Hildur Inga Sveinsdóttir, project manager at Matís is an interviewee in this episode of Matvælin, Matís' podcast about research and innovation in food production.
It talks about the value hidden in raw materials that we can get out of food processing, but which are not the main material we are working with; so-called side ingredients. She connects all of this with the European collaborative project Accelwater, which she is currently working on.
Iceland has long been at the forefront of the utilization of secondary raw materials, and one of the raw materials that is interesting to evaluate both with an opportunity for value creation and environmental issues in mind is water from, for example, fish processing plants and farm farms. The Accelwater project is about finding solutions to make use of the value of process water and the best use of water in the fishing and farming industries.
Hilda's passion for delivering the content of the Accelwater project clearly and reliably shines through in this interview, and listeners can therefore expect an informative and refreshing listen.
The show is available on all major podcasts and also in the player below.
Now the Food Fund project Development of an image and spectroscopic predictive model to assess the quality of fishmeal as an ingredient in salmon farm feed halfway through, but the previous project year ended in the autumn of 2023. This is a joint project of the Association of Icelandic Fishmeal Producers, Síldarvällúnn, Eskja, Ísfélagin, the University of Iceland and Matís. The goal of the project is to develop a NIR (near-infrared spectroscopy) prediction model that enables fishmeal producers to obtain a fast and accurate analysis of the quality of fishmeal as an ingredient in salmon feed.
Most Icelandic fishmeal producers already use NIR to measure the chemical content of the fishmeal, and thus get good indications of its quality. However, the NIR measurements that are carried out today are of limited use when it comes to assessing the quality of the fishmeal for its main use, i.e. as an ingredient in aquaculture feed. If such measurements are to be made, growth and digestibility experiments must be carried out in aquaculture, which are both time-consuming and costly. By developing a NIR prediction model, however, it is possible to shorten the time of the analyzes from many months to a few seconds, and the cost from many millions to almost nothing.
This is not a new approach, as Norwegian feed producers developed such NIR prediction models a few years ago and have used them to assess the quality of the fishmeal they buy. However, these manufacturers have considered their predictive models to be trade secrets, giving them a competitive advantage. By developing and making similar forecasting models available to Icelandic fishmeal producers, they will have the same (or better) information about the characteristics of their production as their customers, and therefore enable them to negotiate prices with their customers on an equal footing. The predictive model will also enable fishmeal producers to evaluate/improve their own production, with information for internal quality control. The database/prediction model will be handed over to the participants (fishmeal producers) towards the end of the project, together with the fact that courses on its use will be held.
As mentioned before, the project will take two years, and that work is now halfway done. The project is scheduled to be completed by the end of 2024.
You can learn more about the project at Matís website, in addition to which you can contact the project manager directly jonas@matis.is.
Matís has, in recent years, systematically built up genetic analysis of animals and there are staff in the professional group genetics who is credited with it. Among other things, research is conducted on livestock, especially cattle, horses and sheep. The projects carried out mainly consist of genetic analyzes of these beneficial strains and data processing together with sequencing of the genetic material of organisms, the search for new genetic boundaries and the development of genetic analysis kits.
In Iceland, some livestock stocks are specifically Icelandic, while others are imported. Chickens and pigs, for example, are imported, but cattle, horses, sheep and goats are entirely of Icelandic stock. This means that Icelandic companies are the only ones in the world that carry out breeding of these four livestock stocks. The Agricultural Advisory Center (RML) is in charge of breeding these stocks. At Matís, we have mainly worked with three species, i.e. cattle, horses and sheep.
Cattle farming
Matís performs genetic analyzes that are useful in breeding the Icelandic cow population. The Icelandic strain is a unique strain in the world, distantly related to other breeds, and there are many indications that the protein composition of milk from Icelandic cows is different from other milk. It is extremely important to preserve this unique population, and one of the best ways to preserve livestock populations like this is to use them in the production of agricultural products.
