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Identification of environmental hotspots in fishmeal and fish oil production towards the optimization of energy-related processes


Sigurjón Arason



This study assessed the environmental impacts of a pelagic fishmeal and fish oil production plant in Iceland with the life cycle assessment methodology. The study focused on assessing the effects of different energy sources for utility production due to the high energy intensity of fishmeal and fish oil production, as quality improved with lower cooking temperature. The environmental hotspots of three different processing scenarios were assessed, where the factory was run on hydropower (Scenario 0), heavy fuel (Scenario 1) and a composition of both (Scenario 2), from cradle-to-factory gate. Midpoint results showed that the raw material acquisition contributed the most to the environmental impact when the fishmeal factory was operating on hydropower. However, drying had the highest impact when heavy fuel oil was used for utility production. This study also demonstrated that lowering the cooking temperature from 90 to 85 °C, led to improved quality and simultaneously reduced environmental impacts during processing. This indicated that a small energy adjustment in the production can have an environmental gain, demonstrating the necessity to optimize each processing step in the fishmeal and fish oil production process both for increased product quality and minimizing environmental impacts.


Nordic Centre of Excellence Network in Fishmeal and Fish oil




Marvin Ingi Einarsson, Alfred Jokumsen, Anne Mette Bæk, Charlotte Jacobsen, Søren Anker Pedersen, Tor Andreas Samuelsen, Jóhannes Pálsson, Odd Eliasen, Ola Flesland

Styrkt af:

AG-fund, EUfishmeal

Nordic Centre of Excellence Network in Fishmeal and Fish oil

The main objective of this work was to summarise current knowledge on fishmeal and fish oil as well as identify the research needs and create a roadmap for future industry-driven research. The main conclusion was that the quality of raw material, fishmeal and – oil are not yet well defined. The real focus by the industry has mainly been limited to nutrients, such as proteins and fats and other components that makeup fishmeal. There has been less focus on the health benefits of dietary contents of fishmeal and –oil and the relationship between processing methods and the nutritional and technical properties of fishmeal. In addition, to proactively strengthen the market position and competitiveness, it is crucial for the industry to achieve a common understanding of the needs of their customers in line with a clear profile of the benefits of their products. A communication strategy as well as a research strategy is needed.

Finally, the identity of the industry needs to be clear and transparent to promote a story about the industry to provide a clear and positive image of the industry to be communicated to the society. This means, that a communication strategy as well as a research strategy must be established, as there is a lack of communication along the value chain from the industry to the consumers. There is still a lack of understanding by the consumers of why fishmeal is produced, the reasons must be communicated in such a way that it reaches the average consumer.

The industry members are interested in moving forward to sustain the future growth of the industry. Fishmeal and fish oil production has been prosperous for a very long time, but to remain so, cooperation among all stakeholders is crucial for continued progress.

Skoða skýrslu


Ferlastýring búklýsis úr uppsjávarfiski / Process control of pelagic fish crude oil




Magnea G. Karlsdóttir, Sigurjón Arason

Styrkt af:

AVS Rannsóknasjóður (S 010-15)


Sigurjón Arason



Ferlastýring búklýsis úr uppsjávarfiski / Process control of pelagic fish crude oil

Markmið þessa forverkefnisins var að greina mismunandi strauma í fiskmjöls- og lýsisvinnslu uppsjávartegunda. Áhersla var lögð á að greina fitusýrusamsetningu vökva á mismunandi stöðum í vökvaskiljunni. Talið er að afurð verkefnisins geti leitt til bættrar framleiðslu á búklýsi uppsjávarfisks, þar sem að hægt verður að framleiða lýsi með mismunandi hlutföllum af fjölómettuðum fitusýrum (s.s. EPA og DHA). Með því að taka lýsið úr mismunandi vökvastraumum má ná fram lýsi með mismunandi eiginleika og auka þannig verðmæti lýsisafurða sem framleiddar eru í fiskmjöls- og lýsisverksmiðjum. Talsverður breytileiki í fitusýrusamsetningu mældist í sýnunum, bæði eftir fisktegund og sýnatökustað. Sýnin áttu öll það sameiginlegt að einómettaðar fitusýrur voru í meirihluta óháð fisktegund og sýnatökustað. Fjölómettaðar og mettaðar fitusýrur fylgdu þar á eftir. Vísbendingar voru um að lengri fjölómettuðu fitusýrurnar brotni niður eftir því sem lengra er farið inn í ferlið. Með bættum vinnsluferlum væri hægt að fara í framleiðslu á hágæða lýsisafurðum til manneldis. Fara þarf því í mun ýtarlegri greiningu á öllu ferlinu, en niðurstöður þessa verkefnis gefa til kynna að það er eftir miklu að slægjast.

