
Polygamy placed in "Glass of fame"

In Matís' premises at Vínlandsleið 12, there is a glass cabinet that does not show much at first glance. On closer inspection, however, it turns out that inside the cupboard you will find a large number of products that Matís' partners have developed and come in consumer packages. Of course, there is little space in such a cabinet and not all the products of partners that fit there.

The glass cabinetIn the good cupboard you can now find rhubarb caramel from Löngumýri in Skeiðar, skyr confectionery from Rjómabúið in Erpsstaðir, UNA skincare products from algae, smoked fish from Reykhöll Gunna á Rif, birch syrup from Holt and Heiðar in Hallormsstaður, gourmet Iceland mustard from Sólakri mustard from Sóla with an old method from TrueWestfjords and local pasta to name a few. Margildi was joining the group with its product line, which produces fish oil from capelin, herring and mackerel.

Larger equipment and solutions that Matís has worked on through its collaboration with the fishing industry cannot be found in this cabinet, as some of these equipment are very large and heavy and in some cases entire factories!

But the cabinet has been named the Glass Cabinet and it can be said with truth that it is like "Glass of fame" here at Matís.


Matís - a major role in numerous international research projects

Matís has historically played an important role among companies in the fisheries sector. In part, this can be said about agriculture, especially recently when it comes to small-scale food production, and Matís' food factories are an important link in that.

Matís' role in research and innovation in the fisheries sector is at least diminishing, as progress in the industry is great and companies and individuals in the fisheries sector do well to make full use of everything that is provided and get the best possible price for everything that goes on the market by offering first-class raw materials and products from the sea around Iceland.

But there are far fewer who know about Matís' success in international research and innovation. In this field, Matís has shown the ability and talent to be a strong participant in research projects and has in many cases managed or led large international projects, especially projects that have focused on fish and fisheries. Examples of such projects are EcoFishManMareFrameDiscardLess and PrimeFish.

 MareFrame_project_meeting_webFrom the MareFrame project meeting in Romania.

There are considerable benefits from these projects for Matís and all Icelanders, but in addition to significant funds that result in increased employment of researchers in Iceland, knowledge is created in these projects that translates directly into the Icelandic research and business community.

Further information on Matís' project participation can be found in the leaflet International Cooperation & Research Projects and on


Ninth International Conference of the Association of Agriculture in the Arctic

The Circumpolar Agricultural Association (CAA) is an organization of individuals in all Arctic countries. The association's conferences are held every three years and the ninth conference will be held in Reykjavík from 6 to 8 October 2016.

The topics of the conference will be:

The role of agriculture in the Arctic bioeconomy

The bioeconomy is based on organic resources and more and more attention has been paid to this approach in recent years. Agriculture needs to take advantage of the attention that the bioeconomy receives, because the green bioeconomy is primarily about agriculture and its products.

The conference will focus on regional production that strengthens dispersed settlements, food production in the Arctic, tourism and innovation that responds to changing circumstances. Special emphasis will be placed on promoting good results that have been achieved in one area and that others can benefit from.

A food exhibition organized by the final conference of the NordBio program will be included in the agenda. On October 8, an excursion will take place where guests will get to know Icelandic agriculture.

Further information can be found on the conference website: and information can also be found on the conference's Facebook page.

The conference has been held once before in Iceland, but it was in 2001. The conference was called "Legacy and Vision in Northern Agriculture" and was intended to draw attention to the interplay of history and culture with the foundations of agriculture.


For further information Ólafur Reykdal at Matís.


Strategic agreement between Martak and Matís

Martak ehf. which specializes in solutions for food processing, especially shrimp processing, and the research company Matís have entered into a framework agreement to strengthen knowledge in the processing of marine products.

This is a strategic framework agreement that aims to increase the utilization of raw materials, extend the life of a manufactured product, increase the utilization of what is generated during production, so-called additional raw materials, and reduce energy and water needs at all stages of production. According to Martaks and Matís, there are great opportunities in improving the current processing processes for the processing of marine products and thus reducing the environmental impact of the production. "As an ambitious company that constantly looks to improve its own production and promote efficiency and utilization of our customers, we consider it very important to have access to the knowledge and professionalism that Matís has," says Stefán Haukur Tryggvason, CEO of Martaks.

Knowledge and production collaboration: Sveinn Margeirsson, CEO of Matís and Stefán Haukur Tryggvason, CEO of Martak, sign a strategic agreement on the companies' collaboration on the development of production solutions that increase efficiency and utilization of raw materials and save energy and water.