The Farmers' Association and the Agricultural Advisory Center (RML) worked for several years on the implementation of so-called genome selection in cattle breeding, and Matís carries out the genetic analysis used in this. In short, breeding in cattle breeding is based on finding and using the best bulls in breeding work. To put it simply, the best bulls are those that produce the best daughters, i.e. heifers that milk a lot, are healthy and fertile. In genome selection, the breeding value of bull calves is calculated based on genetic parameters analyzed soon after calving. This methodology therefore greatly speeds up breeding and increases safety in the selection of the best bulls that are then used for insemination. Matís' genetics group analyzes between 6,000 and 8,000 artifacts per year.
Matís offers parentage analyzes in horses, but those analyzes are an important part of the breeding work of the Icelandic horse, which has gained more importance in recent years. With parentage analysis, the pedigree of horses is scientifically confirmed and this greatly increases the safety of all breeding calculations. These analyzes are also done in close collaboration with RML. The staff of RML and other sampling parties take care of sampling from horses, which takes place in a similar way to what people used when they took a Covid test. Matís then isolates the genetic material and performs the genetic analyses. The staff of the genetics group analyze between 1,200 – 2,000 horses each year.
At Matís, work is currently being done to also offer genetic analyzes in other genetic sites in horses. Ideally, it is color genes and known genetic defects that we are looking at. The Icelandic horse is an extremely colorful horse breed and it is part of the breeding goals to maintain color diversity within the stock. Color in horses is determined by 8-12 genetic sites (genes) and it would be valuable for Icelandic horse breeders to have access to analyzes of these color genes. RML's recruiters have especially noticed an interest in this among foreign buyers of Icelandic horses.
Genetic defects
Few genetic defects cause a lot of damage in Icelandic sheep breeding, and only two are serious problems, namely yellow fat and bökkreppa. Both are recessive genetic defects, meaning that individuals need two copies of the defective gene for them to be affected. Yellow fat is caused by a mutation in a gene that breaks down certain yellow compounds and causes the fat to acquire a yellowish color similar to the color of fat on horse meat. The yellow fat has no effect on the taste quality, but some production centers do not accept artifacts that show this genetic defect, and therefore this can cause financial losses for individual farmers. Matís is awaiting genetic analysis of yellow fat.
Bow crisis is a much more serious genetic defect. The gene is unknown, so there is still no genetic test that identifies carriers. The genetic defect is not known in other breeds of sheep, but the phenotype manifests itself as severely deformed front legs and lambs often cannot stand up. Most individuals are therefore euthanized shortly after birth. Because the genetic defect is recessive, the defective gene can be hidden in herds and it is impossible to eradicate the defect except through genetic analyses.
Matís has been conducting research on bow crisis in recent years, in collaboration with RML and Keldur, to find the genetic defect in the sheep's genome and develop a genetic test. The first results of these studies are expected in February 2024.
Fertility genes and parentage analyses
Two genetic variations are known in Icelandic sheep that cause increased fertility in ewes: Þoku- and Lóugen. These are mutations in the same gene. When the gene is in a heterozygous state, the fertility of females increases greatly and it is common for them to have four- and five-limbed offspring instead of one- and two-limbed offspring. This can therefore be an extremely important tool in sexual enhancement, and Matís has been offering analyzes of this feature for years.
Matís offers parentage analysis in sheep, comparable to parentage analysis in horses and dogs. A lot of rickets genes have been identified in recent years, and the situation has now arisen that the genotype of lambs does not match the genotype of the parents. Parentage analysis can be used to find the father of an offspring. These tests are an extremely useful tool in research, especially when looking for genetic defects.
Prion gene genotyping analyses
Matís has offered genotyping of the so-called prion gene in sheep since the company was founded. A total of about 10,000 sheep have been diagnosed with us. Rickets is a prion disease that has plagued Icelanders, especially in the last century but also in recent years. Prion diseases are different from bacterial and viral diseases, where the rubella agent is a protein. It therefore contains no genetic material. The rubella agent changes the structure of the natural prion protein, which is important in the nervous system of mammals. In a specific region of the prion gene, there are 6 sites that affect the susceptibility of sheep to scrapie. Three of these sites are very well known and three other sites in the gene are being investigated. The genotype of animals will in the near future be very important in breeding and the reaction of the Icelandic Food Agency when scabies is discovered in a herd.