The objective of the project was to identify different streams during production of fishmeal and oil from pelagic fish. Emphasis was placed on analysing the fatty acid composition of streams collected at different processing steps. It is believed that the results can lead to improved production of pelagic fish oil, since it will be possible to produce fish oil with various proportion of polyunsaturated fatty acids (such as EPA and DHA). Considerable variability was observed between the collected samples, both by species as well as where in the process the samples were collected. Monounsaturated fatty acids were majority in all the samples, regardless of fish species and sampling location. Moreover, the results indicated that the longer polyunsaturated fatty acids can break down as the process go further. With improved processing control, it is possible to produce high quality oil products intended for human consumption. A comprehensive analysis on the entire process is however necessary.

Skýrsla lokuð til 01.11.2020

Skoða skýrslu


Próteinverksmiðja Héðins (HPP) og lýsisverksmiðja Héðins (HOP) / Hedinn protein plant and Hedinn oil plant




Magnús Valgeir Gíslason, Gunnar Pálsson, Sindri Freyr Ólafsson, Arnljótur Bjarki Bergsson, Björn Margeirsson, Sigurjón Arason, Magnea G. Karlsdóttir

Styrkt af:

AVS rannsóknasjóður í sjávarútvegi (R10 084-10 og R12 039-12)


Sigurjón Arason



Próteinverksmiðja Héðins (HPP) og lýsisverksmiðja Héðins (HOP) / Hedinn protein plant and Hedinn oil plant

Markmið verkefnisins var að þróa sjálfvirkar fiskmjöls- og lýsisverksmiðjur (HPP og HOP). Verksmiðjurnar eru sjálfvirkar, umhverfisvænar og geta gengið fyrir rafmagni, gufu eða afgangsvarma. Framleiðsluferill fyrir fiskmjöl hefur verið endurhannaður að mörgu leyti. Þekking á ferlastýringu og eðliseiginleikum hráefnisins eru byggð á hefðbundnu fiskmjölsferli, og er sú þekking notuð sem grunnur fyrir þróun á búnaði til þess að fullvinna sjávarafurðir. Tilraunir með HPP skiptust í tvo megin þætti: 1) prófanir nýjum búnaði og framleiðsluferli og 2) úttekt á efnis- og orkuflæði í framleiðsluferlinu. Megin áherslan er á aukahráefni sem verður til við fiskvinnslu til manneldis, s.s. slóg og bein af hvítfiskum. Einnig hafa prófanir sýnt fram á ágæti verksmiðjunnar til þess að vinna mjöl og lýsi úr aukahráefnum frá rækjuvinnslu, laxfiskavinnslu og uppsjávarfiskvinnslu, en þessi hráefni hafa verið notuð í framleiðslu á fiskmjöli og lýsi í áratugi og eiginleikar þeirra þekktir. Tilraunir með HOP verksmiðjuna gengu út á að prófa mismunandi suðutíma og hitastig við suðu, ásamt því að takmarka aðgengi súrefnis að hráefni við vinnslu. Niðurstöðurnar sýna að HPP og HOP hefur getu til þess að framleiða fiskmjöl og lýsi úr áður lítið nýttum aukahráefnum. Gæði fiskmjölsins og lýsisins voru háð gæðunum á hráefninu sem fór inn í verksmiðjuna. Fyrir litla verksmiðju sem er staðsett nálægt fiskvinnslu, ætti ferskleiki hráefnisins ekki að vera vandamál. Efnamælingar á mjöli og lýsi sýndu lágt vatnsinnihald í lýsinu og lágt fituinnihald í mjöli, sem undirstrikar að nýr búnaðar sem notaður var í verksmiðjunni virkar eins vel og vonast var eftir.

