
Matís is advertising for a professional manager in Neskaupstaður

Service Category:


Matís runs an office in East Iceland, which is located in Múlan in Neskaupstaður. The activity is two-fold and is divided into service measurements (microbiological and chemical) and development and research work. The facility has a powerful biomass plant at its disposal, which is used for research work as well as for servicing the food and biotechnology industry in the country.

Area of work

  • Customer acquisition, communication with companies, individuals and municipalities
  • Operational responsibility for the establishment in Neskaupstaður
  • Formulation of the strategy of the establishment and biomass plant in Neskaupstað
  • Project procurement
  • Planning, prioritization and coordination of projects and measurements
  • Supervision of personnel matters at the establishment

Qualification requirements

  • University education that is useful in work. Further education is an advantage
  • Good interpersonal skills
  • Initiative, independence and ambition
  • Experience with measurement and acquisition and management of research projects is desirable

Employment rate is 100%. The person will work at Matís' laboratory in Neskaupstaður.

Matís is a leader in the field of food research and biotechnology. We have a dynamic team that is passionate about finding new ways to maximize the use of raw materials, increase sustainability and promote public health.

All genders are encouraged to apply. Applications must be accompanied by a detailed CV as well as the phone number or email address of the recommender.

The application deadline is January 31, 2023

More information about the job is provided by:

Guðmundur Stefánsson, department manager,, phone: 422 5048.