
Insects, yeasts and microalgae protein sources of the future?

"It is really possible to develop food products for people and feed for animals that contain these ingredients. Products that are, as a result, in many cases a healthier and more environmentally friendly option." This is what Birgir Örn Smárason, professional manager at Matís says, but for the past four years he has led a large collaborative project where alternative proteins have been the research topic. The project is now coming to an end and a harvest festival is ahead when the final conference will be held in Bremerhaven on September 7 and 8.

The NextGenProteins project is a collaborative project of 21 parties from 10 European countries, but Birgir Örn led it and other Matís staff worked on various aspects of it. The main objective of the project was to develop, optimize and optimize the production of three sustainably produced neoproteins, and verify their use in various foods and feeds.

"In short, it can be said that all the objectives of the project have been achieved. Of course, there will be some small changes in focus over the course of the project due to new ideas or results, but overall the plan was a complete success and everything that was supposed to be delivered was delivered."

The new proteins examined in the project are insect protein derived from by-products of food production, single-cell protein which is a yeast mass that thrives on the sugars of forestry products, and microalgae grown largely on CO2 emissions from geothermal power generation. We worked with a number of companies on the development of feed and food, which were then tested by consumers and in feed trials. The production of these proteins is, by most comparisons, sustainable and environmentally friendly, with a much lower carbon footprint and requiring less water and land use.

"We also demonstrated ways to work with consumers and gain their consent, and presented strategic proposals to simplify and change government regulations and policies towards a more sustainable food system."

Good cooperation in challenging times

The past four years have in many ways been particularly challenging for collaborative projects between different parties and different research groups between countries, as the pandemic put a damper on things. Birgir says that the cooperation has been incredibly successful. It was possible to use the technology during meetings, but the project's relatives had to exercise their patience while waiting for the results of various measurements due to the closures at the laboratories.

"despite all this, it can be said that the project went as planned, and it is therefore best to thank a strong group of participants who have all worked hard to achieve the project's goals. We can also mention a good group within Matís who has led the project forward."

Kick-off meeting of the project

Greenish chickens

Various interesting and unexpected things can be revealed during pioneering research work like this, and Birgir recalls the challenges that arose when developing foods and feeds with microalgae protein. "The green color in microalgae is so strong that even in small amounts it takes over everything. In one experiment where chickens were to be fed feed containing microalgae protein, the feathers turned green!” With increased research work, it was later possible to develop ways to reduce or remove the color and dampen the taste, making it easier to develop food products and feed.

Great interest in the issue and a follow-up project in the making

According to Birgis, further research is needed and there is a lot of interest in the issue. The results of the project need to be worked on, showing how it is possible to scale up the production of new proteins and bring them to market with the approval of consumers and the government. Furthermore, work needs to be started to introduce neoproteins to consumers, show their advantages and explain the production process and why this can be a healthier and more sustainable option. The foundation for such work was laid in the project, which will be useful in the future.

Sensory evaluation of products with neoproteins

"Matís has been working on projects related to new proteins and sustainable food systems for a long time and has joined the group of leading people who conduct such research. We will of course build on this and continue this journey. Our goal is to have a positive effect on food production as a whole, regardless of whether we look at Iceland or Europe, with sustainability as a guiding principle for the good of all".

The final conference of the project will take place on September 7 and 8, and it will be a sort of harvest festival. Birgir says he is most excited to meet the group again. The project went through all the waves of Covid which meant that we could not meet for more than 2 years which is very unusual for such a collaborative project and uncomfortable for many. "It will therefore be nice to be able to celebrate the success with all the participants of the project and discuss the next steps".   

We encourage those who are interested to follow the results of the project, which will gradually appear on its website and even sign up for the final conference. It is possible to watch the conference online.


The construction of Matís in Neskaupstað attracts attention

Recently, the web media Austurfrétt published a review of the updates to Matís equipment in Neskaupstaður that have taken place in recent seasons.

