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Sæmundur Elíasson

Project Manager

Last Thursday, September 19, several employees and managers of Matís visited companies and the University of Akureyri.

They were Oddur M. Gunnarsson, acting CEO, Anna Kristín Daníelsdóttir, division manager, Jón Árnason, Wolfgang Koppe and Sæmundur Elíasson. They were also accompanied by Sigmundur E. Ófeigsson, managing director of Atvinnuþróunarfélag Eyjafjarðar and board member of Matís.

 The group inspected a house in Hjalteyri where extensive halibut farming was run until 2012. There they talked to Arnar Frey Jónsson, an employee of Samherji, who worked with halibut farming at the time and also Snorra Finnlaugsson, mayor of Hörgársveit. 

Next was the road to the Laxá feed factory in Krossanes, where they chatted with Gunnar Örn Kristjánsson, the manager of Laxá, and discussed the state of farming and feed production in Iceland. 

At lunch, a meeting was held at the University of Akureyri with Eyjólfur Guðmundsson, Rector, and Rannveiga Björnsdóttir. Finally, the road lay to Slippinn in Akureyri where they met Ásþór Sigurgeirsson and the managing director Eirík S. Jóhannsson. Ásþór led the group around the area and to the ships that are currently in Slipp, among them the new Herjólfur and Vestmannaey.