
Icelandic vegetables play an important role in the country's image and sustainability

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Recently, an article appeared in Bændablaðið where one of Matís' vegetable projects; Improved quality, shelf life and less waste in the value chain of Icelandic vegetables were reported, in addition to discussions with the project manager Ólafur Reykdal.  

The project on the value chain of Icelandic vegetables received a grant from the Food Fund and began this year but will end next year. The main topics are shelf life research, research on ways to make value from underutilized by-products of horticulture and analyzes aimed at reducing waste in the entire vegetation chain of vegetables. The various parts of the project have been worked on in recent months and Matís staff hopes to be able to deliver interesting results to the vegetable sector in the coming months, Ólafur told a journalist.

The project aims to strengthen the vegetable sector in Iceland with new knowledge that supports the development of the sector, which means increased production, more employment opportunities and an increased supply of nutritious products. The project is carried out in collaboration with the University of Iceland and the retail chain Samkaup, but the Association of Horticultural Farmers, the Horticultural Sales Association and the Agricultural Advisory Center have also been consulted.

Bændablaðið's article can be read in its entirety here: Increased value of Icelandic vegetable production

You can follow the progress of the project on its project page here: Improved quality, shelf life and less waste in the value chain of Icelandic vegetables.

Matís has historically conducted various researches on vegetables and interesting discussions took place on related issues at a focus meeting held this spring on the value chain of vegetables. A recording of the meeting can be accessed here: Value chain of vegetables