The coverage included an interview with Stefán Þór Eysteinsson, professional manager, who told about the latest addition in biomass plant Matís which is operated in Neskaupstaður, but it is a kind of centrifuge. In the biomass plant, you can find technologically perfect processing equipment that is well suited for the development and production of proteins and oils from by-products of food processing that can be used either in feed production or for human consumption and food production.

According to Stefán, the centrifuge is a definite backbone of the biomass plant's equipment complex and enables Matís to study almost all biomass that can potentially be further processed into some kind of product. In addition, the device allows us to scale up more with the aim of better simulating the real conditions at the customer's production site.

The news on Austurfré can be read in its entirety here:

A new device greatly increases Matís' research potential in Neskaupstaður

Matís' biomass plant can be found here:



LHÍ's visit to Matís

Students in the second year of product design at the Iceland University of the Arts visited Matís recently to get to know the activities and projects that are carried out here, but they placed special emphasis on how food will look in the future.

In the product design program, students receive, among other things, training in working on design projects in collaboration with associations, companies and institutions in society such as Matís. Þóra Valsdóttir, project manager at Matís, introduced them to the activities and the diverse projects that have been carried out here, before accompanying them around the building where they could see the facilities that Matís has to offer. Afterwards, the students had the opportunity to view VR videos from the project Future Kitchen in virtual reality glasses where the possibilities for the kitchen of the future are examined.

The videos are available on Matís' Youtube channel here:

Future Kitchen VR

The students were accompanied by the head of product design, Elínar Margot, who emphasizes that second-year students learn about food design and focus especially on how food and the culture around it will look in the future using the methodology of speculative design (e.speculative design).

The students asked about all kinds of diverse projects, so it will be interesting to see what they will do in the program and in the years to come.


North Atlantic Seafood Forum Innovation Competition

Since 2005, the North Atlantic Seafood Forum (NASF) has been an annual event where managers and stakeholders in the fishing industry and aquaculture meet in Bergen to learn about the main innovations and compare books.

This time, NASF will be held on March 5 – 7, 2024, and around 1,000 people are expected to attend the event. The target group of this three-day conference are managers and investors in the fishing industry, aquaculture and related industries, ie device manufacturers, marketing companies, banks, insurance companies, carriers, consulting companies, etc.

Among the things offered in the program is an entrepreneurship and innovation competition. 10 entrepreneurs will be given the opportunity to present their solutions and compete for great prizes. This is an extremely good opportunity for entrepreneurs to draw attention to their solutions that benefit the fishing industry and aquaculture. You can see the companies that were nominated at NASF23 here. Applications for NASF24 are now open. Are more information and registration sheets available here and we encourage Icelandic entrepreneurs to apply.


What will the food of the future be like? NextGenProteins photo contest results

This summer the project was completed NextGenProteins, which Matís is working on, for a photo competition for students aged 8-10. The topic was the food of the future, and the students sent in their graphic representation of how they envisioned the food of the future.

It is nice to say that the photo competition received more than 50 magnificent photos from elementary schools from all over the country. The pictures were hung inside the walls of Matís and staff and visitors were given the chance to vote for their favorite picture. Three films won outright and there was a lot to win. The first prize was a Nintendo Switch Light computer, the second prize was ISK 15,000. a gift certificate to Smáralind and the third prize was ISK 10 thousand. gift certificate in Spilavini. All winners have been contacted.

Here you can see the top three places in the photo competition:

1st place Saga Vogaskóli
2nd place Íris Vogaskóli
3rd place Victoria Höfðskóli

The winning photo has been sent to Germany, where it will be shown at the final conference of the NextGenProteins project, together with the winning photos of other nations participating in the project.

Matís and NextGenProteins would like to thank everyone who participated in the photo competition for their participation!


A new web application for calculating nutritional values


Ólafur Reykdal

Project Manager

The Matís website now offers a web application to calculate the nutritional value of food based on a recipe. The program retrieves information from Matís' ÍSGEM database, but it facilitates calculations of the nutritional value.

