
Interview with Jónas R. Viðarsson in World Fishing & Aquaculture

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In the latest issue of World Fishing & Aquaculture, there is an interview with Jónas R. Viðarsson, Division Manager at Matís, about how it has been possible to increase the full utilization of seafood in Iceland in recent decades, and what opportunities exist regarding further utilization and value creation in the fishing industry.

Iceland is looked to as an example of how it is possible to greatly increase utilization and value creation in the fishing industry, but there Matís, in collaboration with companies, universities and authorities, has played a major role.

The interview with Jónas was done at the conference Fish Waste For Profit, which was held last June. But experts and business partners from all over the world gathered there to discuss how to increase utilization in the fishing industry.

The interview with Jónas can be found by clicking here:

The paper in its entirety can be found here