
Matís at the Future Days of the universities

Future days 2011 will be held next. Wednesday, February 9 in the premises of Háskólabíós.

As before, high participation among students can be expected this year. Framadagar is therefore an ideal platform for companies to reach the future workforce of the nation by introducing themselves and their activities and thus gain a certain advantage over competitors in the race for the most qualified staff.

As usual, Matís will have a large booth and will present his activities throughout the day. Framadaga brochure 2011 can be found on the Framadaga website,, but there are some fun commercials from Matís.

Further information can be found at and with Jón Haukur Arnarson, or Steinar B. Aðalbjörnsson,


Beautiful fish nominated for an award at the Edda Festival

The idea for the episodes came from Gunnþórunn Einarsdóttir at Matís and Brynhildur Pálsdóttir.

The episodes "Fagur fiskur" are nominated for an award at Eddun. Matís produced the episodes together with Sagafilm. The idea for the episodes ignited Gunnþórunn Einarsdóttir food scientist at Matís and Brynhildur Pálsdóttir, product designer. They got Sagafilm, Sveinn Kjartansson chef, Áslaug Snorradóttir photographer, Hrafnhildur Gunnarsdóttir director in a team to make the idea a reality.

The production of the episodes was supported by AVS research fund in the fisheries sector.

You can access recipes, information and watch the episodes on the website, you can also check out the show's Facebook page.

More about Edduna and 2011 nominations here.


Does it matter "whose Lensk" fish is when people argue about fishing rights?

Matís publishes a booklet on DNA research on marine animals.

Matís has developed over 30 methods for genetic analysis of animals. There is a lot of development work behind each analytical method, where an attempt is made to combine as many genetic markers as possible into one disappearance (multiplex). This saves both time and costs when multiple samples are analyzed. In some cases, there is no genetic marker for the species. In those cases, it is necessary to start developing new genetic markers. At Matís, new genetic markers have been developed for many species of marine animals (cod, herring, lobster, mussels and salmon) and in other species, known genetic markers have been changed to make the work more efficient. Several of these methods have been described in peer-reviewed scientific articles.

In population analysis studies, variability in the genotypes of animals from different areas is examined, cf. the example of the cod above. The international community (eg the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea; ICES) calls for information on strains in genetic diversity. Successful decisions have already been made based on genetic data, as the example of the redfish below shows (see the section Genetics proves its value).

In fisheries management, it is very important to know whether there are variable stocks or stock units of a certain type when allocating fishing licenses. In this area, genetic analysis can be a key tool. It is very important for Icelanders to be able to define the stocks that belong to Iceland and can therefore be classified as a resource for Icelanders. If Iceland joins the European Union, this is even more important than ever. It should therefore be a priority in Icelandic marine research to define the genetic resource that belongs to the country. It is also in accordance with international conventions that Iceland has signed to guarantee the conservation of its genetic resources.

The brochure can be found here.

Anna Kristín Daníelsdóttir, Director of Safety, Environment and Genetics, provides further information. Additional information can also be found here.


Processing properties of different potato varieties




Valur Norðri Gunnlaugsson, Jónatan Hermannsson, Þórdís Anna Kristjánsdóttir, Aðalheiður Ólafsdóttir, Vilberg Tryggvason

Supported by:

Adaptation Fund of the Horticultural Farmers' Association


Valur Norðri Gunnlaugsson

Research Group Leader

Processing properties of different potato varieties

4 varieties were grown. Seeds of Belana and Annabelle came from producers abroad, seeds of Premier and Gullauga were obtained from Bergvin at Áshóll. The cultivation took place at Korpa and was primarily a production of raw materials for processing tests, but crop measurements were made. The variants came out very differently from the processing component. The new varieties Annabelle and Belana seem to be quite suitable for processing pre-cooked potatoes, although the "kidney-shaped" shape of Annabelle caused some disappointment, but this shape has not been a problem in previous experiments with this variety. In the consumer survey, participants identified a large difference between potato varieties and the participants' tastes were different. In general, the Annabelle potatoes came out best in the consumer survey.

Four different strains of potato were tested in processing of precooked potatoes. The strain Annabelle was best liked by consumers, but the kidney like shape did cause problems during processing.

View report


Matís has operations all over the country

From the beginning, Matís has been based on a network of offices throughout the country. There are now 9 offices, including the company's headquarters in Reykjavík, and their employees are connected to all areas of the company. The newest establishment is in Flúðir, but it was established at the end of 2010.

The emphases of the establishments are diverse, reflecting Matís' broad field of work and professional knowledge within the company. In the same way, the establishments also take into account the local community in each place and the needs there. For example, Matís' offices in Ísafjörður and the Westman Islands are in two of the country's larger fisheries locations, at Matís in Höfn in Hornafjörður a lot of work has been done with lobster producers and in Sauðárkrókur biotechnology is the key to collaboration with locals in food processing. The measurement service in Neskaupstaður is important for both production companies and official regulators in the health sector in East Iceland, and Matís in Akureyri has built up extensive research knowledge in aquaculture. Finally, there is the mention of the three food factories that Matís has built up in recent years in Höfn in Hornafjörður, Egilsstaðir and now in Flúðir. It opens up the possibilities for many enthusiastic food producers in the region and helps them to make their dreams of products and business innovation a reality.

