
A new web application for calculating nutritional values

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Ólafur Reykdal

Project Manager

The Matís website now offers a web application to calculate the nutritional value of food based on a recipe. The program retrieves information from Matís' ÍSGEM database, but it facilitates calculations of the nutritional value.

The web application was developed in the project New solutions in the work of food labeling but it was funded by the Food Fund. The project was carried out in collaboration with the Association of small food producers / Direct from the farm. Matís has worked with the association for many years, so it was clear that there was a need to facilitate the work on food labeling. The web application is supposed to speed up and simplify the work on food labeling, as it is possible to work with both ÍSGEM data and your own data. It is very important for small producers to keep track of information about all raw materials. The web application comes with a detailed manual on how to use the application and other information needed for food labeling. Programming work was done by the company Hugsjá ehf.

The web application can be accessed here.

Instructions for using the web application can be found here: