
A course on increasing the value of by-products of food production

Service Category:



Eva Margrét Jónudóttir

Project Manager

Matís, the University of Iceland and the Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research The Polish Academy of Sciences in Olsztyn is currently organizing the course School on adding value to food side streams 2021 which will take place in Iceland 7.-17. next October.

A search has begun for talented students and young scientists who want to increase their knowledge of innovation and strengthen their skills in management by solving various tasks.

The objectives of the course include:

  • Raising awareness of the social and environmental responsibility of food producers and of the opportunities that exist to improve the utilization of by-products in food production.
  • To build a platform where students and young professionals with diverse backgrounds can exchange ideas and tackle the opportunities and challenges that exist when it comes to adding value to by-products in food production.
  • To promote overall concept work and product development.
  • To strengthen, expand and strengthen the network of young entrepreneurs.

The course will be taught in English and is free of charge for students.

Here you can see the program of the course

An introductory video about the course is in the player here:

More information about this great opportunity can be found here:

Registration takes place here:

The application deadline is 30 September