
Incidence of Salmonella and Campylobacter contamination in consumer products

The results of a study carried out over a 12-month period with the aim of examining the frequency of the pathogens are now available. Salmonella and Campylobacter in Icelandic fresh chicken products on the market. 

The premise of the study was that Iceland has now adopted most of the food rules and EU food legislation, so it is clear that the import of fresh meat products to Iceland could become a reality, but so far the government has banned such imports. Therefore, there was a need to gather data to assess the safety status of Icelandic fresh products on the market with regard to microbial contamination, and chicken manure was selected where the contamination of these pathogens is most prevalent.

Comprehensive data are available on frequencies Salmonella and Campylobacter in poultry farming in Iceland and at slaughter in recent years, but there has been a lack of information on the state of affairs in the consumer market. The study took 537 samples from May 2012 to April 2013 from the country's three largest producers. 183 consumer packages of whole chickens, 177 packages of breasts and 177 packages of wings were examined. All the samples in the study turned out to be negative for both Salmonella and Campylobacter. It is therefore clear that the situation in these countries is very good and as good or better than what is happening in other countries.

The report of the study can be found here.

The study was a collaborative project between Matís and Matvælastofnun (MAST).

For further information Eyjólfur Reynisson at Matís.


What is the difference between food security and food security?

Can Iceland play a role in both food security and our own food security? But what about other countries? Can the country play a role elsewhere than in Iceland?

Below you can see a video where Sveinn Margeirsson, CEO of Matís, explains the difference between food safety and food safety.

A video that, among other things, discusses Matís' headquarters located in Reykjavík


Testing different types of impregnations and its effect on bio fouling




Ólafur Ögmundarson, Þorleifur Eiríksson, Böðvar Þórðarson, Gunnar Þórðarson

Supported by:

Tækniþróunarsjóður, AVS


Gunnar Þórðarson

Regional Manager

Testing different types of impregnations and its effect on bio fouling

The use of copper oxide in the treatment paint of cow bags is highly criticized and has been banned in many places due to its negative effects on the environment. Within the European Union, the use has been grayed out due to these negative effects of the substance on the environment, but it has been difficult to ban it as no substances have been found that repel sediments as well from the sacs as copper oxide. In the Norðurkví project, there has been a project where an attempt has been made to find a substance that could replace the copper oxide, but no permanent solution has been found. The results of this experiment are presented in this report.

Usage of copper oxide in treating net ‐ bags in aquaculture is a controversial and has been banned in many countries due to its negative environmental impact. Within the EU, use of copper oxide has been put on a gray list but not banned because no substitute treating material has been found which has the same effect in keeping algae away from the nets ‐ bags. The North Cage project has been looking into finding alternative solutions to copper oxide, and the conclusion of this research is drafted in this report.

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Preliminary project for research on the genetic composition of Icelandic herring compared to other stocks in the Northeast Atlantic: Biological diversity and processing properties / A pilot study on the multidisciplinary approach for the genetic stock identification of herring in the Northeast Atlantic: Biodiversity, functional and chemical properties




Sigurlaug Skírnisdóttir, Guðbjörg Ólafsdóttir, Sarah Helyar, Christophe Pampoulie, Guðmundur J. Óskarsson, Ásbjörn Jónsson, Jan Arge Jacobsen, Aril Slotte, Hóraldur Joensen, Henrik Hauch Nielsen, Lísa Libungan, Sigurjón Arason, Sindri Sigurðsson, Sigríður Hjörleifsdóttir, Anna K. Daníelsdóttir

Supported by:

Fisheries Project Fund, AG ‐ Fisk, Faroese Fisheries Research Fund, Research Studies Fund, Student Innovation Fund


Guðbjörg Ólafsdóttir

Project Manager

Preliminary project for research on the genetic composition of Icelandic herring compared to other stocks in the Northeast Atlantic: Biological diversity and processing properties / A pilot study on the multidisciplinary approach for the genetic stock identification of herring in the Northeast Atlantic: Biodiversity, functional and chemical properties

The purpose of the project was to:

· Develop a genetic analysis set with 20-25 genetic markers to assess the genetic composition and stock structure of herring in the Northeast Atlantic

· Use genetic makeup, milling and other biological factors to differentiate strains

· Study the relationship between stock units and the processing properties of herring

Knowledge of herring stocks is of great importance for the sustainable utilization and management of herring fisheries. A key factor for sustainable fisheries management and quota allocation is to know what stock units are in the fishing areas and how large they are. In this project, approx. 4,500 samples collected from nine possible stock units in the Northeast Atlantic in the years 2008 - 2012 (off Iceland, Norway, the Faroe Islands and Scotland). This extensive and extensive sample collection will then be used in further research projects. The results of a genetic analysis with 24 genetic markers showed that local herring stocks in fjords in Norway were significantly different from all other stock units. However, no significant differences were found for the possible stem units. Other more sensitive methods, such as DNA monopoly analysis (SNPs), may be able to differentiate between the strains, but this research has already begun in a new follow-up project. The biological information collected in the project did not differentiate between possible stem units. Studies of the Icelandic summer spawning herring and the Norwegian-Icelandic spring spawning herring showed differences in body color, water and fat content as well as stage of puberty and weight. No results have been obtained from the mill analyzes, but they will be published in connection with a doctoral project at the University of Iceland.