Regarding the breeding side, RML aims to introduce protective genotypes very quickly in herds in parts of the country where rubella infection occurs regularly and steadily elsewhere in the country. With these methods and actions, it will be possible to spare certain genotypes from culling when scabies is detected in herds in the future. Matís has human resources and equipment to analyze genotypes in sheep. Considerable funds are expected in the 2024 budget for genotyping sheep, and Matís' staff is ready to take care of these analyses.
A podcast about heredity
Recently, a new episode of Matvælin, Matís' podcast about research and innovation in food production, was released. There was Sæmundur Sveinsson, genetics manager at Matís, interviewer, and he discussed genetic research and projects related to it in an easy-to-understand and fun way. It is possible to listen to the episode in its entirety on all major podcasts, but also here: Icelandic livestock species – genetic analyzes and breeding work
Sæmundur Sveinsson, head of genetics at Matís, is an interviewee in this episode of Matvælin, and he talks about genetic research and breeding of Icelandic livestock species in a way that everyone can understand and keep their attention!
In Iceland, some livestock stocks are specifically Icelandic, while others are imported. Cattle, horses, sheep and goats are entirely of Icelandic stock, and this means that Icelandic operators are the only ones in the world who breed these four types of livestock.
At Matís, we have mainly worked with three species, i.e. cattle, horses and sheep and research on these populations is discussed here.
The episode is available in its entirety on all major podcasts and in the player below:
The tradition of shark eating in Iceland is rich and can be traced back centuries. Despite this, very few scientific studies have been conducted to examine or improve the mechanism of action of these foods. With a grant from the Food Fund, Matís' staff in collaboration with Bjarnarhöfn tourism, the largest producer of the best shark in Iceland, has worked on improvements there with the project Hákarlsverkun.
Election of a shark (Somniosus microcephalus) is an age-old method of preservation. Kæstur hakarl was for a long time an important source of energy and protein and also a large part of Icelanders' diet, but today it is mainly eaten as a delicacy on the dry land. Kæstur hákarl is also popular with tourists who like to consider it a national dish of Icelanders. It is important from a cultural point of view and Icelandic food tradition that a production process as unique as the effect of shark is, will continue to be practiced and that we have more scientific and technical knowledge of the effect of shark to ensure that the product is safe and of the right quality.
Shark action is divided into two parts, one is cooling and the other is drying. The goal of the project Hákarlsverkun was to identify and understand the role of the microbes that make the shark suitable for human consumption. Also evaluate whether it is possible to shorten the reaction time and understand what effect different handling of the raw material at the beginning of the reaction can have on the final product.
Snorri Páll Ólason worked on the project in his master's program together with other Matís staff.
The cleaning process is actually both a preservation and a detoxification process, where chemical compounds that contain ammonia and are thought to contribute to the toxic effects of an unharmed shark are transformed by microbial enzymes. These chemical compounds that are found in large quantities in fresh shark are on the one hand urea which is broken down into ammonia and on the other hand Trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO) which is reduced to Trimethylamine (TMA) and Dimethylamine (DMA). After freezing, the shark is left to hang in open drying huts called shelves for several weeks or months. In the project, comparative measurements were made on the effectiveness of a fresh shark on the one hand and on a shark that had been frozen and thawed before being frozen. The shark in the study was worked for 13 weeks, at which point it was considered ready for consumption.
Shark on the rocks
The shark was sampled weekly during the curing period and every other week during the drying period. Chemical and microbiological measurements were made on all samples, but at the same time a sensory evaluation was carried out on the shark samples when they were considered suitable for consumption, i.e. during drying. The chemical measurements measured TMAO, TMA, DMA, acid and water content of the shark. In the microbial measurements, both cultures were carried out on agar plates, but also measurements with molecular biological methods (16S rRNA sequencing), which provide additional possibilities to assess the amount and analyze the diversity of the bacteria involved in the shark's digestion.
