
Beautiful is a chilled fish

Today's Morgunblaðið publishes an article about Matís' reprint of a booklet that discusses the importance of good fish handling. The booklet is intended for all those who work at sea handling fish. You can access it here on the website.

A booklet about the importance of good fish handling was recently reprinted by Matís. The booklet focuses on the five most important aspects and is intended for newcomers and experienced fishermen. The previous edition was well received, the edition was exhausted, so the booklet was reprinted. Morgunblaðið contacted Arnljót Bjarki, where Matís' Processing, Value Added and Breeding Division was responsible for publishing and printing the brochure.

Here you can read the article as it appears in Morgunblaðið:

Matís has reprinted brochures on the importance of good handling of freshly caught fish. In particular, it mentions the five factors that matter most; bleeding, gutting, washing, hygiene and cooling.

Recruitment has been considerable in small boat operations, but a spokesman for Matís points out that the guidelines are aimed at all fishermen, whether they work on small boats or larger fishing vessels. However, there are indications that fishermen handle the catch in different ways.

Matvælastofnun employees; MAST, and the Directorate of Fisheries carried out temperature measurements in June on landed catches of 240 boats. The measurements were a total of 548 and took place across the country. There, the temperature of the catch turned out to be on average 3.2 degrees, but according to current regulations, the temperature must be below 4 degrees, four hours after the catch is taken on board. About 70% of the catch were below the required limit. About a third did not have the right temperature. About 7% boats brought uncooled fish ashore.

Long live the first model

Arnljótur Bjarki Bergsson, director of processing, value added and aquaculture at Matís, says that he is never too often reminded of the importance of handling the fish correctly, so that its quality is ensured for further processing. Measurements by MAST and the Directorate of Fisheries indicate that people need to take action.

"The first model has been around for a long time. It is important that the fish is handled professionally from the moment it is caught so that the greatest value can be made from the catch. Quality is the basis of all values, "says Arnljótur.

"Bleeding, bleeding and cooling are key issues on board the boats that do not accommodate gutting, but where possible, bleeding, bleeding, gutting and cooling are the key issues," he added.

Arnljótur points out that the summer session has changed the size limits of hook-catching boats and now houses larger boats. In larger boats, it is important to have good facilities on board for gutting. Cooling is a very important issue and it is necessary to keep the temperature of the catch low all the way to land. "The catch must meet the requirements that the fish processing industry makes for it. Processing and selling fish is about trust. People need to make sure they can sell fish again. Few people think that this is a one-time business, people probably want to be able to repeat the game. It is always about respect for the environment, raw materials and consumers, "says Arnljótur Bjarki.

Matís has created an ice calculator that provides information on the estimated ice demand based on current conditions. The calculator can be accessed on Matís' educational website: Ice demand (ice calculations)

The brochure: 


News MAST.


Matís participates in the "Great Fish Day"

The town festival "Fiskidagurinn mikli" will be held on Saturday 10 August in Dalvík. The festival gives visitors and walkers the opportunity to taste a variety of fish dishes and soups. Matís will be one of the sponsors of the festival next year.

The big fish day is the annual town festival in Dalvík where fish consumption is in the foreground. The big fishing day is held on the Saturday after the shopping weekend. There, fish processors and locals offer various fish dishes that the public can taste. Innovative dishes are often available, which remind us that seafood is an excellent ingredient that offers great potential. One of the most popular dishes on Fish Days is, for example, fish burgers that are grilled on an 8 meter long grill.

Everyone is allowed to eat as much as they can

On the Friday night before the big Fish Day, the big Fish Soup Night is held, but then the locals invite guests and pedestrians to taste home-made fish soup that each family has prepared to their liking.

The festival is therefore largely based on a positive experience of fish consumption and thus promotes it. This is extremely positive, as we at Matís believe that increased fish consumption is good for the nation's public health. In Iceland, fish consumption has been hit hard, despite the fact that health effects are well known. As one of Matís' goals is to improve public health, we focus on encouraging fish consumption and promoting innovation in food production. It is therefore a great pleasure to take part in this festival. This year, Matís will present its operations with Grímur Kokk, but the companies have had a good collaboration since 2008 and are now working on the development of consumer-friendly products that have been enriched with organic substances from seafood.

It is a real pleasure for us to announce that Matís will be the sponsor of the Great Fish Day 2014!

