
More taste: Lambs raised on angelica

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Hafnar is trying to raise Icelandic lambs on angelica. The aim is to investigate how high the taste quality is in raising lambs on strong vegetation instead of traditional summer work. Matís (Matvælarannsóknir Íslands) intends to investigate the effect of angelica grazing on the taste of lamb.

The project is initiated by Halla Steinólfsdóttir and Guðmundur Gíslason, sheep farmers at Ytri-Fagradalur in Skarðsströnd. They plan to raise a certain number of lambs in a grazing area with angelica. For comparison, other lambs will be placed in pasture and on farmland. The aim is to raise angelica to be applied to the lambs before slaughter and to start production of lamb meat based on this method. If the project yields positive results, the aim is to start selling lamb meat based on such uniqueness.


Angelica is considered a good herb

Angelica was previously considered a budding remedy and was also considered a remedy for all. Now the interest in this herb is resurfacing as people become more aware of the substances it puts into it. Angelica has been used to flavor food and is considered a good herb. Therefore, it is interesting to look at what it means in the taste quality of meat to raise lambs in part on angelica before slaughter.

Research in this country has shown that lambs raised in different conditions before slaughter give a different taste. It is also known from abroad that it is possible to raise lambs before slaughter under different conditions and thereby create a certain uniqueness through the sale and marketing of meat.


Matís researches the taste of the meat

At Matís, the effect of angelica grazing on the taste of the meat will be examined. It will be examined whether it is possible to detect differences in the taste and texture of the meat after grazing / feeding. In the case of significant differences, all aspects of sensory evaluation will be examined, such as taste, smell, appearance and texture. Then it becomes clear what the difference is, such as whether it is a side dish. Matís has specially designed facilities for sensory evaluation according to international standards. Matís also has a sensory evaluation group that is specially trained for different sensory evaluation tests.

Lamb carcasses.

The project is carried out in collaboration with the Agricultural University of Iceland and Búnaðarsamtök Vesturlands.

Bændablaðið's news about the angel lambs.