Listi yfir bæklinga og einblöðunga
Please note that some of the handouts and brochures may be in Icelandic only. Please contact us for additional information.
- Accelerating innovations of small scale regional food products
- Arctic Charr
- Bioactive compounds from Icelandic marine source
- Bioactivity of phlorotannins in brown seaweed
- Can fish peptides control blood pressure
- Choosing the right fish for farming
- Comparison between different ice media for chilling fish
- Detection and mapping of mtDNA SNPs in Atlantic salmon
- DNA profiling of the Icelandic Horse
- Effect of dietary protein level on protein content Arctic Charr
- Effects of chilling technologies
- Enzyme treatment & bringing of cod liver prior to canning
- Fish proteins & peptides
- Food safety & added value of Icelandic Fishmeal
- Future Opportunities for Bioeconomy in the West Nordic Countries
- Hermetia as a transformer of organic waste streams for aquaculture feed
- Hvernig á að útvatna saltfisk?
- Hvernig bý ég til góðan saltfisk?
- Icelandic Cod
- Inhibition of haemoglobin-mediated lipid oxidation
- Injection of Fish Protein Solutions
- Keeping Food Safety Research on the Agenda
- Kryddjurtir Hollar en viðkvæmar
- Kryddjurtir í pottum – Viðkvæmar jurtir
- Lipid tolerance of Atlantic cod
- Making smoked salmon more safe
- Microbial diversity of the Grimsey High-Temperature Vent Field…
- Mikilvægi góðrar meðhöndlunar á fiski
- Novel antioxidants from Icelandic seaweeds
- Occurrence of persistent organic pollutants in Atlantic cod in Icelandic waters
- Optimised chilling technologies for cod
- Pollution in Icelandic cod
- Pökkun á gulrófum varðveitir gæði og hindrar vatnstap
- Quality Meter
- Reduction of greenhouse gases in sub Sahara Africa
- Saltfiskhandbókin
- School based dietary intervention among teenagers
- Spicy grazing fields and the flavour of lamb
- Stunning & chilling methods lamb meat in Iceland
- The Icelandic Food Composition Database (ISGEM)
- The importance of good onboard handling of fish
- The importance of good onboard handling of fish (Danish)
- The importance of good onboard handling of fish (Faroese)
- The importance of good onboard handling of fish (Greenlandic)
- The importance of good onboard handling of fish (Norwegian)
- Tilapia from Iceland
- Valuable facts about Icelandic seafood
- Why do marine fish products spoil so fast
Ath. listinn er ekki tæmandi. Frekari upplýsingar veitir Kristín Edda Gylfadóttir,