water content, water resistance and microbial growth of whole fish compared to fish that were not supercooled during processing. According to sensory evaluation, there was little difference in the shelf life of different fillet groups. Shelf life was estimated at 16-18 days, which is quite a long time for cod fillets. However, the freshness period of the experimental group SC-SC seemed to be somewhat longer than the other groups. As with whole cod, there was little difference between the fillet groups in terms of microbial growth, chemical and physical properties. Limited differences between experimental groups can possibly be explained by stable and supercooled storage conditions. With this in mind, it is planned to carry out another similar experiment, which will simulate more typical environmental temperature processes in the transport of fresh fish products (0–4 ° C) than in this experiment (–1.4 to –1.2 ° C).

The main aim of the study was to study the effects of superchilled processing on storage life of both whole fish and fillets. The following experimental groups were evaluated by means of temperature monitoring, chemical and microbial measurements and sensory evaluation, which were stored at mean temperatures of –1.4 to –1.2 ° C:

1) NC: non ‐ superchilled whole cod

2) SC: superchilled whole cod

3) NC ‐ NC: non ‐ superchilled fillets from non ‐ superchilled whole cod

4) NC ‐ SC: superchilled fillets from non ‐ superchilled whole cod

5) SC ‐ NC: non ‐ superchilled fillets from superchilled whole cod

6) SC ‐ SC: superchilled fillets from superchilled whole cod

The results from the sensory evaluation indicate that superchilled processing of whole cod can extend shelf life by two days. Differences in values of pH, water content, water holding capacity and bacterial growth between the superchilled and non ‐ superchilled whole fish groups were minor. Differences in sensory scores between the fillet groups were small. Shelf life was estimated between 16 and 18 days which is quite long shelf life for cod fillets. However, the SC ‐ SC group seemed to retain freshness a little longer than other groups. As in case of the whole cod, the differences in bacterial count, chemical and physical properties between the fillet groups were small. Very similar fish temperatures between both the whole fish and the fillets groups resulting from the superchilled storage conditions applied may be the main reason for the small differences obtained. Thus, another study with more common temperature conditions during transport and storage of fresh fish (chilled but not superchilled) will be performed.  

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Efling grænmetisræktar á Íslandi / Increased opportunities in Icelandic vegetable production




Guðjón Þorkelsson, Anna Lára Sigurðardóttir, Vigfús Ásbjörnsson, Sandra Rún Jóhannesdóttir, Gunnþórunn Einarsdóttir, Kolbrún Sveinsdóttir, Valgerður Lilja Jónsdóttir

Supported by:

Job creation in coastal areas


Guðjón Þorkelsson

Strategic Scientist

Efling grænmetisræktar á Íslandi / Increased opportunities in Icelandic vegetable production

The purpose of this project was to identify opportunities in domestic vegetable growing at the expense of imported vegetables. The conditions of vegetable growers in Iceland were studied and the environment in which they live was brought to the surface. A preliminary survey was conducted on possible mapping of areas in Iceland and a search was made for possible information available for such mapping. A lot of useful information was found that is owned by parties who want to provide it if such mapping were to be carried out in the future. An extensive study was carried out on the school canteen and the food on the tables. The study was conducted with the aim of identifying and creating opportunities for vegetable producers to increase their production and processing of vegetables for a new target group that would be the school canteen of the future where domestic production would have more space.

The purpose of this project was to discover opportunities in local production of vegetables on the cost of imported products in the same industry. The conditions for local producers in Iceland were analyzed and the environment around them brought to the surface. An analyzes where taken on the possibilities on producing maps for Icelandic vegetable producers where different growing conditions for vegetable production would be brought into one map for the producers to have to see different condition for different vegetable in different areas in Iceland. It was discovered that lots of data is available for such a map which will be available if a production of such a map will take place. A big research was performed on a school canteen with the purpose of discovering opportunities for local producers for entering into this type of market segment in Iceland where the locally produced vegetables would get more space.

