Wednesday 25 April between 16-18 there will be an open house in the Verin-Þróunarsetrin by the harbor in Sauðárkrókur where various innovative projects that are being worked on in the area will be presented. The occasion is the establishment of a new company called Verið Vísindagarðar ehf.
The plant was formally opened th. March 7 last year in the premises of FISK Seafood by the harbor in Sauðárkrókur. The development center is a collaborative project between Matís, the University of Akureyri, the University of Iceland, FISK Seafood and Hólar University, and the Ministries of Industry and Fisheries jointly worked together. ISK 10 million for the project at the opening of the development center.
A special company, Verið Vísindagarðar ehf, has now been established to take care of teaching and research facilities in the development center.