
The relationship between feed and seasonal fluctuations in the nutritional content of milk

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Webinar about the results of the joint project between Matís and the University of Reading called "Essential minerals in milk: their variation and nutritional implications" will be held electronically on the 16th of December next at 12:00. The project discussed is called NUTRIMILK and is sponsored by EIT food.

Milk samples were taken from shops in the UK for a whole year (both organic and conventional milk) and the milk was analyzed for minerals and trace elements. The aim is to see if there are seasonal changes, which could be caused by the fact that the composition of the feed varies by season (for example, the cows are outside more in the summer). The results are examined with the nutritional needs of consumers in mind, but it must be taken into account that the nutritional needs of different social groups can vary.

The lecture takes place via Teams from 12:00 – 13:00. Dr Sokratis Stergiadis, associate professor at the University of Reading, will give the talk: Macrominerals and trace elements in cows' retail milk: seasonal variation and implications for consumer nutrition.

Participation is free, but registration is required by clicking the registration button below:

This activity has received funding from EIT Food, the innovation community on Food of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), a body of the EU, under the Horizon 2020, the EU Framework Program for Research and Innovation.

Abstract: Milk is an important dietary source of essential macrominerals and trace elements (Ca, I, P, Zn, K, Se, Mg, Na), but there is substantial seasonal variation in their concentrations due to different feeding management between seasons. This large variation may increase the risk of nutrient imbalances throughout the year, particularly in demographics with higher requirements (toddlers, children, pregnant/nursing women). Farm-to-fork interventions can improve consistency in mineral composition but the seasonal and production systems' variation of the retail milk mineral profile is unknown, thus making it difficult for the food and livestock industry to identify the potential risks to nutrient supply. This project study will investigate the seasonal variation in macromineral and trace element concentrations of milk from conventional and organic dairy systems, and assess the impact on mineral intakes of the different demographics throughout the year. Results can be used to inform food-chain interventions for optimum milk mineral contents.