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Undesirable substances in seafood products - results from the Icelandic marine monitoring activities in the year 2011




Hrönn Ólína Jörundsdóttir, Vordís Baldursdóttir, Natasa Desnica, Þuríður Ragnarsdóttir, Helga Gunnlaugsdóttir

Supported by:

Ministry of Fisheries and Agriculture

Undesirable substances in seafood products - results from the Icelandic marine monitoring activities in the year 2011

In 2003, at the initiative of the Ministry of Fisheries, monitoring of undesirable substances in marine products, both for human consumption and products for the fish oil and flour industry, began. Matís has been entrusted with the supervision of the monitoring project. The purpose of the monitoring is to assess the condition of Icelandic marine products with regard to the amount of contaminants. The aim is also to collect independent scientific data on undesirable substances in seafood for the government, the fishing industry and buyers and consumers of Icelandic seafood. The data collected in the monitoring project will also be used in risk assessment and to build up a database on contaminants in the Icelandic ecosystem. Coverage of contaminants in marine products, both in the mainstream media and in scientific journals, has many times demanded the response of the Icelandic government. It is necessary to have scientific results available that show the actual condition of Icelandic seafood in order to prevent damage that may result from such coverage. Furthermore, the limits of contaminants are under constant review and it is important for Icelanders to participate in such a review and support their case with scientific data. This shows the importance of regular monitoring and that Iceland conducts independent research on such an important issue as marine product pollution. This report is a summary of the results of the monitoring for 2011. Assessment of the condition of Icelandic marine products with regard to contaminants is a long-term project and will only be carried out through continuous monitoring. Every year, therefore, the missing data is carefully reviewed, thus aiming to fill in the gaps. In 2011, for the first time, so-called PFC substances were measured in Icelandic seafood intended for human consumption as well as products for the fish oil and flour industry, but PFC substances are surfactants that have received increased attention due to their persistence and toxicity. The following substances were also measured: dioxin, dioxin-like PCBs and pointer PCBs, PBDEs, metals, as well as 12 different types of pesticides. In 2011, grayling roe was also measured, along with cod roe, gillnets and liver to assess the distribution of pollutants in these organs. Of the PCFs, PFOS was the only PFC that was detected above the limit of detection and the concentration of PFOS was generally low. As before, a small amount of undesirable substances was generally measured in Icelandic seafood in 2011 and no sample was measured with undesirable substances above the limit value.

This screening of undesirable substances in seafood products was initiated by the Icelandic Ministry of Fisheries and Agriculture in the year 2003. Until then, this type of monitoring had been limited in Iceland. Matis was assigned the responsibility of carrying out the surveillance program, which has now been ongoing for eight consecutive years. The purpose of the project is to gather information and evaluate the status of Icelandic seafood products in terms of undesirable substances. Further, the aim of the project is to provide independent scientific data on undesirable substances in Icelandic seafood for food authorities, fisheries authorities, industry, markets and consumers. The information will also be utilized for a risk assessment and gathering of reference data. This report summarizes the results obtained in the year 2011 for the screening of various undesirable substances in the edible part of marine catches, fish meal and fish oil for feed. The evaluation of the status of the Icelandic seafood products in terms of undesirable substances is a long term project which can only be reached through continuous gathering of data. For this reason, both the undesirable substances and seafood samples are carefully selected each year with the aim to fill in the gaps of the available data. Thus, the project fills in gaps of knowledge regarding the level of undesirable substances in economically important marine catches for Icelandic export. In the year 2011, PFCs were analyzed for the first time in the edible part of fish, fish oil and meal for feed from Icelandic fishing grounds but PFCs is a group of surfactants that have received increased attention due to their persistence and toxic effects. In addition, data was collected on dioxins, dioxin-like PCBs, marker PCBs, 12 different types of pesticides, PBDEs and trace metals. Samples collected in 2011 generally contained low concentrations of undesirable substances. The year 2011, lumpfish roes as well as roes, sperm and liver of cod were analyzed in order to estimate the organ distribution of pollutants. PFOS was the only PFC analyzed above limits of detection and its concentration was generally low. These results are in agreement with our previous results obtained in the monitoring program in the years 2003 to 2010. No sample contained undesirable compounds exceeding the maximum level set by the EU.