The aim of the project was:

· To develop a genetic approach based on 20-25 microsatellite loci to study the genetic variation of herring stocks in the Northeast Atlantic Ocean

· To use genetic, biological and otolith characters as discriminating parameters for stock identification

· To analyze physicochemical characteristics of different herring stocks

Sustainable fisheries management and quota decisions made by authorities are based on knowledge on fish stock structures and their sizes. Herring is a highly migratory fish species, and therefore it is likely to show low genetic differences among stocks. The mixed stock herring fishery creates considerable problems for the industry and the management of the stocks. In this project more than 4,500 individuals were sampled from 9 putative herring stocks in the Northeast Atlantic Ocean during the years 2008 and 2012. The sampling accomplished in the project is extensive and valuable for future research projects. The results of the genetic study based on 24 microsatellite genetic loci showed that the local Norwegian fjord stocks were significantly different from all other putative stocks. The other Northeast Atlantic herring stock units were not found to be significantly different. Power analyzes performed during this study revealed that sampling scheme, protocols and genetic design were sufficient to detect any level of genetic differentiation around 0.001. Therefore, a more sensitive type of genetic markers are needed for the problem addressed, such as SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphism) and that work has already started. Biological parameters alone did not have enough discriminating power for stock identification. The Icelandic summer ‐ spawning herring (ISSH) and the Norwegian spring ‐ spawning herring (NSSH) differed mainly in color and water / fat content. The herring from the two stocks were also found to be different in relation to maturity and weight. The methodology of otolith microstructure analyzes and their results will be published later in a PhD thesis at University of Iceland.

Report closed until 01.02.2015

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Fish anti-diabetic fish proteins




Patricia Hamaguchi, Hólmfríður Sveinsdóttir, Eva Kuttner

Supported by:

AVS research fund (R ‐ 12‐029‐11)

Fish anti-diabetic fish proteins

The purpose of this project was to screen for the bioactivity of peptides produced from three different fish species: cod (Gadus morhua), saithe (Pollachius virens) and char (Salvelinus alpinus). The proteins were hydrolyzed with four types of proteolytic enzymes, viz. Alcalase and Protamex from Novozyme and Protease M and Protease P from Amano enzyme, and their bioactivity studied. The peptides were also digested with digestive fluids containing digestive enzymes to examine whether digestion affected their bioactivity. The aim of the project was also to investigate the anti-diabetic effect of the peptides through chemical and cellular tests. The main results indicate that the peptides have a positive health effect, especially antioxidant activity and antihypertensive activity. At the same time, the antioxidant activity increased after digestion. It was difficult to measure the anti-diabetic effect of the peptides by cellular tests and it is necessary to develop this method better for further research on the anti-diabetic effect of bioactive substances. Overall, the project is an important part of acquiring knowledge of the composition and properties of fish peptides extracted from different raw materials with different enzymes. The methods that were set up will be used in the future to analyze and verify further bioactivity in products made from Icelandic seafood.

This AVS project was primarily aimed at screen for the peptide characteristics of three different fish species: Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua), saithe (Pollachius virens) and Artic charr (Salvelinus alpinus). The proteins were hydrolyzed using four different proteolytic enzymes: Alcalase and Protamex from Novozyme and Protease M and Protease P from Amano enzyme by measuring the bioactive properties of these peptides. Moreover, after analyzing the characteristics of these peptides, the goal was to apply simulated gastrointestinal digestion and compare the digested peptides to undigested peptides to see if there were increases in bioactivities. Finally, this project also focused on the anti ‐ diabetes properties by using in ‐ vitro chemical based assays and in ‐ vitro cellular based assays. In general, the project results indicate possible health benefits of the fish peptides, particularly good anti ‐ oxidant and anti ‐ hypertensive effects. Interestingly, there was an increase of antioxidant properties after applying simulated gastrointestinal digestion to the hydrolysates. However, cell ‐ based assays testing anti ‐ diabetes effects proved to be very challenging while chemical in ‐ vitro test did not show any anti ‐ diabetes properties of the fish hydrolysates. We suggest that more research efforts need to be directed towards the development of assays measuring anti ‐ diabetes effects.

Report closed until 01.10.2015

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Icelandic underwater drilling goes far and wide

The start-up company Hafbor in Siglufjörður has designed and built an underwater drilling machine that attaches to the seabed for various equipment. The project was funded by the Technology Development Fund and the NORA-Nordic Technology Development Fund in collaboration with Matís and more.