The web application was developed in the project New solutions in the work of food labeling but it was funded by the Food Fund. The project was carried out in collaboration with the Association of small food producers / Direct from the farm. Matís has worked with the association for many years, so it was clear that there was a need to facilitate the work on food labeling. The web application is supposed to speed up and simplify the work on food labeling, as it is possible to work with both ÍSGEM data and your own data. It is very important for small producers to keep track of information about all raw materials. The web application comes with a detailed manual on how to use the application and other information needed for food labeling. Programming work was done by the company Hugsjá ehf.

The web application can be accessed here.

Instructions for using the web application can be found here:


Extended accreditation of Matís microbiology laboratory

The Microbiology team in Reykjavík has been using MALDI-TOF technology (matrix assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry) for years to research and analyse a vast number of microbial strains.

Recently our Swedac accreditation has expanded to allow the accredited use of the MALDI-TOF biotyper to confirm Listeria monocytogenes.  The technology allows the laboratory to confirm Listeria monocytogenes and this is therefore a significant step forward in the speed of species identification of living bacteria. The aim is to expand the laboratory's accreditation to use this rapid technology for species identification of more disease-causing bacteria, and that process is well advanced.

Further information:

Basic Principles of Matrix-assisted laser desorption-ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry


Re-certification of the equal pay system


Marta Gall Jörgensen

Director of Human Resources

Last January, we did an audit of Matís' equal pay system, but Matís was first certified in January 2020, and we have therefore worked according to an equal pay system for three years. This is the first time a re-certification audit has been carried out on the Matís equal pay system and we are happy to announce that the Matís equal pay system has now received a new certification that it meets the requirements of the standard ÍST 85:2012, in accordance with Article 7. regulation no. 1030/2017, on certification of equal pay systems of companies and institutions based on the standard ÍST 85, cf. provisions of law no. 150/2020, on equal status and equal rights of the sexes. 


See the TV program about the project Green entrepreneurs of the future


Justine Vanhalst

Project Manager

A special TV program dedicated to the Matís project Green entrepreneurs of the future was shown on the TV station N4 recently.

One of the main outcomes of the project was teaching material about climate change and its effects on the ocean, marine ecosystems, fisheries and communities. The teaching material, which includes, among other things, teaching instructions, information, tasks, games and experiments, is aimed at students in the oldest grades of elementary school and will be trialled in three elementary schools in the school year 2021-2022.

Watch the episode here:


Matís is advertising for a project manager in Vestmannaeyjar


Tinna Brá Sigurðardóttir

Director of Human Resources

Vestmannaeyja Knowledge Center (ÞSV) and Matís ohf. wish to hire a project manager for a 100% job, about a 50% job at each company. The workplace is in the creative environment of ÞSV and partners at Ægisgatu 2 in Vestmannaeyjar.

The main part of the work at ÞSV, in collaboration with its manager, consists of carrying out regional projects on behalf of the Association of Southern Municipalities (SASS) according to a special agreement. Including providing advice in the field of employment and culture and overseeing grants for more interesting projects in the field of regional development in the South. 

The work at Matís is related to procurement, planning and participation in national and international research and innovation projects in the field of sustainable food production. The office in Vestmannaeyjar will be in good contact with food producers in the whole of the South. The person concerned will provide services including food research, consultancy and grant applications to research funds in collaboration with other Matís experts.

Area of work

■ Cooperation with companies, individuals and municipalities on regional development and innovation in the South  

■ Business and operational consulting 

■ Project procurement and assistance with project financing, such as by preparing grant applications 

■ Project management 

Qualification requirements

■ Education that is useful in work, for example food science, fisheries science, engineering, business science or technical education 

■ Good interpersonal skills 

■ Good oral and written communication skills 

■ Initiative, independence and ambition 

All genders are encouraged to apply. Applications must be accompanied by a detailed CV as well as the phone number or email address of the recommender.  

More information about the job is provided by:  

Hörður Baldvinsson, co. ÞSV simi 841 7710 and Jónas R. Viðarsson, department manager at Matís 422 5107. 

The application deadline is 13 November

Photo credit: Shutterstock