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The effect of fish protein digestion on the development of cod larvae / The effect of fish protein hydrolyzate on the development of cod larvae




Hólmfríður Sveinsdóttir, Jónína Jóhannsdóttir, Rannveig Björnsdóttir, Oddur Vilhelmsson, Hugrún Lísa Heimisdóttir, Patricia Hamaguchi, Annabelle Vrac, Gunnlaugur Sighvatsson, Steinar Svavarsson, Arnljótur Bjarki Bergsson, Agnar Steinarsson

Supported by:


The effect of fish protein digestion on the development of cod larvae / The effect of fish protein hydrolyzate on the development of cod larvae

One of the main problems with cod farming is severe declines in the early stages of maturation and the quality of juveniles. The aim of this project was to obtain a more complete picture of the effect of enrichment of food animals with saithe protein digestion on biochemical processes in early maturing cod by applying imaging methods and protein quantity analysis. The results indicate considerable antioxidant activity of saithe protein digestion as well as some effect on inflammatory activity. The performance of larvae in breeding experiments was rather low, although the growth rate was quite acceptable and there were few serious appearance defects. Treatment with saithe protein digestion did not appear to affect larval performance or defects, but there was evidence of stimulation of IgM and lysozyme production in the gastrointestinal tract and on the larval surface. Protein set analyzes showed that treatment affected the expression of cytoplasmic proteins, stress-involved proteins as well as the metabolic enzyme ATP-synthase. The results indicate that the use of saithe protein digestion can improve and even out the quality of juveniles if the quality of the eggs is deficient, but when good eggs are used, the treatment has no effect.

High larval mortalities and anatomical deformities are among the major obstacles restricting the development of Atlantic cod aquaculture. The present project was aimed at studying the effects of a pollock hydrolyzate supplementation during early developmental stages of cod on growth, development and survival. Furthermore, protein expression was evaluated as well as the distribution and intensities of selected parameters of the unspecific immune system. The hydrolyzate was found to display antioxidant activity and can be regarded as a feed supplement to the live prey items. The survival from larvae to juvenile in the experiment was relatively poor, with satisfactory larval growth and low incidence of severe deformities. Offering hydrlysate enhanced live prey to larvae did not affect larval survival or development. Treatment resulted in stimulated IgM and lysozyme production. Proteome analysis showed that treatment with fish hydrolysates has an effect on the expression of structural, stress and metabolic proteins. Overall, the results indicate that fortification of the live prey with pollock hydrolyzate can result in improved or more even larval quality following poor egg quality, however, with no effects if eggs are of better quality.  

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Matís staff does not leave their mark… ..and neither does anyone else

On the occasion of Environment Day and Green April, Matís employees took action and collected rubbish around the company's headquarters at Vínlandsleið 12.

There was no need to pick up the rubbish, as much had accumulated after the winter.

Green April 2012 - debris lost


Simulation of temperature changes in the transport of fresh fish products

On Wednesday 2 May, a doctoral dissertation in mechanical engineering will take place at the Faculty of Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Iceland's School of Engineering and Natural Sciences. Simulation of temperature changes during transport of fresh fish products.

See news on the web University of Iceland

Opponents are Trygve Magne Eikevik, professor of mechanical engineering, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim and dr. Jean Moureh, Refrigerating Process Engineering Research Unit, IRSTEA, France.

Dr. Ólafur Pétur Pálsson, professor and president of the Faculty of Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science, will chair the ceremony, which will take place in the Celebration Hall of the University of Iceland in the Main Building and will begin at 14:00.

Abstract from the study

Temperature control in the transport of fresh food from processing to the market has a decisive effect on the spoilage processes of the product. Fresh fish products are examples of such products. The aim of this dissertation is to analyze and improve the temperature control in the cooling chains of fresh fish products from processing to the market through experiments and mathematical heat transfer models. The results of environmental and product temperature measurements in actual air and sea transport processes are used to design transport simulator experiments, where different packaging solutions are compared in terms of insulation value and the quality of the fish products they contain. The results of the simulation experiments are used to verify the results of three-dimensional heat transfer models of fresh and / or super-chilled whitefish packed in individual boxes or stackers on pallets under heat stress.

The results indicate considerable problems in temperature control in air transport, especially in the case of passenger aircraft, but less so in container transport by ship. However, improvements are still needed in some maritime transport chains. The importance of pre-packing before packing is demonstrated to maintain the correct fish temperature during transport, especially during flight. The same applies to frozen cooling mats, which are recommended to be spread as much as possible around fish fillets or pieces in packages and thus even out their cooling effect. Measurements indicate that a temperature difference of up to 10.5 ° C can be expected within an entire pallet of fresh fillets in poorly temperature-controlled air transport. It can be assumed that this temperature difference causes the shelf life of products in the corner boxes of the pallet to be up to 1-1.5 days shorter than products in the center of the pallet.

The insulation value of expanded polystyrene (EPS) is higher than that of comparable corrugated plastic (CP) boxes. In the project, a three-dimensional model of corner-rounded foam box is developed in the ANSYS FLUENT software with the aim of improving box insulation and product quality. Analysis by model is the basis for a new 5 kg foam box, which is now manufactured by the largest manufacturer of foam boxes in Iceland. Other heat transfer models that have been developed in the project include a cooling mat on top of super-chilled cod fillets in two types of EPS boxes and cooled fillets in a CP box without a cooling mat. Furthermore, models of pallets with chilled or supercooled fish are being developed to study the effect of location on pallets, size of pallets and precooling on the development of fish temperature under thermal stress.

The doctoral dissertation is based on six scientific articles and one conference paper. Five scientific articles have already been published or approved for publication in international scientific journals.

The main supervisor was Halldór Pálsson, associate professor at the Faculty of Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Iceland. Other members of the doctoral committee were Sigurjón Arason, associate professor at the Faculty of Food and Nutrition at the University of Iceland and chief engineer at Matís ohf., Magnús Þór Jónsson, professor at the Faculty of Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science, Sjöfn Sigurgísladóttir, former CEO of Matís ohf. and Viktor Popov, director of the Wessex Institute of Technology.

The research is related to the projects "Simulation of cooling processes", which were funded by the AVS Fisheries Research Fund (R 037-08), the Technology Development Fund (081304508) and the University of Iceland Research Fund and the European project "Chill on" ( Matís ohf. provided Björn's research facilities.

Starts: 02/05/2011 at 14:00
Location: Main building
Further location: Celebration hall

About the doctoral dissertation
Björn Margeirsson was born in 1979 in Blönduós. He completed a BS degree in mechanical engineering at the University of Iceland in 2003, worked at the General Engineering Office from 2003 to 2005 and completed an MS degree in mechanical engineering at Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg in 2007. Since graduating, he has worked at Matís ohf. as a specialist, later a project manager and now a professional manager in the Processing, Value Added and Farming divisions.

Björn Margeirsson is married to Rakel Ingólfsdóttir, a medical student, and they have a daughter, Arna, who was born in 2010.

About the doctoral candidate
Björn Margeirsson was born in 1979 in Blönduós, Iceland. He finished his BSc degree in mechanical engineering at the University of Iceland in 2003, worked at Almenna Consulting Engineers from 2003 to 2005 and earned his MSc degree in mechanical engineering at Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, Sweden in 2007. From graduation he has worked at Matis ltd as a research scientist, project manager and currently as a research group leader in the Value Chain, Processing and Aquaculture division. Björn is married to Rakel Ingólfsdóttir, medical student, and their daughter, Arna, was born in 2010.

The dissertation can be accessed on Matís' website,

Temperature control is a critical parameter to retard quality deterioration of perishable foodstuff, such as fresh fish, during distribution from processing to consumers. This thesis is aimed at analyzing and improving the temperature management in fresh fish chill chains from processing to market by means of experiments and numerical heat transfer modeling. Ambient and product temperatures are mapped in real multi-modal distribution chains, which are both sea and air based. The results serve as a basis for simulation experiments, in which different packaging units and solutions are compared with respect to thermal insulation and product quality maintenance and more optimal ones are proposed. The experimental results are used to validate 3-D heat transfer models of fresh or superchilled whitefish, packaged in single boxes or multiple boxes assembled on a pallet, under thermal load.