The machine option has already been used in Iceland and is on its way to projects abroad.

Hafbor ehf.

According to Ingvar Erlingsson, CEO of Hafbor, the machine was fully developed in Iceland and has already performed several projects in Iceland. A contract is being negotiated with a distributor in Sweden and the machine will go to the USA at the end of the month.

More information and a video with the news can be found here.

The above article first appeared on Morgunblaðið's website,


New technology for the Nordic fishing fleet: fishing gear and catch management

On the 1st and 2nd of October next. In collaboration with a number of domestic and foreign experts, Matís will hold a workshop entitled "New technology for the Nordic fishing fleet: fishing gear and catch management". The meeting takes place at Matís' headquarters in Reykjavík at Vínlandsleið 12. Participation is open to everyone and free of charge, but people are asked to register by sending an e-mail to jonas ()

Workshop on research and development on fishing gear and catch management

The aim of the meeting is to present the main innovations in the field of research and development related to fishing gear and catch management on board fishing vessels. The meeting is sponsored by the Nordic Council of Ministers through AG-fisk (Working group for fisheries co-operation), whose main goal is to promote co-operation in the fisheries sector among the Nordic countries.

At the meeting, nineteen experts from nine countries will present research and the main innovations in fishing gear development and technology related to catch management. The meeting is divided into four parts and at the end of each part there is project work and a panel discussion. The hope of the participants is that it will promote increased co-operation among professionals in the Nordic fisheries sector.

All information about the meeting can be found at and the site will be used to share information about the main innovations regarding fishing gear and catch management following the meeting.

All further information provides Jónas R. Viðarsson at Matís, tel. 422 5107


Fish today!

Matís is launching a national campaign called Fishing day and is intended to make consumers more aware of the importance of fish consumption and fish-related products such as fish oil and other seafood. The aim of the campaign is to increase Icelanders' fish consumption, but the campaign is funded by the AVS fund.

Many are involved in this positive effort. There will be several 5-minute interludes on RÚV, where myths about seafood will be addressed and we will also prepare study material for primary and secondary schools on seafood handling, nutrition and cooking. The biggest factor, however, is in the form of an advertising campaign where the unique characteristics of each type of seafood are hammered out and consumers are encouraged to have fish in their food at least twice a week and of course to take fish oil.

The Fish Today campaign will formally begin this weekend and the opening ceremony will be held in Smáralind on Saturday 28 September between 12: 00-16: 00.

… And when the kids ask: "what's for dinner?", The answer is of course: "we are going to have Fish Day"!


Have you tasted the whey drink?

Rannís Science Week will take place in Háskólabíó on Friday 27 September. A selection of exciting research projects will be presented at the Science Week this year, as in recent years.

You will be offered a taste of the whey drink Íslandus, but the whey ice cream Íslandus, on which the drink is based, was chosen as the most environmentally friendly and promising innovation idea in Iceland in the food field in a student competition that was held recently. Mysuklakinn has a direct reference to Sölvi Helgason's life and Iceland 100% is natural and organic.

Elín Agla Briem and Sigríður Anna Ásgeirsdóttir, students in environmental and resource science at the University of Iceland, are the authors of Íslandus. The authors emphasized the improved utilization of products, the imaginative use of local raw materials and environmentally friendly production methods in the creation of the ice. Kjartan Þór Trauner, a student at the Iceland Academy of the Arts, was in charge of the product design.

Iceland was Iceland's contribution to the European EcoTrophelia 2012 competition, where ecological ideas from various European countries competed with each other.

Further information about Vísindavökan and Vísindakaffi, which will take place throughout the week, can be found on Rannís' website,

For further information Steinar B. Aðalbjörnsson, marketing director of Matís.


New video about Matís' operations in Akureyri

In Akureyri, Matís conducts research, development and innovation in collaboration with the University of Akureyri and other institutions and companies in the North, as well as elsewhere in the country.

Matís' operations are housed in the Research House at Borgir, where research facilities in the field of molecular science have been built up, but research is also carried out there in the fields of microbiology, chemical research, enzyme research, immunophysiology and food imaging.

During the development of Matís in Akureyri, emphasis has been placed on the involvement of students in research-related master's programs in extensive collaboration with domestic as well as foreign universities, research institutes and companies. In addition to most of the projects carried out at Matís in Akureyri, students in research-related postgraduate studies take a BSc degree in biotechnology or fisheries sciences.

At Matís' office in Akureyri, 2 specialists work in addition to a researcher and students in research-related postgraduate studies in projects carried out by Matís.

Matís' station manager in Akureyri is Rannveig Björnsdóttir, subject manager at Matís and associate professor at the University of Akureyri.

More information can be found here.

Matís' office in Akureyri