The aim of the project is to develop an automatic fish meal and fish oil factory (HPP and HOP). The factory is automatic, environmentally friendly and runs on electricity, steam or waste heat. The manufacturing process and equipment for fish meal has been redesigned in various ways. The knowledge on the process management and the properties of the raw material based on fish meal processing will serve as a basis for the companies to develop new equipment for the full processing of marine products. Experiments with HPP consisted of two main parts: 1) testing new equipment and manufacturing process and 2) examination of mass- and energy flow through the process. Focus was on by-products from processing fish for human consumption e.g. viscera from whitefish and bones. Also experiments have been conducted on shell from shrimp and pelagic fish which has been used for fish meal processing for decades with its well-known properties. Experiments with HOP factory consist of testing different cooking time and temperature, in addition to limit accessibility of oxygen to the raw material in the process. The results showed that HPP and HOP can produce fish meal and fish oil from previously little utilized by-products of many species. The quality of the fish meal and oil depended on freshness on the raw material. For a small factory that can be stationed close to a fish processing plant, the freshness of raw material should not be a problem. Measurement of low water content in fish oil and low fat content in the meal, states that the new equipment and process are giving results as hoped.

Skoða skýrslu


Vinnsla verðmætra afurða úr slógi / Production of valuable products from viscera




Sigrún Mjöll Halldórsdóttir

Styrkt af:


Vinnsla verðmætra afurða úr slógi / Production of valuable products from viscera

Fiskislóg er ríkt af mörgum mismunandi efnum s.s. próteini, lýsi og steinefnum,sem að geta verið góð í alls kyns verðmætar afurðir. Tilgangur verkefnisins var að rannsaka möguleikann á því að nýta efni úr slógi í gæludýrafóður og/eða áburð fyrir plöntur. Slóg úr þorskvinnslu með og án lifur var unnið með ensímum: annars vegar Alkalasa og hins vegar blöndu af Alkalasa og þorskensímum. Tilraunir voru gerðar með að safna fitufasa úr slóginu. Fitufasinn var fitusýrugreindur og mælt var peroxíðgildi til að meta stig þránunar. Þá var próteinhlutinn úðaþurrkaður og eftirfarandi mælingar framkvæmdar: próteininnihald, amínósýrugreining, snefilefnamæling, andoxunarvirkni (málmklóbindihæfni, DPPH, ORAC, afoxunarhæfni og andoxunarvirkni í frumukerfi) og blóðþrýstinglækkandi virkni. Helstu niðurstöður eru þær að ensímunnið slóg hefur framúrskarandi hæfni til málmklóbindingar og getur þannig viðhaldið málmum (steinefnum) í því formi sem að bæði plöntur og dýr geta nýtt sér. Einnig var amínósýrusamsetningin afar heppileg sem næring fyrir hunda og ketti.

Fish viscera is rich in many different materials, such as protein, oil and minerals that can be good in all kinds of valuable products. The purpose of this project was to investigate the possibility of utilizing materials of viscera in pet food and/or fertilizer for plants. Viscera from cod processing with and without liver was processed with the following enzymes: Alcalase and a mixture of Alcalase and cod enzymes. Attempts were made to collect the lipid phase of the viscera. Fatty acids were analyzed in the lipid phase and measured peroxide values to assess the degree of rancidity. The remaining protein solution was spray dried and the following measurements performed: protein content, amino acid analysis, measurement of trace elements, antioxidant (metal chelating, DPPH, ORAC, reducing ability and antioxidant activity in cell systems) and blood pressure lowering activity. The main conclusion is that hydrolysed viscera protein has excellent ability to metal chelation and can thereby maintain metals (minerals) in the form that both plants and animals can utilize. Amino acid composition was also very suitable as nutrition for dogs and cats.

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