
Discusses the foal meat

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Eva Margrét Jónudóttir

Project Manager

The latest issue of Bændablaðið discusses a report published by Matís on the production of horsemeat and the results of measurements of the nutritional content and properties of the meat.

Bændablaðið's review interviewed Eva Margrét Jónudóttir, who is one of the authors of the report, but she says that research on the properties of horsemeat is very deficient all over the world and that Iceland is no exception.

The conclusions of the report state, as stated above, that foal meat is a high-quality meat product that should meet all the main wishes of consumers in terms of quality, purity and nutritional value.

Bændablaðið's coverage can be found here.

In addition, there was an interview with Eva Margrét about the foal meat in the radio show Samfélagið on Channel 1. You can listen to the interview hereShare Share: