
Matís is advertising for a property manager

Service Category:


Matís is looking for a strong person for the position of real estate manager in 100% job at Matís's location in Reykjavík. The job is suitable for a resourceful person who strives to achieve diverse projects and can take care of Matís' establishments, research and equipment.

Main tasks and responsibilities

  • Supervision of Matís' establishments, site and various research, equipment and technical equipment
  • Supervise maintenance, improvements and other works related to establishments, devices and equipment. Enter into smaller projects as needed
  • Communicate and negotiate with contractors for maintenance projects
  • Supervision of security, supervision of establishments and cleaning services
  • Assist in the preparation and installation of facilities related to daily work and events organized by Matís
  • Receipt of supplies and management of related household appliances, research equipment and gas canisters
  • Instruct staff on appropriate handling and use of equipment

Educational and qualification requirements

  • Appropriate vocational training, such as mechanics, electronics, carpentry
  • Strong communication and organizational skills
  • Independent and disciplined work style
  • Knowledge and experience of general maintenance and construction is an advantage

Employment rate is 100%. The person concerned will work at Matís' workplace in Reykjavík, at Vínlandsleið 12.

Applications must be accompanied by a detailed resume and cover letter.

All genders are encouraged to apply.

The application deadline is up to and including July 30.

More information about the job is provided by:

Andri Gunnarsson, Head of Finance and Operations,, phone: 422 5040.

Matís is a leader in the field of food research and biotechnology. At Matís, there is a strong group of around 100 employees who are passionate about finding new ways to maximize the use of raw materials, increase sustainability and promote public health. Matís operates five establishments throughout the country.