More information about the festival can be found on the website Great Fish Day.


Will food shortages lead to conflict?

Sveinn Margeirsson, CEO of Matís, was interviewed on Morgunútvarpið on Tuesday 9 July. In it, he spoke about the problems facing the world in terms of food production and food security today and in the near future.

In the episode, Sveinn discusses whether technological development will solve the problems facing food production due to population growth and a contraction in food production. However, research indicates that the increase in food production is slowing down and the natural tolerance limits of the soil have been reached. Sveinn points out, however, that there are still considerable possibilities in the utilization of the sea and marine products. But Icelanders have been a leader in research and development of fish processing.

He points out that the next major EU research program "Horizon" 2020 aims to tackle issues such as food security and the handling of bio-raw materials. Iceland is a participant in this project and some of Matís' projects are currently related to this research program.  

"Food, food prices and food production will continue to be a major issue that really needs to be considered. As the war of the past was to some extent about oil and access to those resources, I do not think it unlikely that future disputes will to some extent revolve around access to land, sea areas and possible technology that will help us with food production. In this big context, we must not forget that many of the major revolutions in history have taken place when food prices have risen or when there has been a shortage of food, the French Revolution is just a good example. "

You can listen to the whole interview on RÚV website.


Research resources improved in Tanzania

A new and magnificent research vessel has been handed over to the Tanzanian government. It will be useful for research on fish stocks in Lake Tanganyika, which is one of the main sources of food in the country as well as in neighboring Burundi, Congo and Zambia.

Matís employees recently handed over a well-equipped research vessel for Lake Tanganyika in Tanzania to the Tanzanian government. With the delivery of the vessel, Matís' two-year development cooperation project in Tanzania formally ends, which, among other things, aimed to develop processing methods for fish and improve research resources and understanding of the aquatic environment. Many people base their livelihoods on fishing in the lake, as it is the second largest freshwater body in the world, although fishing and processing methods are primitive.

Promotes sustainable development

"With increased knowledge of the chemical composition of the water and the ecosystem, it is possible to promote the sustainable development of fish stocks and strengthen the integration of fisheries. The vessel will therefore be useful for research and assessment of fish stock sizes and for understanding the chemical development in the water, "says Margeir Gissurarson, project manager at Matís.  

Lake Tanganyika is located on the borders of Burundi, Congo, Tanzania and Zambia and is an important fishery resource with a unique biological ecosystem. The lake is about 32 thousand square kilometers in size or about a third of the area of Iceland.

Matís regularly participates in development cooperation projects around the world. This co-operation, for example, contributes to the development of knowledge in the food industry in developing countries at the Icelandic Development Cooperation Agency, the United Nations University and others working on development co-operation.

 The ship that was repaired The new ship is equipped with precise equipment


A recent summary report reveals environmental toxins

A recent review report on per- and polyfluorinated alkanes (PFCs) revealed that there is a considerable lack of physicochemical data on a large proportion of these substances. However, there are indications that they can cause serious toxicity and harm to human and animal health.

The aim of the project was to obtain further information on how PFCs are used and released in the Nordic countries and the Arctic. The summary report was prepared by Matís in collaboration with a group of experts in the Nordic countries, for KLIF (Norwegian Climate and Pollution Agency) and the Nordic Chemistry Group (NKG), which is part of the Nordic Council of Ministers.

Affect reproduction

PFC materials are a very large and complex group of organic substances that have diverse functions. They have been produced for about 50 years by chemical synthesis, but they are not formed by nature. They are widely used in industry and in homes. Their use has so far been considered safe and therefore considerable. However, scientists' concerns began to arise when the widespread distribution of the substances was discovered in the environment (including polar bears), especially in light of research suggesting that PFCs may, for example, affect reproduction and that they degrade particularly slowly in nature.

Following these discoveries, the EU's attention has now been focused on examining the use and classification of these substances. The OECD has registered a total of 853 different fluoride compounds and more will be added to the group. This figure indicates that a number of more fluorinated substances are used today, at the same time as little is known about the sources of the substances and even less about their distribution and environmental impact.

The project work was divided into three main components. First, an analysis of the main per- and polyfluorinated substances and their use in various industries in the Nordic market. Secondly, an analysis of possible emissions and impacts in the Nordic environment and thirdly, a summary of knowledge about the toxicity of priority substances in this survey. The effects on both humans and animals were examined.