In addition, Matís will be on hand for Martaki regarding application writing for technology, science and innovation funds, and Matís will provide advice on, among other things, which funds are most likely to apply to and how best to handle those applications. "For us, it is important to combine knowledge and production to promote development in the food industry. One of our goals is to promote innovation in the food industry and therefore it is invaluable to work with a progressive company in the field of production solutions in the food industry, "says Sveinn Margeisson, CEO of Matís.

Matís is a powerful knowledge company that handles a variety of research, service and innovation in the food and biotechnology industry. Matís provides advice and services to companies in the fisheries and agriculture sectors, as well as the Icelandic state. For example, Matís is involved in the development of new products and processes for companies and has an important role to play in terms of food quality and safety.

Martak ehf. is one of the most powerful export companies in Iceland and a leader in the development and production of solutions and equipment for processing seafood, especially shrimp products. The company employs ambitious staff with extensive experience in solutions for the food industry. The company has two offices, product development, manufacturing, sales and service in Iceland and service and sales in Canada, as well as agents and distributors in the United States and across Europe.

For further information, contact Stefán Haukur Tryggvason at tel. 422-1800 and Sveinn Margeirsson at tel. 422-5000.


Whitefish in the North Atlantic - ways to differentiate from cheaper fish

The WhiteFishMall project has just been completed, with the aim of ensuring even further differentiation of North Atlantic catfish from cheaper whitefish species, which are now flowing into our main market areas, in particular the UK market.

Work on the project began in early 2012 and market research has been conducted in the UK among fish consumers, in addition to which interviews and meetings have been held with parties working in this sector in processing, sales and marketing. The attitudes of focus groups made up of typical fish consumers in the UK have been explored towards North Atlantic catfish products and how their experience in shopping, cooking and consumption can be improved.

More information about the WhiteFishMall project can be found at project website but the final report can be found at Nordic Innovation website.

For further information, contact Matís Jónas R. Viðarsson.


Diabetic anti-diabetic activity - MSc. lecture in nutrition

Margrét Eva Ásgeirsdóttir gives a lecture on anti-diabetic activity in seaweed (Fucus vesiculosus) and pine bark examined using a 3T3-L1 fat cell model. The lecture takes place in Verinun, Vísindagörður located in Sauðárkrókur. You can follow the lecture at Matís' headquarters at Vínlandsleið 12, on Thursday 4 February at 10: 00-11: 00 (hall: Esja-311).

The aim was to investigate the effects of seaweed and pine bark extracts on fat accumulation in the 3T3-L1 fat cell model, their inhibitory activity against α-glucosidase and their antioxidant activity.

Three seaweed extracts inhibited fat accumulation in the 3T3-L1 cells without affecting their survival, and F. vesiculosus water extract showed the best activity with a 35% inhibition at a concentration of 0.1 mg / mL. F. Vesiculosus acid extract also showed good activity with 19% inhibition in the same concentration. In addition, both seaweed and pine bark extracts had strong antioxidant activity as well as inhibitory activity against α-glucosidase. The pine bark had the highest antioxidant activity in ORAC with 2869 µmol TE / g and the same extract had good inhibitory activity against α-glucosidase with 1.3 µg / mL IC50 value.

Further research is needed to identify the processes that inhibit fat accumulation. In vivo studies can also provide information on whether these effects could also occur in living organisms. This could lead to the development and production of supplements that could be used to prevent obesity and the related metabolic diseases.

Projects for a master's degree in food science worked on Matís Biotechnology Center in Sauðárkrókur.

Supervisors: dr. Eva Küttner , dr. Hörður G. Kristinsson and dr. Björn Viðar Aðalbjörnsson

Examiner: dr. Margrét Helga Ögmundsdóttir


Salted fish drying in Icelandic conditions (R13 078-12)




Ásbjörn Jónsson, Gísli Kristjánsson, Sigurjón Arason

Supported by:

AVS - Fisheries Research Fund


Sigurjón Arason

Chief Engineer

Salted fish drying in Icelandic conditions (R13 078-12)

Dried salted fish is a popular consumer product in Southern Europe and Latin America. A considerable amount of the salted fish imported from Iceland is dried in Portugal, before being sold to consumers in that country or transported on to Brazil. There is interest in examining the feasibility of transferring the drying process to Iceland and thus increasing the added value of the product. The aim of this project was to build up knowledge in the production of dried salted fish from Icelandic raw materials, which has been salted and dried under Icelandic conditions using geothermal energy. Furthermore, to develop drying technology that can produce a comparable product and even better than is on the market today. To achieve these goals, experiments were carried out with drying salted fish in an Icelandic lattice cell (pyramid dryer). The effects of drying on different types of fish, which were processed by different salting methods and treatment before drying and during drying, were compared. The results showed that there was a difference in the drying rate between fish species (ling, cone and cod). There was also a difference between brine which was brine salted and cod which was brine and injected with Carnal phosphate. No weight difference was measured between pickled fish, with or without phosphate from the same producer in drying. Some benefits in the form of faster weight loss during drying were achieved by loading the fish during drying. The temperature and humidity in the drying chamber were very stable and there was no significant difference in the drying speed in the fish, located in different places in the chamber. The results of measurements of water and salt content in different places in fish flesh showed the lowest water content on the surface of the fish after drying.

