
Shrimp - brine based on characteristics




Arnljótur B. Bergsson, Ásbjörn Jónsson, Gunnar Þórðarson, Lárus Þorvaldsson, María Guðjónsdóttir, Minh Van Nguyen, Sigurjón Arason

Supported by:

AVS Fisheries Research Fund


Gunnar Þórðarson

Regional Manager

Shrimp - brine based on characteristics

The volume of imported frozen shrimp requires good care in the thawing of the raw material, as shrimp pickling is particularly important for the processing of the product produced from the raw material. Efforts were made to ensure that the best procedures for thawing and pre-packaging were shrimp in terms of raw material properties. Raw material properties were mapped using traditional certified measurement methods as well as low-range nuclear measurements and enhanced with near-infrared spectroscopy. Changes in shrimp that occurred during shrimp pickling were monitored. Processing conditions were mapped using alternate models. The effects of using phosphate as a technical aid were investigated. The correct proportions of shrimp and brine, as well as the temperature of the brine, are prerequisites for stability in pre-pickling so that the desired results are achieved. With proper application, phosphate increases the efficiency of shrimp processing but does not accompany shrimp in the packaging of consumer products. Maladjusted brine reduces utilization.

The volume of imported frozen shrimp demands optimal processes for defreezing the raw material. Brining is most important for the processing of the product that is produced from the raw material. Efforts were made to optimize defreezing and brining of shrimp depending on raw material quality attributes. Quality attributes of shrimp were mapped by accrecated methods as well as NMR and NIR measurments. Changes in shrimp were observed during the brining process. Processing conditions were charted with thermo ‐ models. Effect of usages of phosphate as technological adjuvants was observed. Porpotions of shrimp and brine, as well as temperature of brine are presumptions of stability during brining for expected results to be achieved. With correct application, phosphate increases processing performance and does not accompany shimp into packaged consumer product. Uncontrolled brining reduces product / raw material yield.

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Processing in line boats / Processing in line boats




Róbert Hafsteinsson, Albert Högnason, Sigurjón Arason

Supported by:

Technology Development Fund


Sigurjón Arason

Chief Engineer

Processing in line boats / Processing in line boats

This project is a collaborative project of the following companies; Matís ohf, Brim hf, Samherji hf, Vísir hf, Hraðfrystihúsið Gunnvör hf and 3X Technology. The aim of the project is to improve the processing processes of longline vessels with a view to reducing the cost of processing, increasing work efficiency and product quality. The result of this report is: Design of a production process on board liner vessels, a result report. Experimental report on thawing of bait, saury, condoms and herring. And a preliminary draft for the design of an automatic train system on board a liner. The main results of the project are the following: Great optimization involves thawing the bait in so-called snail tanks, the thawing time will be reduced from 17 hours to about 2-3 hours. Instead of taking the bait out 17 hours earlier, it is fed directly into the thawing tank from the bait freezer. This method saves a lot of time. Experiments show that fish that are allowed to bleed for approx. 10-15 minutes during a large water change, are then gutted and then cooled down to zero degrees for approx. A special processing process was designed on board liners that addresses these quality stamps. A preliminary draft of an automatic train system on board future liner vessels was also designed. The purpose of such a system is to have no train attendant on board the train, but to arrange and sort it on top of the working deck in the trolleys. The tub then goes into a specially designed tub lift, which was also designed for this project, onto the train and onto special train straps that move the tub to the relevant place on the train.

This project is a collaboration work between; Matis ohf, Brim hf, Samherji hf, Vísir hf, Hradfrystihusið Gunnvör hf and 3X Technology. The object of this project is to improve the process in line boats by reducing production costs, improve working conditions and product quality. The projects payoff is; Design of processing line onboard line boats, payoff report. Experiment report on thawing of bait, Saury, Cuttle and Herring. Also preliminary design of automatic system for loading boxes from holds in line boats. The primary results from this report are as follows: A great increase in efficiency is by thawing the bait in so called screw tanks, the thawing time reduced from 17 hours (current thawing method) down to appr. 2 - 3 hours. Instead of taking the bait out of the freezer 17 hours before use, the screw tank is feed from the freezer simultaneously. Previous experiments show that when the fish is bleeded for appr. 10‐15 minutes, and then gutted and afterwards cooled down to zero degree on Celsius for approx. 20-25 minutes in a special screw tank filled with slush gives increased fish quality. A special processing trail was designed for lineboats which takes into account this quality.

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