
Pelagic industry now and for the future

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Matís morning meeting on the state of pelagic processing and the main challenges of the future in the industry.


  1. Stock analysis of pelagic fish and environmental genetic material in capelin searches - Sæmundur Sveinsson (Head of Department at Matís)
  2. Changed raw material treatment at sea - Professor Sigurjón Arason (Chief Engineer at Matís and Professor Emeritus at the Faculty of Food and Nutrition, University of Iceland)
  3. Opportunities in land processing - Hildur Inga Sveinsdóttir (Project Manager at Matís and Adjunct Professor at the Faculty of Food and Nutrition, University of Iceland)
  4. New development center for experimental production - Stefán Þór Eysteinsson (Project Manager, Matís)
  5. Possibilities of using rapid measurement methods in the pelagic industry - Professor María Guðjónsdóttir (Dean of the Faculty of Food and Nutrition, University of Iceland and project manager at Matís)
  6. The main challenges of the industry - Pelagic Fisheries Association
  7. Discussion

The meeting was held on 19 May. Below you can watch a recording of the meeting:

Here is a link to the event of the meeting on Facebook

This event is part of a series of focus meetings held following the annual meeting to provide further insight into Matís' operations, which provide support to various sectors and sectors of the economy.

The meeting will be recorded and made accessible