Dried salted fish is a popular consumer product in Southern Europe and South America. Large quantities of salted fish export from Iceland are further processed into dried salted products in Portugal, before consumed in Portugal or exported to Brazil. By drying the salted fish in Iceland an added value could be achieved, before export. The aim of the project was to build up expertise in the production of dried salted fish from Icelandic ingredient, using geothermal energy. Furthermore, to develop a drying technology which can produce a similarproducts and even better that is on the market today. To achieve these objectives, attempts were made by drying the salted cod in Icelandic, grid cell (pyramid dryer). Fish of different species, different salting methods and treatment for drying and during the drying period, were compared. The results showed significant difference in drying rate between fish species (ling, tusk and cod). Also there was a difference between cod which was picle salted and brined cod injected with Carnal phosphate. No differences in weight loss was observed between brined cod, with or whitout phosphate, from the same producer. Some advatages can also be achieved by compressing the fish during drying, which speeds up the weight loss. The humidity and temperature in the drying tunnel were stable and no difference could be found in drying rate of fish in different locations in the drying tunnel. Results from water and salt content in different locations in the fish, showed the lowest water content on the surface of the fish after drying.

View report


All wrong after an interview in Bíta á Bylgjan

Last week there was an interview with Ásthildur Björgvinsdóttir but her company, Ástrík,, produces popcorn with caramel and sea salt, among other things. At the end of the interview, Ásthildur talked a bit about Matís and said that the company was "genius".

After this interview, everything went wrong at Matís when asked how the company can help entrepreneurs and smaller companies to bring food ideas to the production stage or bring less service to larger units for sale in Iceland and abroad.

But how can Matís help?

As Ásthildur put it, Matís is a brilliant company that enables parties to use legal and certified facilities, helps in these matters to begin with and provides suggestions and offers assistance.

We are not going to protest these words! 🙂

Want to know more about how Matís can help? Then take a look at our site,

For further information Óli Þór Hilmarsson at Matís.

The interview with Ásthildur can be found on Bylgjan's website,


Icelanders' consumption of selenium, arsenic, cadmium and mercury from seafood

Lilja Rut Traustadóttir will give a lecture for a master's degree at the University of Iceland on 3 February. but her research is based on the methodology of total consumption research. The results of the study can be used for policy-making in public health and especially as advice to young women on the health of seafood.

The lecture will take place in Askja, room N-132, on February 3 at 15-16.


On research on the total consumption of foreign substances

Matís is a participant in an interesting European project ( where methods will be developed to estimate the amount of unwanted contaminants people get from food.

The project is called Total Diet Study Exposure Study, and is working in collaboration with 19 European countries and the project is partly funded by the 7th European Research Program (FP7).

Helga Gunnlaugsdóttir, director of Matís, is Matís' main contact in this project and she provides further information about the research.


Increased capacity for cooling mackerel - a lecture for a master's degree at the University of Iceland

Sindri Rafn Sindrason gives a lecture on her project for a master's degree in industrial engineering. The name of the project is "Increased capacity for cooling mackerel". 


The objective of this study was to investigate the possibility of combining two existing cooling systems, Refrigerated Sea Water system (RSW) and Chilled Sea Water (CSW), to see if the outcome could be beneficial for fisheries to implement in their production. The main principle behind the idea is to add ice, preferably slurry ice, to help the RSW system to cool the catch down to an optimum temperature. The anatomy of the mackerel is discussed as well as seasonal variation and other important aspects of the species.

A closer look into the two cooling systems in question as well as the Icelandic mackerel quota was taken. One of the main objectives was to calculate the ice requirements for the different cooling systems, as well as compare their oil consumption and cooling rate of the product. Similar cooling treatments can also be used at other stages in the production line. Therefore the study also included a small experiment on using slurry ice to pre-cool the processed mackerel before plate freezing. The project is part of the Nordic master's program AQFood.


  • Sigurjón Arason, professor at the University of Iceland and chief engineer at Matís
  • María Guðjónsdóttir, lecturer at the University of Iceland
  • Aberham Hailu Feyissa, lecturer at DTU
  • Ólafur Pétur Pálsson, professor at the University of Iceland


  • Sveinn Víkingur Árnason, managing director of Vínbúðin

When does this event start: 

January 28, 2016 - 3:00 p.m.

Event location: 


Further location: 

Living room 138