
Computer controlled scraping knives for filleting machines




Jónas Rúnar Viðarsson, Ásbjörn Jónsson, Sveinn Margeirsson

Supported by:



Jónas Rúnar Viðarsson

Director of Business and Development

Computer controlled scraping knives for filleting machines

This report describes the progress and results of the project "Computer-controlled scraping knives for filleting machines" which was funded by the AVS Fund. The aim of the project was to develop and build computer-controlled equipment for controlling the movements of scraper knives in a filleting machine of the type F-189-PLC from Fiskvélar. It was hoped that the computer-controlled scraper knives would improve fillet utilization and make it possible to fillet smaller fish than has previously been possible with acceptable results. Measurements of fillet utilization of the machine after changes show that utilization has increased by 0.81%, when filleting medium-sized cod (approximately 2 kg). However, due to a lack of raw materials, it was not possible to measure whether the machine performed better when filleting very small fish (<0.7 kg). The computer-controlled scraper knives seem to follow the cutting curve better than older equipment and also that they reach further into the bones. It also appears that the increased mobility of the scraper knives reduces stimuli on the fish flesh. > <0.7 kg). The computer-controlled scraper knives seem to follow the cutting curve better than older equipment and also that they reach further into the bones. It also appears that the increased mobility of the scraper knives reduces stimuli on the fish flesh.

This is a report on the progress and results of the project "Computer controlled scraping knives for filleting machines". The aim of the projects was to develop and build a computer guided device to control movements of scraping knives in the F-189-PLC filleting machine from Fiskvélar. The goal was to increase filleting yield and make it possible to fillet smaller fish than has been possible before. Measuring filleting yield of the machine after it has been fitted with the new device shows that yield has improved by 0.81%. Unfortunately the success of the machine when filling very small fish (<0.7 kg) has not yet been carried out due to lack of raw material. The new device appears to guide the knives better along the cutting curve and allow them to cut closer to the bones. Improved maneuverability of the knives is also reducing strain on the flesh of the fish. > <0.7 kg) has not yet been carried out due to lack of raw material. The new device appears to guide the knives better along the cutting curve and allow them to cut closer to the bones. Improved maneuverability of the knives is also reducing strain on the flesh of the fish.

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