With work around the country, Matís underlines the company's willingness to work with people at home in the provinces on a variety of projects that can strengthen the economy, increase innovation and increase employment. Matís' policy is that in the coming years the company will further strengthen this emphasis throughout the country.

Further information on Matís' offices can be found here.


MAST educational meeting: Internal control of food companies - Matís offers very powerful courses related to this topic

Matvælastofnun will hold an educational meeting on internal control of food companies on Tuesday 25 January at 15-16. The meeting will discuss good practice and the requirements for internal control of food companies.

The new food legislation places increased emphasis on the responsibility of food producers for their own production. Food companies must ensure that food is produced in conditions that meet the requirements of good practice and that food is safe to consume. With internal control, food companies demonstrate responsibility and internal control is one of the prerequisites for an operating license. Supervisors such as the municipal health inspectorate and the Food Administration must examine the effectiveness of internal inspections in inspection visits. The effectiveness of internal control is one of the factors that is taken into account when determining the frequency of control visits. Food companies can therefore influence control costs through active internal control that covers all of the company's operations.

The educational meeting will review the requirements and good practices that must be followed in the production of food. Examples of good practice and effective internal control will be presented, along with the introduction of a new brochure on internal control.

It is worth mentioning that Matís offers courses for companies for internal control. Information about Matís courses can be found here but also provides Margeir Gissurarson Further information.


  • Dóra S. Gunnarsdóttir, food scientist at the Food Administration
  • Guðjón Gunnarsson, food scientist at the Food Administration
  • Sigrún Guðmundsdóttir, health representative at the Health Inspectorate of the South

It will be possible to follow the educational meeting live on the MAST website under Publication - Educational meetings. A recording will also be published there after the educational meeting.

The educational meeting will be held in the district office of the Food Administration in Reykjavík at Stórhöfði 23. The entrance to the MAST building is on the north side (Grafarvogsmegin).
Everyone welcome!


New information source at Matís - Kæligátt

In order to ensure better quality and more valuable products, care must be taken with procedures and handling of raw materials and problems in the handling, processing and transport of fish products. Cooling from the time the fish is pulled from the sea and at all stages of the value chain is a key factor in maintaining maximum quality for as long as possible.

ChillFish is Matís' new information provider with practical guidelines and discussion on cooling and handling of fish at all levels of the value chain from target to market. The guidelines are presented in a user-friendly way and will hopefully be useful to fishermen, manufacturers and carriers and will also be useful in training and seminars in this field.

The guidelines are based on research carried out within the Chill on refrigeration projects (, Simulating cooling processes ( and Kælibótar which were funded by AVS, Tækniþróunarsjóður and Rannsóknasjóður Háskóli Íslands and also by regulations from Matvælastofnun. Four doctoral students and three master's students worked on the projects and Matís' staff is the first or second author in 10 scientific disciplines and more are expected. The results of many experiments have also been published as Matís reports and are very easy to access

Among other things, Matís' research has shown that sea transport is a realistic possibility for Icelandic fresh fish producers. However, this is based on the fact that the temperature control in containers is as good as it gets. Computerized thermodynamics and hydrology have been used to develop new refurbished foam boxes that can extend both the freshness period and the shelf life of fresh products in air transport chains by two days. Significant developments have taken place in rapid microbiological analysis and it is now possible to diagnose various pathogens and pathogenic microorganisms in a much shorter time than was previously possible, which should be useful in the food industry. This development provides the possibility of using forecasting models developed in the Chill-on project in collaboration with the Wessex Institute of Technology (WIT, UK). Shelf life of fresh cod products can be predicted in the temperature range from -1 ° C to + 11 ° C based on the number of pests and known temperature history. Models were also developed that predict the growth of major pathogenic bacteria under similar conditions.

For further information Emílía Martinsdóttir.


Matís is in charge of relatedness analyzes of sand dunes in southern China

"Our collaboration has mainly been based on the fact that Matís has identified for us a relationship in the spawning stock of sandeel that we have here," says Jóhannes Hermannsson, who runs a company in southern China that specializes in sandeel farming.

"The results of this will become clear in the next two years," says Jóhannes.

The company has operated in its current form for three years and is owned by parties in Hong Kong and an Icelander who lives there. The fire is located in China, just north of Hong Kong. "We grow the fish in closed indoor circuits and can produce about 300 tons of sandeel a year. The environmental conditions here are quite far from the natural conditions of the sandeel because it thrives well in temperatures from 12 up to 17 degrees. Sea temperatures here in southern China may drop to 16 degrees when it is coldest in winter and well over 30 degrees in summer. We are therefore raising the fish in an environment that is far from its natural environment. Farming of sand eels in tanks on land is known, for example in Spain, France, South America and elsewhere, but eel is known as a quality raw material in better fish dishes, "says Jóhannes, whose company sells almost all the fish from the fire live to restaurants, hotels. and shops. "Here is the same sign between a fish being alive and looking good and being fresh."

