Matís 2023 conference

That June 6 In 2023, Matís hosted a special symposium on the future of food production in Iceland and the role of food research in promoting sustainable production, innovation and increased value creation.

Board of Directors:

Bergur Ebbi Benediktsson

9:00Presentation of the moderator – Bergur Ebbi Benediktsson
9:05Opening speech by the Minister of Food - Svandís Svavarsdóttir
9:15CEO Matís' address – Odd M. Gunnarsson
9:25Neoprotein – sustainable transformation of food systems – Birgir Örn Smárason, specialist manager at Matís
9:32VAXA - partner presentation, Kristinn Hafliðason
9:39Microplastics and food safety – Sophie Jenssen, expert at Matís
9:46Opportunities in pelagic fish processing – Hildur Inga Sveinsdóttir, specialist at Matís
9:53Intensive and more sustainable aquaculture practices – Wolfgang Koppe at Simplyfish
10:05Fish future – Panel | Þór Sigfússon at Sjávarklasanum, Hildur Inga Sveinsdóttir at Matís and Wolfgang Koppe at Simplyfish
10:15Coffee break | Presentation of small producers
10:30Policy and environmental issues – Anna Berg Samúelsdóttir, specialist at Matís
10:37Food production and climate issues – Jónas Viðarsson, field manager at Matís
10:44Sustainable fertilizer production in Iceland – Jónas Baldursson, expert at Matís
10:51Kátur is a meaty Krummi – Eva Margrét Jónudóttir, specialist at Matís
10:58Icelandic grain and food security – Ólafur Reykdal, project manager at Matís
11:05Are algae the food of the future? – Rósa Jónsdóttir, professional manager at Matís
11:12Global seaweed farming for food trends: challenges, benefits and risks – Prof. Alejandro H. Buschmann
11:37What is the role and future of research and innovation in food production in Iceland? Panel | Gunnar Þorgeirsson from the Farmers Association, Sveinn Agnarsson from HÍ, Hrefna Karlsdóttir from SFS and Birgir Örn Smárason from Matís.

Photographs: Anton Brink