The project demonstrated for the first time which bacteria are present and to what extent over the entire course of action. It is thanks to these bacteria that shark action has played a part in keeping Icelanders alive throughout the centuries. The results of the project indicate that the curing process could be shortened, as the substance TMAO is destroyed in 5 weeks, but the shark is often cured considerably longer. It would also be possible to improve the process or control it with synthetic microbial cultures.
The chemical measurements demonstrated that TMAO decreased below the detection limit after five weeks of freezing, while at the same time the acidity in the shark increased. At the same time, the concentration of the constituents TMA and DMA increased. Furthermore, the project revealed that a diverse microflora is involved in the digestion of a shark. Microbial counts on culture bowls showed that the growth of the total number of microorganisms and known spoilage bacteria was high during the first weeks of cooling, but then decreased rapidly and remained so through the final step of drying.
Molecular biological analysis on the shark bites revealed gradual changes in the composition of the bacterial flora during curing, which divided the curing process into three distinct phases, but large changes in the composition of the bacterial flora stopped during drying. Molecular biological methods have not been used before to evaluate the entire biological process of a shark, as far as is known, but they give a good picture of the diversity of the microflora in the shark bites.
There was a clear difference in the composition of the initial microflora depending on whether the raw material was fresh or concentrated. As the freezing progressed, however, the composition became comparable in fresh and thawed shark. A relationship was found between high concentrations of TMAO and the bacterial genera Photobacterium and Pseudoalteromonas in the initial phase of purification and in addition a relationship was found between a high concentration of TMA/DMA and the bacterial genera Atopotypes, Pseudomonas and Tissierella in the final phase of cooling.
The shark cut for the study.
The future of shark research.
This project, Hákarlsverkun, is now finished, but the work on it raised all kinds of questions that would be nice to find answers to with further research. For example, the researchers say that approx. one out of four sharks does not work correctly, but the product is damaged, despite the fact that all processes are exactly the same for all the raw materials. This could have something to do with the microflora, but hopefully Matís future research in collaboration with shark producers will reveal it.
Podcast show
Snorri Páll Ólason worked on this project in his master's program together with other Matís staff, but he was an interviewee in Matvælin, Matís' podcast program about research and innovation in food production. In the episode, he tells about the project and what it involved in a lively and entertaining way. Listen to the podcast here: A wounded shark, the national right of Icelanders?
Snorri Páll Ólason is an interviewer in Matvælin this time. He discusses his master's project, Hákarlsverkun, which was done in collaboration with Bjarnarhöfn tourism, the largest producer of best shark in Iceland with a grant from the Food Fund.
The tradition of shark eating in Iceland is rich and can be traced back centuries. Despite this, very few scientific studies have been conducted to examine or improve the mechanism of action of these foods. Snorri, together with several of Matís' staff, worked on improvements there.
The conversation with Snorra is light and fun as he goes over, for example, the culture surrounding shark eating, the science behind the fact that working on sharks is necessary since the process of curing is both a preservation method and a detoxification process, persistent myths about curing and much more.
Listen to the full episode on all major podcast stations or in the player below:
Shark is a unique traditional Icelandic product and is obtained by fermenting and drying Greenland shark (Somniosus microcephalus). However, little is known about the chemical and microbial changes occurring during the process. In this small-scale industrial study, fresh and frozen shark meat was fermented for eight and seven weeks, respectively, and then dried for five weeks. During the fermentation, trimethylamineN-oxide levels decreased to below the limit of detection within five weeks and pH increased from about 6 to 9. Simultaneously, trimethylamine and dimethylamine levels increased significantly. Totally viable plate counts, and specific spoilage organisms increased during the first weeks of the fermentation period but decreased during drying. Culture-independent analyzes (16S rRNA) revealed gradual shifts in the bacterial community structure as fermentation progressed, dividing the fermentation process into three distinct phases but stayed rather similar throughout the drying process. During the first three weeks of fermentation, Photobacterium was dominant in the fresh group, compared to Pseudoalteromonas in the frozen group. However, as the fermentation progressed, the groups became more alike Atopotypes, Pseudomonas and Tissierella being dominant. The PCA analysis done on the chemical variables and 16S rRNA analysis variables confirmed the correlation between high concentrations of TMAO and Pseudoalteromonas, and Photobacterium at the initial fermentation phase. During the final fermentation phase, correlation was detected between high concentrations of TMA/DMA and Atopotypes, Pseudomonas and Tissierella. The results indicate the possibility of shortening the fermentation period and it is suggested that the microbial community can potentially be standardized with starter cultures to gain an optimal fermentation procedure.
