Fiber rich and healthy peel...

Project title: Fiber rich and healthy peel...

Partners: University of Iceland

Research Fund: Icelandic Food Innovation Fund (is. Matvælasjóður)

Initial year: 2021

Service Category:

Vegetables & Grains


Ásta Heiðrún E. Pétursdóttir

Project Manager

Pesticides, heavy metals and nutrients in the external and internal burden of Icelandic and imported vegetables and fruits.

There has been a great deal of awareness among people about the importance of making better use of by-products and reducing food waste, and the project is therefore likely to reach the public and restaurant owners. The project therefore supports Icelandic vegetable farmers and grain growers well. Today, it is important to take action to achieve the goals that Iceland has set out in the Icelandic Food Policy until the year 2030, but the project directly addresses 4 aspects of the policy; strengthen the uniqueness of Icelandic vegetables, strengthen Icelandic food culture, reduce food waste through the utilization of by-products and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by supporting local environmental consumption. The project may also affect other aspects of Food Policy related to public health.

The aim of the project is twofold:

  1. Demonstrate the uniqueness of Icelandic vegetables in terms of pesticide residues compared to imported vegetables.
  2. Increase consumption of underutilized by-products - peel and bark. The external burden of vegetables and fruits is often high in fiber and healthy, and therefore increased consumption can not only have a positive environmental impact through the utilization of underutilized by-products but also have a positive effect on Icelanders' public health.

Brochure: Fiber-rich and healthy skin?

Below you can find a story about an interview that Ásta Heiðrún E. Pétursdóttir did at Bændablaðin:

The interview in its entirety can be found in the 19th issue of the farmer's newspaper, on page 22, by clicking here