Much more severe temperature control problems are measured in air transport chains, especially in passenger airplanes, compared to sea transport. However, space for improvement in sea transport chains has also been discovered. The results underline the importance of precooling whitefish products before packaging for air freight and applying well distributed cooling packs inside the packaging. The results imply that product temperature differences of up to 10.5 ° C can occur in a non-superchilled fresh fish pallet load and the storage life difference between the most and the least sensitive boxes on a full size pallet in a real air transport chain can exceed 1–1.5 days. It is demonstrated that even though a widely used expanded polystyrene (EPS) box design with sharp corners offers better thermal insulation than a corrugated plastic (CP) box, the sharp-corner design can be significantly improved. Such design improvement has been accomplished by developing a numerical heat transfer model in ANSYS FLUENT resulting in a new 5-kg EPS box currently manufactured by the largest EPS box manufacturer in Iceland. Other temperature-predictive models of products, developed and validated in this thesis, consider a cooling pack on top of superchilled cod packaged in two types of EPS boxes, compared to fresh fish packaged in a CP box without a cooling pack. Finally, models are developed for pallet loads of different sizes containing either chilled or superchilled fish. The models are used to confirm the temperature-maintaining effect of precooling and estimate the effect of pallet stack size.


Addition of omega-3 fatty acids to fish balls to increase nutritional value

The project Enriched seafood which was done in collaboration between Matís and Grímur kokk in the Westman Islands and Iceprotein in Sauðárkrókur is now coming to an end.

Several prototypes of products from Icelandic seafood were developed there, to which biomaterials from Icelandic seafood have been added, such as algae extract with defined bioactivity, hydrolysates to increase protein content and fish oil to increase omega-3 fatty acids.
The results show that it is possible to increase the amount of omega-3 fatty acids in fish balls without compromising the taste quality. The same can be said about the addition of algae powder and also succeeded in increasing the amount of protein in the fish balls. As a tool for active and successful product development with the participation of consumers, two focus groups of people were obtained to gain insight into consumers' experiences and knowledge about enrichment, enriched seafood, their consumption of seafood and food supplements and health-related lifestyles.

Consumer surveys were conducted to examine consumers' tastes for the prototypes compared to traditional products already on the market. Information on the bioactive substances and their activity influenced how people liked the products. The effect of the information depended on various factors, such as attitudes towards health and food, attitudes towards the ingredients of the product tested, as well as factors such as age and education.

An online consumer survey of more than 500 people showed that people are generally more positive about enrichment in the case of known hygiene products such as omega-3. It is also better to provide information on effectiveness even if it is a known substance, as it enhances people's positive experience of the product. Enrichment with kelp also seems to be a viable option as information on the use value of kelp in the product was given and the same can be said regarding fish protein. These products generally appeal more to people who focus on food hygiene, which is a fairly large group according to these findings. In general, it can be concluded from these results that the enrichment of seafood is a realistic possibility, but labeling and information to consumers must be considered.

In this project, experience was created at Matís, which will be further developed and used by other companies in product development and marketing of target foods, where consumers' wishes will be taken into account. Consumer surveys showed that it is very important how the marketing of such products will take place in order to reach selected consumer groups who are interested in such a targeted diet. The step has been a step forward in which bioactive substances have been added to ready-made consumer products. A very important result of this project is that in 2011 a grant was obtained from the Nordic Innovation Fund, NICe, to continue larger projects in this field and thus contribute to the increased value of seafood and marine life.

For further information Emilia Martinsdóttir at Matís.


Matís employee honored

Sigurjón Arason, chief engineer at Matís, was honored by the Icelandic Society of Engineers on the association's 100th anniversary.

On the first day of summer, 19 April, the Icelandic Society of Engineers turned 100 years old.

On that day, the company awarded the VFÍ Century Award in three categories and Sigurjón Arason, chief engineer at Matís and previously at the Fisheries Research Institute, received recognition in the category "They plowed the field".

VFÍ 100 year old Sigurjón Arason
VFÍ 100 years: Sigurjón Arason in the middle of the picture

Sigurjón was honored for his initiative and exceptional perseverance in implementing a number of innovations that have been crucial for the quality and profitable utilization of raw materials from marine catches and for the dissemination of knowledge in Iceland and abroad.


Summer jobs 2012

Matís offers a wide range of interesting research-related summer jobs in the summer of 2012, and students are encouraged to submit a job application.  

We are looking for university students to work on research projects and service measurements in the fields of food science, engineering, pharmacology, computer science, law and natural sciences. Further information on the research projects that are available can be found here.