On Wednesday, December 6, 2023, Aurélien Daussin will defend her doctoral thesis in food science at the University of Iceland's Faculty of Food and Nutrition. The thesis is entitled AirMicrome – The Fate of Airborne Microbes as the First Settlers of Terrestrial Communities. AirMicrome – The fate of depositing airborne microorganisms into pioneer terrestrial communities.
The doctoral defense takes place in Vigdís's world - VHV023and starts at 1:30 p.m
Opponents: Dr. David Pearce, professor at Northumbria University, UK, and dr. Catherine Larose, researcher at UGA-IGE in Grenoble, France.
Supervising teacher and instructor: Viggó Þór Marteinsson, professor. In addition, researcher Pauline Vannier, Tina Santl-Temkiv, assistant professor at Aarhus University, and Charles Cockell, professor at the University of Edinburgh, sat on the doctoral committee.
Ólöf Guðný Geirsdóttir, professor and dean of the Faculty of Food and Nutrition, presides over the ceremony.
The stream is available on Teams from 13:30.
Meeting ID: 393 367 671 646
Passcode: adzWK5
Microbes on the Earth's surface can be released into the atmosphere by wind and associated with events such as volcanic eruptions and dust storms. Before they reach a new surface, they are exposed to various stressful environmental factors that prevent the colonization of a large part of them. The diversity and evolution of low bacterial communities in different environments has been quite well studied. However, little is still known about microbial communities in the atmosphere, their colonization on the surface and what effect such colonization has on the microbial communities that are there. This study is the first to discuss the distribution of microorganisms in the Icelandic atmosphere and especially their colonization in a volcanic environment. Airborne microbial communities from two unique but different volcanic areas, both at sea level and at high altitude, were examined and compared. The research was carried out on the protected volcanic island of Surtsey and at the lava flow on Fimmvörðuhálsi, by analyzing the microbial communities of the atmosphere and their colonization in lava rock after one year. The atmosphere was also studied as an important source for the distribution of microbial communities in the soil and the methods by which microbes manage to withstand the harsh environmental conditions of the atmosphere. Cultivable and non-cultivable microbial detection methods were used to describe and compare the microbial communities. The diversity of uncultivated microbes was analyzed by isolating DNA from 179 samples and sequencing the 16S rRNA gene of the microbes ("amplicon" sequencing). A total of 1162 strains belonging to 40 genera and 72 species were isolated. Of these, 26 strains were probably new species. One new Flavobacterium species was fully described and the resistance of selected strains to atmospheric stressors was investigated. The origin and trajectory of the populations was determined with a special prediction model "source-tracking analysis". Results show that the microbial communities at both sampling sites consisted of Proteobacteria, Actinobacteria and Bacteroides, but the proportion of their numbers was controlled by the environmental factors of each area. The aerial and terrestrial communities were very different, which is reflected in the different environmental aspects of each environment. Interestingly, the bacterial communities in the lava rock at Fimmvörðuhálsi were more or less the same after one year of colonization, compared to a nine-year period, which suggests that the stability of the first settler community is achieved after one year, but that the progress of the community slows down after that. At Surtsey, over 80% of bacterial communities found in lava rock after a one-year period originated from the local environment. The communities showed tolerance to atmospheric stressors, which probably helped them to survive air dispersal and facilitated their colonization of the lava rock. In accordance with previous studies, it was also found that the most influential selection factors were freezing, thawing and cyclic permeabilization of the cells, and that Proteobacteria and Ascomycota seemed best suited to survive such atmospheric stress factors. Results indicate that stress-resistant microbes from the atmosphere are the source of microbes that are the first settlers in the nearby, newly formed environment by forming unique and diverse microbial communities in a short time or less than a year. These results provide important insights into the early stages of microbial colonization and demonstrate the importance of airborne microbial studies to advancing our understanding of Arctic volcanic ecosystems.