Few scientific studies on PFCs

The results show that there is a considerable lack of information on most PFCs in the Nordic market. In very few cases is there accurate market information on their chemical composition, quantity, production and use. However, current legislation does not require the publication of information on certain PFCs. These gaps are due to ignorance and trade secrets. Only a few scientific studies have been conducted on most PFCs in the Nordic environment and little or no research has been done on the effects of the substances on humans. However, animal toxicity studies have shown that individual PFCs can adversely affect normal development, reproduction and the immune system by reducing body weight, causing hepatotoxicity and affecting the endocrine system. sex and thyroid hormones.

When there is toxicity due to PFCs, there is rarely a single substance to blame, but it is usually a mixture of various PFCs mixed with other environmental factors. Future research on PFCs therefore needs to focus on the effects of mixing PFCs and their derivatives. In addition, there is a need for reference material for analysis, data on toxicology and information on their existence in humans and the environment. 

The research report was published as a Tema Nord report and can be accessed on the website Nordic Council of Ministers.


Icelandic sea salt improves the utilization of salted fish

Icelanders have long been known for their salted fish production, but it has been one of the foundations of the Icelandic economy, despite the fact that salt is mostly imported. A recent study indicates, however, that if Icelandic salt is used for the effect, the efficiency of the product increases.

Salting has been one of the main storage methods for Icelanders, along with drying and pickling for centuries. In Iceland, however, it was often difficult to utilize salting as there was a considerable shortage of salt in Iceland until the 17th century, as there was not enough knowledge here about processing salt from the sea. Here, too, there is not enough sun for sun-drying salt, as is well known abroad. Therefore, salt had to be imported and salted fish processing became popular in Iceland, as access to salt increased. Exports of salted fish began around 1800 and Iceland soon became one of the largest producers of salted fish in the world, and it has since been one of our most important export products and for a long time well established Icelandic economy.

The consumption of salted fish is based on an old tradition and consumption is particularly high in Southern Europe and Latin America. Therefore, salted fish processing is still an important part of catfish processing, despite the fact that modern technology offers other storage methods such as cooling or freezing. The reason for this is the special taste characteristics that salted fish has and is formed by its action where the smell, appearance and texture change.

Salted fish have a high shelf life and are mainly based on the fact that the salt reduces the proportion of water in the fish muscle, which prevents the growth of microorganisms. When processing salted fish, the key is to use high-quality food salt to ensure the quality of the product. Attempts have been made in Iceland to process salt domestically, and a recent study was carried out here at Matís in collaboration with the company Agnir ehf. and Keilir Energy and Technology School, which aimed to use the geothermal sea in Reykjanes to produce salt, which could be used in salted fish production, among other things. The project was funded by the AVS Fisheries Research Fund and the Icelandic Technology Development Fund. A method was developed to produce salt with geothermal energy in Reykjanes. This production method is well suited for controlling the chemical composition of the salt, which is particularly important to ensure the correct effect. The salt extracted from the geothermal sea was compared with imported salt from the Mediterranean in the production of salted cod fillets. The results showed that higher utilization was obtained in the salted fish processing with salt extracted from the geothermal sea, and that the processing took less time as the uptake of salt into the cod muscle was higher compared to the imported salt. Salt extracted from the geothermal sea was therefore completely comparable in quality to imported salt. It is true once again that here in Iceland we have unique natural resources that we can use in a sustainable way, their purity and quality also make these products perfectly competitive and sought after.


Shrimp - brine based on characteristics




Arnljótur B. Bergsson, Ásbjörn Jónsson, Gunnar Þórðarson, Lárus Þorvaldsson, María Guðjónsdóttir, Minh Van Nguyen, Sigurjón Arason

Supported by:

AVS Fisheries Research Fund


Gunnar Þórðarson

Regional Manager

Shrimp - brine based on characteristics

The volume of imported frozen shrimp requires good care in the thawing of the raw material, as shrimp pickling is particularly important for the processing of the product produced from the raw material. Efforts were made to ensure that the best procedures for thawing and pre-packaging were shrimp in terms of raw material properties. Raw material properties were mapped using traditional certified measurement methods as well as low-range nuclear measurements and enhanced with near-infrared spectroscopy. Changes in shrimp that occurred during shrimp pickling were monitored. Processing conditions were mapped using alternate models. The effects of using phosphate as a technical aid were investigated. The correct proportions of shrimp and brine, as well as the temperature of the brine, are prerequisites for stability in pre-pickling so that the desired results are achieved. With proper application, phosphate increases the efficiency of shrimp processing but does not accompany shrimp in the packaging of consumer products. Maladjusted brine reduces utilization.

The volume of imported frozen shrimp demands optimal processes for defreezing the raw material. Brining is most important for the processing of the product that is produced from the raw material. Efforts were made to optimize defreezing and brining of shrimp depending on raw material quality attributes. Quality attributes of shrimp were mapped by accrecated methods as well as NMR and NIR measurments. Changes in shrimp were observed during the brining process. Processing conditions were charted with thermo ‐ models. Effect of usages of phosphate as technological adjuvants was observed. Porpotions of shrimp and brine, as well as temperature of brine are presumptions of stability during brining for expected results to be achieved. With correct application, phosphate increases processing performance and does not accompany shimp into packaged consumer product. Uncontrolled brining reduces product / raw material yield.

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Dangerous epidemic in the West

How to deal with lifestyle-related diseases? - Interview with Svein Margeirsson, CEO of Matís.

Today, it is estimated that more than 2 billion people in the world have to deal with the consequences of overweight and obesity at the same time as almost one billion people are malnourished. The vast majority of obese people live in the West, where lifestyle-related diseases are now the main threat, while malaria and HIV are the main risk factors in the malnourished regions of the world. The threat of lifestyle diseases is real and has grown significantly in the last decade. Today, it is estimated that 86% deaths in Europe can be attributed to them.[1] But what can you do? Do the pharmaceutical industry need to be strengthened or can other solutions be found?

Sveinn Margeirsson, CEO of Matís, believes that in order to reverse the trend, a change in the public's mindset and a concerted effort in the field of research and innovation in the food and biotechnology industry are needed. He says public health is the challenge of tomorrow, if we are to stop the lifestyle diseases that are a real epidemic in the West. But one of Matís' main roles is precisely to promote better public health.

How can the situation be addressed?

"In the fight against diseases such as scurvy, tuberculosis and measles, education and information played a key role as well as research. The same goes for lifestyle diseases. We should look at education and research, in line with the business world. Research by scientists, in collaboration with pharmaceutical and food companies, can achieve significant results. But for this to be realistic, new ways and priorities need to be sought, and it may well be that greater success for the whole is achieved by researching, developing and educating, in order to prevent lifestyle diseases instead of tackling them in a gigantic way. and an ever-expanding healthcare system. And in fact, all the ministers of education, finance and innovation of the Western world should ask themselves which way is more feasible and more beneficial to society in the long run. "

What has Matís put on the scales? 

"We believe that a vibrant economy, in the form of institutions and companies, is a prerequisite for welfare and quality of life. Sustainable use of resources is another prerequisite, and in order to be able to utilize resources in a sustainable way, a great deal of knowledge is needed. Therefore, the "knowledge industry" and the "raw material industry" go hand in hand, but are not opposites as is sometimes suggested.

"That is why we have placed great emphasis on increased connections with educational institutions, and it can be said that Matís has made good progress in the bridge construction that needs to take place between educational institutions, research companies and the business community. Experience shows how much that bridge can contribute to increased value creation. In addition, food production in Iceland largely takes place outside the capital area and since the establishment of Matís, emphasis has been placed on the operation of establishments all over the country to follow the emphasis and opportunities in each area, in collaboration with locals, which has given good in fact. " 

How does Matís envisage changing people's consumption patterns?

"We can undoubtedly look to Norway and learn from how they have developed a research and development program that aims to exploit and underpin the strengths of the Norwegians; fisheries, at the same time as looking to the future and focusing directly on how the Norwegian fisheries sector can contribute to solving the challenge of lifestyle diseases. Norwegians value things so that future food consumers will look at their health effects, no less than at getting a full stomach. Fiskeri og Havbruksfonden, which is in fact a huge Norwegian marketing program in the fisheries sector, under the management of the sector in that country, is the driving force behind this effort, in good cooperation with research institutes, universities, the Norwegian Ministry of Fisheries and the Norwegian Ministry of Health. "

 "In this country, there is a considerable need for us to use seafood for consumption, and in order for that to happen, the discourse on the fishing industry in society needs to be changed, which at present is mainly about quotas and fishing license fees, but not the benefits of consuming seafood. Today, young people, aged 17-26, eat an average of 30-40 g of fish a day, which is equivalent to about one bite, which is remarkable in light of what we know a lot about the health of seafood and the impact of lifestyle diseases on the health system. .[2] Increasing the consumption of seafood is, of course, just one example of an action that could contribute to better public health. "

"There are great opportunities in activating the entire value chain of education, research, development and innovation in this field. We must systematically address the major challenges in the field of public health, with research and development in the arsenal. Otherwise, there is a risk that the health care system will not be able to cope with the problem that afflicts society. We should be able to do better than that. "

[1] Hannes Hrafnkelsson: "Chronic lifestyle diseases - the greatest threat to health today", Læknablaðið 5th issue, 99th year 2013.

[2] Gunnþórunn Einarsdóttir, "Attitudes and fish consumption of young people: Improving the image of seafood", Essay for an MA degree from the University of Iceland 2008. See:ör_og_fiskneysla.pdf


Matís in the Faroe Islands

Sigurjón Arason gave a speech at the opening of the Examiner's Center

The Examiner's Center in the Faroe Islands recently started operations. Matís has long had a good working relationship with our cousins in the Faroe Islands, and at the opening of the Examiner's Center, Sigurjón Arason, Matís 'chief engineer, was invited to give a talk on Matís' operations and opportunities for value creation in food production. 

Here's a brief news from the website of the Faroe Islands Knowledge Center about Sigurjón's visit. About making it easy for everyone to reminisce about the Faroese!


Improved utilization of lumpfish




Gunnar Þórðarson (Matís), Skjöldur Pálmason (Fiskvinnslan Oddi), Ólafur Reykdal (Matís)

Supported by:

AVS V 11 020‐11


Gunnar Þórðarson

Regional Manager

Improved utilization of lumpfish

The Ministry of Fisheries and Agriculture's regulation, No. 1083/2010, made it obligatory to bring all grayling catch ashore after 2011. It was therefore necessary to react quickly and find a market for the grayling itself, but only the roe had been harvested and the rest thrown into the sea. . A great deal of entrepreneurship had taken place for several years, and it is worth mentioning the National Association of Small Boat Owners and the export company Triton in that context, which together built up a market for grayling in the Chinese market, with a bang and all. It should be noted that the roe is about 30% by the weight of the grayling, while the whale with the head and tail is about 55%, of which the fillets are only 14% of its total weight. There was a lot of work to be done and it is clear that there is great value in this underutilized fish species and great opportunities would be created in many coastal settlements for the production and export of grayling. At the same time, increased income for fishermen and the fishing industry, as well as the fact that the grayling was now mostly brought ashore, which created a lot of work for production parties. Cutting for the Chinese market is different from the traditional method and requires more complex procedures, but it requires better working conditions that do not exist on board small fishing boats. There was little information on the chemical and nutritional content of grayling, but such information is necessary when marketing products. A detailed report was prepared on the material and raw materials are used in many parts of the country. Shelf life tests were performed on frozen grayling. A conference was held in Patreksfjörður where stakeholders in the fishing, processing and export of grayling were invited to discuss the interests of the industry.

A new regulation from Minister of Fisheries and Agriculture, No. 1083/2010, require returning all lumpfish fished in Iceland, after 2011. A quick action had to be taken to find markets for lumpfish itself, but only the roes which have been processed but the rest of the fish have been discarded into the sea. With entrepreneurial activity for some years now new markets have been developed in China, by the National Association of Small Boat Owners in Iceland in cooperation with the export company Triton. It should be noted that the roes are only about 30% of the total weight of lumpfish, with head and tail about 70% of its total weight. There was much to be done to save value in the lumpfish business and great opportunities for small communities relying on this business and find a market for the lumpfish product and create extra value for stakeholders. Furthermore, increased income for fishermen and fishing communities by creating valuable work by processing the fish at shore. Gutting and trimming the lumpfish for the China market is different from the traditional approach and calls for more sophisticated self-administration, but it requires better working conditions that do not exist on board small fishing boats. Very little information on chemical composition and nutrient value has been available for lumpfish products. An in-depth report on this subject was prepared, using samples from different regions in Iceland. Self ‐ life experiments were prepared by this project. A work shop was held in Patreksfjordur in May 2013, with stakeholders from the lumpfish business participating.

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