
Sigurjón Arason, chief engineer at Matís, honored with the Icelandic falcon word

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On New Year's Day 2022, a solemn ceremony took place in Bessastaðir when the President of Iceland, Guðni Th. Jóhannesson honored 12 individuals with the Icelandic falcon word. Among them was Matís' chief engineer, Sigurjón Arason, who received the award for research and development in the processing of marine products.

Sigurjón Arason has worked for Matís from the beginning, but before that he worked as a specialist and chief engineer at the Fisheries Research Institute, which merged with other companies and institutions when Matís was founded. Sigurjón is also Professor Emeritus at the Faculty of Food and Nutrition at the University of Iceland and has throughout the years taught countless courses and supervised a number of students in undergraduate, master's and doctoral studies.

Sigurjón has received various awards for his work and, among other things, a seminar was held in his honor at the University of Iceland this autumn.

In an interview with Sigurjón and published on the University of Iceland website under the heading The innovator from Neskaupstaður the following is stated:

"Sigurjón has been involved in an incredible number of projects that have resulted in net income for Icelandic companies and the economy. Together with numerous business partners and the knowledge society, he has been involved in developing revolutionary methods for cooling fish, including mackerel, which has greatly increased the export value of the products. He has also contributed to the processing and drying of underutilized by-products and fish species, redesigned packaging and fish boxes to ensure better quality of raw materials and products, developed fish freezing and salted fish processing to increase value, worked on improved catch handling and improved fish shelf life, improved shelf life on fishing and the use of fishing gear. Furthermore, he has found ways to make better use of by-products from raw materials that were even thrown away, but this includes fish guts, liver, dill, heads, ridges, swimming belly and skin that was turned into valuable products. There is little to be said here. "

Sigurjón is well on his way to this honor and Matís' staff congratulates him on the word falcon.

Sigurjón Arason and Guðni Th. Jóhannesson at the speech at Bessastaðir