Surface microorganisms can be aerosolized into the atmosphere by wind and events such as volcano eruptions and dust storms. Before depositing, they experience stressful atmospheric conditions which preclude the successful dispersal of a large fraction of cells. While bacterial diversity and succession on different low-bacterial environments are reasonably well characterized, research on airborne atmospheric communities and the significance of their deposition for community assembly remains poorly understood. This study is the first to address microbial distribution in the Icelandic atmosphere and particularly in their colonization in volcanic environments. We assessed and compared the bioaerosols communities from two dissimilar unique volcanic sites located at sea level and at high altitude, the protected volcanic island Surtsey and Fimmvörðuháls lava field, by analyzing in situ atmospheric microbial communities and communities in lava rocks after one year of exposure time . Additionally, we investigated the air as a significant source for the dissemination of the microbial communities into soil and their potential strategies to withstand atmospheric stresses. Culture-dependent and culture-independent methods were employed to describe and compare these microbiomes. The uncultivated diversity was analyzed by DNA extraction from 179 samples and 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing. A total of 1162 strains were isolated and affiliated to 40 genera and 72 species, with potentially 26 new species. A new Flavobacterium species was fully described and the survival of selected strains against simulated air stress factors was investigated. The origin and dispersion of the isolates was predicted using a detailed source-tracking analysis program.
Our findings reveal that the microbial communities in both sampling sites are dominated by Proteobacteria, Actinobacteria, and Bacteroides, but their proportions were influenced by the unique characteristics of each site. The atmospheric and lithospheric communities showed significant differences, reflecting different environmental pressures from each site. Interestingly, the bacterial communities in the lava rocks of Fimmvörðuháls were similar after one year compared to nine years of exposure, suggesting rapid microbial colonization and slow succession of the community. On Surtsey, over 80% of the bacterial communities that colonized the lava rocks after one year exposure, originated from local surroundings. These communities displayed stress-resistant properties that likely helped their survival during air dissemination from close environments and facilitated their colonization into the lava. Furthermore, in line with previous studies, we observed that the most stringent selection factors were the freeze–thaw and osmotic shock cycles and that the strains affiliated with Proteobacteria and Ascomycota were the best to survive simulated atmospheric stresses. Our results suggest that atmospheric stress-resistant microbes that deposit from local sources in newly formed environments, form unique and diverse communities in a rather short time or less than one year. These findings provide important insights into the early stages of land colonization of microbes and puts emphasis on the important role of bioaerosol research in enhancing our understanding of subarctic volcanic ecosystems.
The aquaculture sector relies heavily on soybean meal (SBM) and soy-derived proteins, largely due to their availability, low price and favorable amino acid profile. However, for Atlantic salmon, the inclusion of soybean meal, and soy protein concentrate (SPC) in certain combinations has been associated with impacts on gut health and welfare. This study evaluated two SBM treatments that target improved gut health and were formulated for inclusion in freshwater phase salmon diets: enzyme pre-treatment (ETS), and addition of fructose oligosaccharide (USP). These were compared with untreated soybean meal (US) and fish meal (FM). The effects on growth performance, gut microbiome, and behaviors relevant to welfare were investigated. Both diets containing the treated SBM supported growth performance comparable to FM and altered the gut microbiome. Fish fed SBM displayed a tendency towards more reactive behavior compared to those fed the FM-based control. All fish tested had a low response to elicited stress, although ETS-fed fish responded more actively than those fed the US diet. SBM-fed fish had the lowest repeatability of behavior, which may have implications for welfare. Both treatments of SBM are a promising option to optimize the application of this widely used protein source for aquaculture feeds.
Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) is one of the world's most domesticated fish. As production volumes increase, access to high quality and sustainable protein sources for formulated feeds of this carnivorous fish is required. Soybean meal (SBM) and soy-derived proteins are the dominant protein sources in commercial aquafeeds due to their low-cost, availability and favorable amino acid profile. However, for Atlantic salmon, the inclusion of soybean meal (SBM), and soy protein concentrate (SPC) in certain combinations can impact gut health, which has consequences for immunity and welfare, limiting the use of soy products in salmonid feeds. This study sought to address this challenge by evaluating two gut health-targeted enhancements of SBM for inclusion in freshwater phase salmon diets: enzyme pre-treatment (ETS), and addition of fructose oligosaccharide (USP). These were compared with untreated soybean meal (US) and fish meal (FM). This study took a multi-disciplinary approach, investigating the effect on growth performance, gut microbiome, and behaviors relevant to welfare in aquaculture. This study suggests that both enhancements of SBM provide benefits for growth performance compared to conventional SBM. Both SBM treatments altered fish gut microbiomes and in the case of ETS, increased the presence of the lactic acid bacteria Enterococcus. For the first time, the effects of marine protein sources and plant protein sources on the coping style of salmon were demonstrated. Fish fed SBM showed a tendency for more reactive behavior compared to those fed the FM-based control. All fish had a similar low response to elicited stress, although ETS-fed fish responded more actively than US-fed fish for a single swimming measure. Furthermore, SBM-fed fish displayed lower repeatability of behavior, which may indicate diminished welfare for intensively farmed fish. The implications of these findings for commercial salmonid aquaculture are discussed.
Birgir Örn Smárason, professional director of the professional group Sustainability and fire, gave a speech at the Food Congress 2023, which was held recently. The talk has attracted a lot of attention, as he asked a question that many would like to know the answer to, What is for dinner in 2050?
The talk was, in line with the title, somewhat futuristic, but he used, for example, artificial intelligence in the creation of all visual material that appeared on the slides.
What's for dinner on a traditional Tuesday night in 2050? Birgir asked, and the artificial intelligence didn't answer. According to her, on offer will be cell cultured meat, insects, algae, both microalgae and macroalgae, 3D printed food and drink made from recycled water.
The need for change is considerable, as current food systems play a major role in climate change, deforestation and biodiversity loss. We therefore need to change gears in order to reduce these negative effects, but it is also important to adapt food production to the changes that have already taken place. In addition, the population on earth is increasing rapidly at the moment, and the demand for food will increase significantly in the coming years.
Adaptation and transformation are key when it comes to ensuring sustainable food production for the future, and technological development will play a major role in enabling us to make changes.
At Matís, much has been predicted about the future and the solutions we need to adopt to ensure the future of food production. For example, we have been involved in many projects, large and small, related to neoproteins. These include proteins derived from insects, macroalgae, microalgae, protozoa and grass protein. We have worked with people here in Iceland and around the world who are developing these new proteins and the technology behind them.
He gave specific examples of the projects NextGenProteins and Giant Leaps. The first project is a large European collaborative project that was completed this fall and was led by Matís. It focused on research on three types of sustainable neoproteins; microalgae, insect proteins and single cell proteins. The latter is a new project along these lines, but it seeks ways to accelerate changes in people's diets by influencing us, the consumers. They also seek to influence policies and orientation and try to overcome the regulations that are in force and prevent the use of new proteins and the technology behind them.
The technological revolution that is about to begin and the devices and tools that will affect food production in the coming years and decades were also the focus of Birgi's talk, and the artificial intelligence had no problem envisioning this.
3D printed food, controlled fermentation, cell cultured meat, vertical cultivation and urban farming are among other things part of the technological revolution.
In the end, the artificial intelligence created a picture of people who are deeply thoughtful about how our food systems work today and how they will develop in the coming decades, but that is exactly what we need to do, Birgir believes.
A recording from the Food Congress 2023 is available here and Birgis' speech begins at 6:01:30
Birgir will present the NextGenProteins project and its main results at the conference Green and Resilient Food Systems in Brussels 4.-5. december The main focus of this year's conference is the transition towards a sustainable food system for the benefit of the environment and the economy, and the NextGenProteins project seemed to speak particularly well to this theme.
The conference is organized by the European Commission and Food 2030. It will be possible to watch online, but the program and link to the stream is available here: Food 2030: green and resilient food systems
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