Matís has specialized in technology to analyze relatedness in aquaculture and Jóhannes' company uses this knowledge. "Possibly we could have acquired this knowledge elsewhere, but in a way we have easier access to services at Matís as that company is neither very large nor complex. We can say that in this case both enjoy being Icelanders. We know where we are going and what we can get. It is most important for us to have access to knowledge that is significant within Matís' walls, "says Jóhannes Hermannsson, who expects that in the future samples will be sent regularly from his company in southern China for analysis by Matís.

For further information Ragnar Jóhannsson at Matís.


Environmental pollution in Iceland - monitoring and research

The first conference on environmental pollution in Iceland will be held in Reykjavík on Friday 25 February 2011.

The aim of the conference is to present the work and results of the main parties working to assess pollution in Iceland. Emphasis will be placed on all monitoring and research participants contributing to the conference.

The conference is divided into two parts. Before noon, emphasis will be placed on monitoring environmental pollution in Icelandic nature. After the lunch, there will be presentations of research on pollution in the air, uterus, soil, humans and animals. The arrangement of the conference is that in each section, several presentations from submitted abstracts will be selected, with an emphasis on monitoring on the one hand and research on the other. These presentations provide an overview of the state of affairs in Iceland today. There will also be a strong emphasis on posters where researchers are given the opportunity to present their projects. Conference guests will have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the various monitoring and research projects on these posters and discuss these projects in person with researchers during coffee breaks and poster presentations.

The program can be found here.

The deadline for submitting abstracts was 1 December 2010

Registration without promotion is sent to the same email address.

The Planning Committee answers questions
Gunnar Steinn Jónsson Environment Agency,
Hrönn Ólína Jörundsdóttir Matís,
Taru Lehtinen HÍ,

Scientific Committee: Hrund Ólöf Andradóttir UI, Taru Lehtinen UI, Kristín Ólafsdóttir UI, Gunnar Steinn Jónsson UST, Hermann Sveinbjörnsson Ministry of the Environment, Anna Kristín Daníelsdóttir Matís, Helga Gunnlaugsdóttir Matís, Hrönn Jörundsdóttir Matís.


More detailed instructions with the web application

Development of the web application "What's in the food -"Is not finished, but due to the wishes of many parties, it has already been made available on the web.

You can use the program to view the chemical content of food and make various calculations. These instructions should make it easier for people to use the program.

General items

  1. The Java application is required to be on a user's computer.
  2. To the left of the screen is a list of foods from the ÍSGEM database in alphabetical order. You can select individual food categories from the list by clicking on the drop-down list above it.
  3. The following options appear at the bottom of the screen: (1) Feed. (2) Nutrients. (3) Composition. (4) Recipes. The last two options still have limited functionality: (5) Me and friends. (6) Meals.  
  4. The search at the top of the screen is not active.

Need to find the chemical content of food?

  1. Click on FOOD at the bottom of the screen. Then on the right side of the screen you will find a table showing the chemical content of food. The content is stated for 100g of edible part of the food. On the other hand, if you add nutrients to a recipe or meal, the results are added to the bottom of the table and apply to the total amount of recipe or meal.
  2. Note that you need to use the list on the left to select (click on) the type of food you want to view. The lists on the left and right are together even though they are separated by a line and the blue cross is only in the list on the left.
  3. All foods can be sorted by increasing or decreasing the amount of one ingredient. Then click on the box under the name of the topic on the right.
  4. If you select NUTRIENTS at the bottom of the screen, you will get a list of nutrients in one food type. Remember to have the correct food choices in the list on the left. It is offered here that the program downloads a picture of the food in question, but this possibility is not advanced. The column to the right lists the desired amount, but keep in mind that this information may be incorrect if you are not defined in the correct group by age and gender.
  5. If you select COMPOSITION at the bottom of the screen, you can view a graphical representation of the nutrients. However, do not use the image that shows the energy distribution because the calculations are incorrect.

Need to calculate the amount of nutrients in a recipe?

  1. By pressing + in the center field, you create a new recipe. Click on the line for the new recipe to name it.
  2. Select the ingredients in the recipe from the list on the left and drag it to the box on the far right.
  3. You change the quantity of the raw material by clicking on the appropriate line under QUANTITY. In some cases, the dose can be selected under UNIT.
  4. The calculations happen as soon as you add new ingredients and state their quantity. The new recipe is added to the bottom of the list on the left. If you sort the list, the recipes are included. You need to select DIET or NUTRIENT to view the results. You view them as described above. The results are the amount of nutrients in the whole recipe or meal and not 100g as is the case for the foods (ingredients) in the list.
  5. You can copy the results to an Excel document. Then choose NUTRITION. Mark all the boxes you want to copy. You can copy with Ctrl-C and insert into an Excel document with Ctrl-V.

Do you need to calculate the amount of nutrients in a meal or meals for one day or several days?

  1. While the program is not advanced, the easiest way is to use the RECIPES option to calculate the amount of nutrients in a meal or daily intake.

For further information Ólafur Reykdal.