Matvælið - Matís' launch

ÍSGEM: Information source on the nutritional value of food

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Ólafur Reykdal and Eydís Ylfa Erlendsdóttir are experts in the Icelandic database on the chemical content of foods, which is always called ÍSGEM. They are interviewees in this episode of Matvælin, Matís' podcast about research and innovation in food production.

In the episode, they discuss the history of ÍSGEM and the purpose of the database, whose history can be traced back to 1987, when the nutrients of various foods were recorded for the first time in Iceland. They also discuss the value of ÍSGEM and discuss why it is important that people in Iceland have access to verified, quality-assessed information about food and nutrients in open access.

They also discuss how the data can be accessed and used, what the current state of the data is, where the opportunities lie and, not least, how the base could be added to and expanded so that it becomes a universal information source for food.

Listen to the full episode here: